《5SOS Sickfics》Ashton- Zero Gives


5 Seconds Of Summer were in the middle of their Sounds Live Feels Live tour and having a great time. At the moment they were playing a couple shows in Los Angeles and were staying in the city for a week and a half, so they were staying in their shared house in LA. They'd met up with their dog, Ketchup, again, all four giving him big hugs. Tomorrow was their first show and they didn't have anything on today, so they had a day to relax.

The guys thought that they would be able to relax without anything happening, but Ashton woke up knowing his day to relax was not going to go well. You see, Ash woke up with a sick feeling to his stomach, a churning sensation. His neck and head ached, badly. Ash really didn't want to get sick at this moment in time, but yet again, he can't control when he is going to get sick.

He hopped up and walked to the bathroom to try ease the pain, but instead, he ends up throwing up. This is a really good way to start the day, Ashton thought to himself. He tried to be quiet when he threw up but he couldn't help the awful sound of retching. He just hoped to God that the lads didn't hear him. Most of all, he didn't want them to find out because they would baby him, like they always do when he is sick. And being babied is one thing Ashton did not want. He is 22. But the lads always thought he acted like a whiny 5 year old when he was sick, but he didn't think that.

Once Ashton assumed he had finished throwing up, he stood up quickly, but his stomach had other ideas. He only just caught the vomit threatening to spill out of his mouth and dumped himself in front of the toilet again, bringing up all the food he had ate last night. After 5 minutes of throwing up, Ashton realized there was nothing left to bring up, he stood up slowly and looked in the mirror, deciding he didn't look too bad. The boys probably wouldn't realize he had been sick.

Ashton then brushed his teeth before he headed out of the bathroom and down the stairs to the kitchen. He looked at the clock, it was 8:34am. He sighed, it was a free day so the lads probably wouldn't be up until 10 on their own. He decided making some breakfast is in order, whether it be for himself or the lads. He went to the fridge, pulling out some bacon, eggs and tomatoes. He turned on the stove, placing a pan on top and began cooking the breakfast.

Once he finished he piled it all onto one plate, placing it into the centre of the table. He turned to head up the stairs and wake up the lads, but his body had other ideas. Ashton doubled over, gagging. He managed to get over to the kitchen sink and started dry heaving, spitting into said sink. He managed to stop himself, pulling himself back to a standing position and ran the water through the sink, washing it out.


Once the sink was clean, he finished setting the table and headed up the stairs, the time now 9:17. He decided it was time to wake up the lads, as they would be getting up at 7 tomorrow. Ash headed to Calum's room, opening the door and finding him sitting on his bed, texting on his phone. He alerts him that breakfast is ready and Calum gives a thanks in reply, not even looking at Ashton.

He then went into Michael's room and stifled a laugh at the position that his newly-blonde bandmate was in. Michael had the sheets bunched up near his head, you could only see little blonde tufts of hair poking out from underneath. He was wearing black ripped skinny jeans, yellow socks, no shirt and no shoes. His right leg was hanging off completely and supporting him, stopping him from falling off completely. His right arm was holding onto the sheets and his left arm and leg were spread out wide, in a star jump position.

Ashton turned around and left the room, deciding there was no hope for the boy. He still had hope for Luke though. He went to Luke's room and quietly opened the door, hearing Luke's soft, gentle snores. Ashton decides it's too early for them to wake up so he walked out of Luke's room closing the door behind him. He headed back downstairs and into the kitchen. He decided Calum could come and get his own breakfast so he left the plate to one side, and leaving Luke and Michael's plates to another side.

He decided he should wake Luke up, so he went back Luke's room, walking over to his bed and shaking him awake. It took a while for Luke to realise it was time to get up, but finally, after 10 minutes, he finally woke up. Ashton told him to go and wake Michael up whilst he got Calum up. So Luke did as Ash told him to and went to wake up Mikey. There was a good reason why Ashton didn't want to wake Michael up, and that was because he is always stubborn in the morning and hard to wake up.

Ashton went into Calum's room, hearing the creaking of Michael's bed and Michael's shouts as Luke jumped on the bed to get him up. Ashton went over to Calum's bed, leaning on the wall so he could see what was on his phone. He waited for a few minutes but Calum didn't respond so he decided to take action. He poked at Calum's ear first, but all that got was a shake of the head. He then poked at Calum's left eyebrow a few times, which earned a small smile and another shake of the head.

Ashton smiled himself and then used a finger on each hand to tap lightly on Calum's eyebrows, kind of like hairy drums. Calum smiled and let out a small whine, shaking his head once again. Ashton didn't stop though, so Calum took his left hand off of the phone to swipe at Ashton's hands. Ashton laughed and moved his fingers down Calum's face to his cheeks and started tapping. Calum burst out in laughter and put his phone down, jumping off the bed.


"Where'd that come from?" Calum laughed, walking back over to the bed and turning his phone off.

"My genius brain." Ashton claimed.

"Your genius brain... nice try mate." Calum teased, walking out of the room with Ashton in tow.

"Thanks for believing in me." Ashton deadpanned.

"You're welcome." Calum joked back. The two walked downstairs to find the other two already tucked into the food. Ashton winced at the sound of the cutlery scraping against the surface of the plates but kept himself from showing any other signs that something is wrong. Calum went over to the table while Ashton went to the cupboards and grabbed out a glass, filling it with water before heading to sit on the couch, his headache coming back hard.

"You not eating?" Michael questioned.

"I ate before, you guys took too long." Ashton lied.

"Ok, well, thanks for breakfast mate" Michael said. Ashton nodded and moved his plates placing them in the sink.

"You need a break Ash, why don't you take a break and me and Calum will do the washing up" Luke suggested.

"Yeah, that'd be great. Thank you." Ashton beamed. He was just exhausted and needed a break.

"Ok, if Cake are doing the washing up, do you want to go play cod with me Ash?" Michael suggested enthusiastically.

"Yeah sure" Ashton replied. The two left Cake to do the washing up whilst they farted (hehe) on the sofa. They both grabbed controllers and Mike set up the game.

Halfway through the game when Ashton got killed Michael jumped up cheering, "BOOM YEAH!" He sat back on the sofa and turned to Ashton, instantly noticing his pale face.

"You ok Ash?" Mike asked and Ashton nodded. Michael shrugged it off and went back to his game. He kept a good eye on Ashton though. The other two joined them in playing on the console about 15 minutes later, the dishes done. They kept playing until Mike and Luke went to make lunch. Calum and Ashton continued playing until they were called into the kitchen for lunch.

The two entered the kitchen and sat down at the table, where a pot of spaghetti bolognaise had been placed. All four lads sat down at the table and Luke served everybody some of the wonderful pasta. Calum, Michael and Luke dug straight in while Ashton played with his food. Calum noticed this and decided to ignore it, sure that Ash would start eating soon. But he was proven wrong when Ashton didn't lift the fork to his mouth for a full 5 minutes.

"Ash, are you alright?" Calum questioned, legitimately confused. "You haven't eaten anything."

Ashton lifted his head to look at his bandmates, all three of which were looking at him. He sighed, "I'm fine, just not hungry."

"You sure?" Luke asked. "You do look a little.."

"DON'T YOU DARE SAY I LOOK PALE! MICHAEL IS THE DAMN PALE ONE!" Ashton exploded, rising from his seat. "I'm done with this shit, just leave me alone."

He pushed his chair away and left the bathroom, and his stunned bandmates, behind as he went up to his room, collapsing on his bed with tears running down his face. He didn't mean to snap on them. He was just so sick of them bugging him. He appreciated them worrying about him, and acknowledged that he should have taken their help, he just needed some personal space every so often.

Michael had sneaked upstairs to see if Ash was asleep and he was. The lads wanted to declare one thing and make it straight. Ashton was sick but they didn't want him to hear them say he was sick in case he snapped on them again.

"He's asleep" Michael said, meeting the other guys at the dinner table again.

"We need to make this straight. Ashton is sick" Calum declared, the other two nodding in agreement.

"How can we hide the fact that we know he's sick?" Luke wondered, turning his gaze to Calum, who shrugged.

"I don't know we just won't say anything I guess" Calum answered. The three lads agreed on Calum's idea and left it at that, heading to the living room to play Call of Duty again. A few hours later, Ashton grumbled down the stairs as Luke began to start dinner. He saw Luke pulling out ingredients and decided that he should help to make up for how rude he was earlier.

"Hey Lukey, need any help?" Ashton asked, walking into the kitchen.

"I don't no. You can go see what the other two are doing." Luke told him, a smile on his face. Ashton nodded and went to walk past him. Just as he was going to pass Luke, he doubled over, throwing up on himself and Luke's legs.

"Aww, Ash." Luke soothed, grabbing a large mixing bowl from the bench and passing it to Ashton, who held it under his chin. "Mike, Cal! Come to the kitchen and do dinner while I clean myself and Ash up."

"Can't be bothered. Can I just stay here? I mean, I'm too lazy to come over and I feel kinda tired" Michael says, letting out a fake yawn.

"MICHAEL!" Luke yelled. Calum yanked Michael off the sofa, throwing his game controller on the floor.

"What did you do that for? CAL!" Michael whined, slightly hitting Calum's shoulder because he made Michael lose his game and get killed.

"We have got to take over dinner" Calum turns to face Michael, who had a questioning face.

"So, what has that got to do with me?" Michael questions, Calum letting out a sigh.

"I don't know Michael. What am i going to do with you? Ashton has been sick! What do you think happened?" Calum asked, Michael shrugging his shoulders.

"I don't know, a giant unicorn maybe flew in through the window?" Michael joked. Everyone, including Ash, who was still throwing up, sent him a death glare. "Not the right time, okay."

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