《Love sting's》Chapter5:unexpected arrivals!


~authors note: dang this was rushed sorry but there mag be a special chapter for Valentine's Day so be ready ;3 and plz enjoy this chapter and show your love by voting and commenting thx!~

~gonna skip Sunday :x sorry!~

Natsu was sound asleep when he was suddenly woken up by a raven haired boy

"Time to wake up natsu you'll be late and so will we" rouge spoke

"Awww it's school today" natsu pouted and got up to get dressed as rouge left the room

After a bit everyone was ready to go so they ate real fast the ran to school

When they arrived they quickly ran in and was met with a bunch of new faces as sting ran into one of the new strangers as both sting and the mystery boy fell to the ground

"Gray-sama!" One of the strangers looked worried at the boy on the ground

"W-what the hell as that for" gray rubbed his head then looked in front of him to see sting being helped up by rouge and......natsu!

"Natsu!" Gray said

Natsu then looked up and saw Juvia,and Wendy helping gray up

"Guys!" Natsu said and he rushed over and hugged them

"Hey natsu" Wendy smiled and hugged back

"Nice to see you again!" Juvia said as she hugged him back

"It's awesome to see you again" gray hugged back tightly which was noticed by sting who just growled under his breath which earned him a glare from rouge

"Natsu you know these guys?" Sting asked

"Yeah there my old friends from fairy tail academy!" Natsu replied

"I see" rouge smiled

Gray the showed Natsu a paper which made him look curious

"What's that?" Natsu asked

"It's a pass for you to miss school for today" gray replied

"What!?" Sting spoke

"Don't worry it's only for today" gray told sting who looked a little annoyed

"Cool" Natsu spoke as gray smirked

"Let's go!" Gray grabbed Natsu's wrist and ran out the school as Natsu was surprised by this and then Wendy and Juvia followed behind leaving sting and rouge

"Grrrrr" sting growled as steam literally was coming off him from anger


"Calm down sting there just friends" rouge replied to sting jealousy

Sting just stomped off angry as rouge sighed and followed

As Wendy and Juvia went to go shopping Natsu and gray where walking in the mall buying food and messing around

"That blond haired friend of yours sure is clumsy" gray spoke

"He can be" Natsu laughed and replied

The two continued to laugh and catch up till 11:00 at night then the two said goodbye for the day as Natsu walked home he had a smile on his face the whole time when he entered the house he was met with a hug which made him blush

"S-sting!" Natsu said surprised

Rouge walked into see this and he was surprised at sting

"You had me worried" sting spoke

"Sorry sting" Natsu said then he suddenly hugged back which made sting blush as well as Natsu

Rouge just slowly moon walked backed into the kitchen quietly to give them space

The two stopped hugging and went to sit on the couch rouge then gave them there dinner and everyone went to there rooms as sting layer in bed he thought to himself

"I need to ask Natsu out but how can I do that damn it think think" he thought to himself as he dozed off

The next day was Sunday so Natsu decided to spend time with Wendy since they where good Friends

"Natsu it's been a while since we actually got to hang out" Wendy said as she smiled

"Yeah it's been crazy here so I couldn't really come and visit" natsu said scratching the back of his head

"Don't worry about i-" wendy stopped and looked i front of them with surprise a strange man in a black cloak was standing in front of them sending off great but dark magic energy

"What's wrong Wendy?" Natsu asked then looked at the direction the man was standing

"You....." Natsu was shocked as Wendy looked at Natsu with a confused look

"Natsu you know this man?" Wendy asked

"Not exactly" Natsu replied still looking at the man

"Natsu......" The man spoke as he started to walk closer

Wendy then felt a strong amount of magic energy as she grew dizzy and fainted


"WENDY!" Natsu looked at Wendy on the ground she had fainted

"What the hell did you do!" Natsu had flam s surround him as the man continued to walk up to Natsu

"Calm down Natsu....." The man spoke as he then appeared in front of Natsu and placed a finger on Natsu's forehead

"W-what are y-" Natsu spoke then everything went black

~Sometime before~

Sting and rouge where sitting around the house bored as could be when they felt a strong magical power appear in the city

"What the hell was that!?" Touge said as he got up and looked out the window

"No idea" sting replied

"Wait a minute......the magic energy is.." Rouge spoke

"It's near Natsu!" Sting jumped up and was almost out the door in a blink of an eye

Sting and rouge who was close behind ran to the magic energy as it got stronger they knew they where getting close as they turned the corner sting saw Natsu collapse as the strange man caught Natsu

"Natsu!" Sting said as he ran towards the man with his fist covered in a white glow as the man held Natsu he backed up and shot a black bean at sting who dodged and continued to try and hit the man

"Sting be careful!" Rouge spoke them he looked down to see Wendy slowly start to wake up as he ran to help

"Are you alright?" Rouge asked

"Y-yeah" Wendy replied then turned around to see the man holding Natsu and sting fighting to get him back

"What happened!?" Wendy asked

"I have no idea...." Rouge replied then picked Wendy up as Wendy looked surprised

As this happened Wendy watched as sting was being hit left and right with magic he was a scraped, bruised,and bloody as sting huffed

"He stands no chance......." Rouge spoke as he then shot at the man who looked up surprised as part of his cloak that was covering his face was torn off to revel a black haired man with dark eyes

"Z-zeref!" Sting,Wendy and rouge said shocked as Zeref placed Natsu down

"I'll come back....Natsu" zeref said then he disappeared

Sting the walked over to Natsu and picked him up

"Thank god your safe" sting said as he smiled and started to fall as Wendy noticed he was hurt really bad on his side but as quick as a flash rouge was there to catch the two

"Idiot" rouge sighed

"Hehe yeah" Wendy smiled and looked at sting"even in his sleep he still cares for Natsu" she thought as she saw even though he fainted he was still holding on tightly to Natsu

"he really does love Natsu" Wendy said as rouge looked at her and smiled

"Yeah this big idiot does" rouge just laughed

"Let's get these two home" Wendy suggested

"Yeah" rouge replied

~After a bit of trying to carry two fainted boys to the house~

"Damn he's hugging tight!" Rouge said as he tried to get sting to let go of Natsu

"He's like a snake....." Wendy said as she watched him try to pry stings arms

"He's got some death grip" rouge replied

Wendy sighed then patted rouges shoulder "just leave them" she laughed

Rouge just sighed and tucked the two into Bed as Wendy and rouge walked to the living room

"Hey it's almost Valentine's Day right?" Wendy asked

Rouge smiled and nodded"Yep"

"Is sting gonna ask Natsu?" Wendy asked

"Who knows" rouge replied the laid down on the couch

after a bit of chatting rouge fell asleep and so did Wendy

Sting felt something warm as he slowly opened his eyes and looked down to see pink just pink then it hit him that it was Natsu as he blushed and got up

"Agh!" Sting held his side then looked to see dried and some fresh blood as he walked out of the room to the living room to see rouge asleep as well as Wendy

As he slowly walked he made a loud creak as Wendy slowly opened her eyes and saw sting still all beat up

"sting what are you doing you need rest!?" She quickly got up and walked over to sting

"I'm fine" he gestured to her but she still told him to sit down so he did as she fixed him up they talked then the subject changed

"So you know how Valentine's Day is coming up?" Sting asked

"Yeah" Wendy replied

"Can I ask for your help?" Sting spoke

"With what?" Wendy looked curious

"I want to ask Natsu out on Valentine's Day could you help me? Sting asked

~wait for Valentine's Day for update ;3~

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