《Dragons Love (Sting x Reader x Natsu)》Let's Play


"AHHHHHH!!!" I screamed in pain.

"(Y/N)!" Erza cried.

"Shut up!"I heard Erza yelp in pain as Kyoka hit her hard. "You're next!" She grinned. Then she smirked devilishly at the two of us. "Oh, how I'm having so much fun."

In order to save Lisanna, I agreed to join them. Mard Greer brought me to a room where a saw Erza chained to a wall, getting tortured by the demon Kyoka. They stripped me down to my black bra and underwear and chained me to the wall next to her. Kyoka began torturing me in an attempt to get me to activate my curse power. I'm not exactly sure what that means though.

"Oh (Y/n)..." I weakly opened my eyes to see Mard Geer walking towards me and Erza. My head fell from exhaustion and I averted his gaze. He sighed. a shiver ran through me as I felt his cold fingertips trace up my bare stomach, then he gently touched my neck before lifting my head so I was facing him. My breathing was ragged and forced from pain and panic while his was calm and even.

"If only you would just activate your curse power like a good girl you wouldn't have to go through this." I felt Erza's confused stares on me.

"I-I told you I d-do-ont know h-how..." I muttered softly.

"(Y/n)..." He sighed again, this time angrily.

"W-w-what? W-was my agree..ing to h-help you revi-ive you m-master not e-enough for you?" I panted heavily once again. It was hard to talk, I was in so much pain.

"(Y/n)?" Erza sound confused, "What are you tal-"

"And you." Mard Geer interrupted her, he let my head fall again and walked over towards Erza "Just tell us where Jellal is and you and your white haired friend can go." When he said that my eyes widened.


'Is he talking about Lisanna or did they get Mira too? Or Elfman?'

"I told you I don't know where he is!" She yelled then cried in pain as Mard Geer dug his fist into her gut.

"L-leave her a-alon-one!" I shouted to the best of my ability. Mard Geer sighed and shook his head.

"This is none of your business. Kyoka?" She hit me again, but this time it hurt more than it has been.

'She must have increased my sensitivity to pain again...' But I refused to scream.

"Oh?" She cocked her head at me. "Putting on a tough act are we?" She grinned, "Maybe I'll just increase your sensitivity to pain all the way?" She did as she said she would, then hit me again. Hard.

"AHHHHHHH-" I screamed but then stop as my breath caught in my throat. My eyes widened and it felt as if my head was spinning. I felt a sharp pain in my chest, worse than I ever felt before. But I couldn't scream. No. I couldn't even breathe.

'whats going on'

'So I finally get to play?' I heard someone say.

My eyes darted around the room trying to find the source of the voice. Nothing.

'This is going to be fun.'

I let out a loud scream as shadows shot out from my body despite the magic canceling ropes on my wrists. The ropes disappeared as I fell to the ground with a quiet thud. It was quiet for a long time.

"(Y-Y/n)?" Erza painfully stuttered.

After a few more moments of silence, I started chuckling lightly. The room began to turn dark and gloomy as light shadows emitted from my body. I had a dark, evil aura around me. My hair was jet black and my bangs covered my eyes, all you could see was my devilish grin my chuckling grew louder. Eventually, I was standing straight up, still looking down at my bangs covered my eyes. I continued to laugh slightly swaying back and forth on my feet until I heard Mard Geer. I stopped to hear what he was saying.


"So she's finally awoken by her true power... Magnificent." He said. I laughed again.

"That's right." I grinned even wider.

"So I could leave this redhead to you then?"

I laughed once again.

"Let's play... Erza!" As I said that my head shot up revealing my glowing, blood red eyes as more shadows shot out in all directions from underneath my feet.

Now it was Mard Geers turn to laugh, "Looks like the game can finally begin."

"So it's finally happened huh?" Zeref sighed. "I wonder..." He said aloud as he repositioned himself in his chair so that his elbow was on the armrest while his head rested on his fist. He closed his eyes for a brief second before staring out the window to his left, "Will she win the fight inside herself and regain her memories of me or..." He smirked, his smile showing mischief...

"Will she lose her humanity entirely?"

'What will you do...


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