《Love sting's》Chapter7:the pain you feel


"Natsu will you...." Sting was suddenly interrupted by a knock on the door

"OH COME ON!" Rouge thought a little pissed

As sting popped a vein he had finally found the courage to ask then this happens!?

Rouge walked to the door to see gray and wendy

"Yes?" Rouge asked

"Wendy just wanted to stay for the night so I thought I'll go to" gray said as wendy had that I'm so sorry face

"Oh I see" rouge spoke a little annoyed

Gray then walked in with wendy behind him as both sting and rouge jumped

"Where the hell are your clothes!" Sting asked surprised

Rouge just turned away

"Sorry habit" gray said as he put his pants back on

"What kinda habit is that!?" Rouge asked

Sting just grabbed Nastu who was surprised and walked into stings room

"where are they going?" Gray asked

"I don't know?" Rouge spoke and watched the two

Wendy just smiled "leave them be"

Gray just raised a brow then sat down wendy stretched and sat down next to gray as rouge felt awkward so he spoke

"I'm going to make dinner now..." He then awkwardly left the room and headed to the kitchen

~with natsu and sting~

"So what did you wanna ask?" Natsu spoke

"Oh heh I forgot " sting asked and scratched the back of his head as he smiled and blushed

Natsu raised a brow at sting and sighed

"Yeah sorry Natsu"sting felt bad about lying but he lost the courage to ask

Natsu just looked closer at sting

"What's wrong Natsu?" Sting asked

"God your such a scatter brain.." Natsu replied as he put his face in his hands

Sting was now blushing but with a huge smile on his face as he hugged Natsu

"Hey sting..." Natsu spoke

"Yeah?" Sting replied

"your side is bleeding.." Natsu wiped some blood away with his hand as sting hissed a bit since Natsu hit the wound


"Sorry!" Natsu said as he bolted up and walked into the bathroom to get a rag with hot water on it

"It's fine Natsu hehe" sting laughed a bit and leaned back on a pillow

"How did you get so beat up!?" Natsu now noticed sting had scratches and bruises all over him

"It was nothing don't worry" sting just smiled as Natsu took the hot rag and placed it on the wound on stings side

"Is it when that guys attacked us?" Natsu asked

"Yeah Zeref is his name.." Sting said as he watched Natsu clean the wound

"Zeref.....?" Natsu repeated to himself as sting looked curious

"Natsu....do you know why zeref was after you?" Sting asked

"No I don't..." Natsu replied as he finished

"There all done" Natsu said as he threw the rag on the ground

"Thanks" sting smiled

"No problem" Natsu smiled and laid down on the pillow as he sighed and turned to his side

"Everything okay Natsu?" Sting looked a little worried

"Nah just that guy looked familiar..." Natsu replied

"Huh?" Sting looked a bit confused at Natsu's answer

"Never mind let's just forget about it..." Natsu looked down

"Natsu tell me...please" sting spoke and looked at Natsu

"Remember that nightmare I woke up from..." Natsu said

"Yeah?" Sting was confused now

Natsu then started to tell sting about the nightmare how zeref was there and how he had killed everyone Natsu started to tear up as he spoke About it

"......holy Mavis.." Was all that sting said as he heard the story

"Yeah..." Natsu said as he sat up and looked down

Sting didn't know what to say but he knew that the nightmare was no coincidence zeref must have had something to do with it

"Natsu....." Sting then moved and wrapped his arms around Natsu

Natsu didn't reply he just placed his hand on stings arm


They sat like that for a while till rouge walked in a little worried about how quiet the two where as he walked in he saw the two and spoke

"You two alright...?" Rouge said quietly as sting moved to look at rouge Natsu continued to look down

"Remember when Natsu had that nightmare....?" Sting asked Rouge who replied with a nod

"Zeref was in the dream it was terrible......zeref is after Natsu...." Sting spoke his thought as rouge looked at Natsu

"What happened....." Rouge asked

Sting looked at Natsu who nodded as to say yes as sting then explained the nightmare

".....God" rouge was now sitting with a look of pure surprise

Natsu kept looking down with shadows covering his eyes as a tear ran Down his cheek as he was reminded of seeing his freinds dead bodies....

Sting felt bad as he then placed both his hands on Natsu's cheeks and lifted Natsu's head up to face him as he as he used his thumb to wipe the tear from Natsu's cheek

"It's okay Natsu....I promise it won't happen I'll make sure of that" sting smiled softly at Natsu

Rouge smiled and walked out of the room and saw wendy looking a bit worried at him

"What is it?" Rouge asked

"They okay the have been in there for a while..." Wendy asked

"There fine......hey where is the ice stripper?" Rouge asked and looked around

"He went to go lay down" wendy replied

"In which room?" Rouge asked

"Yours....." Wendy spoke

Rouge rushed over to his room to see gray sleeping in his bed as rouge popped a vein he took a deep breath then walked over and tapped grays shoulder

"Wake up and get out of my room...." Rouge said as gray sat up and stretched then hopped out the bed

"Fine..." Gray then walked into the living room and saw Natsu,sting and wendy chatting as gray walked over and sat by Natsu and sting

"What where they doing that took so long...." Gray thought

"I'm gonna make dinner now" rouge said as he walked out his room

"Oh I can help!" Wendy sat up

"Okay wendy" rouge walked into the kitchen with wendy following right behind

There was a awkward silence other then wendy and rouge talking in the kitchen then gray spoke

"So....what where you two doing that took so long...?" Gray asked as sting looked at Natsu

"I was just helping sting with his wound...that's all" Natsu said as he got up and then walked into the kitchen

Gray and sting just looked at each other sting feeling a little annoyed to be left alone with the ice stripper then Natsu walked back with a drink and sat back down

About 25 minutes passed with the awkward conversations between the three then rouge and Wendy walked out the kitchen and told them dinner was ready

After dinner everyone decided they would watch a movie so everyone picked a movie

"Let's watch this one" gray pointed to one of the movies

"Nah let's watch a horror movie!" Natsu replied

Wendy looked a bit worried about the horror part as Natsu picked one and everyone decided that they would watch

Everyone seemed to get into groups sting sat with Natsu and Wendy sat with rouge and gray sat in the lone chair

They started the movie and 15 min in and gray fell asleep

The rest continued to watch and when it ended it was 1:00 in the morning as they all got up and headed to bed

"Umm rouge" Wendy asked

"Yeah" rouge replied while rubbing his eyes

"Can I sleep with you tonight...." Wendy asked as rouge looked at her and sighed with a slight smile

"Sure" rouge spoke as wendy and him walked into the room and went to sleep

As they slept a man sat in a tree behind the house as the tree started to die

".....Natsu" the man spoke

There was a scream....

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