《DBD oneshots》18 - In the trials (Dwight x Ghostface)


Dwight was alone. Like always. Jake sadly wasn't in this trial with him, so he was alone. The trial was Meg, Dwight, Bill, and Laurie against a still unknown killer.

Dwight was just sitting down behind a bush, since he didn't feel like doing gens. It wouldn't help anyway. He always messes up and manager to get him, or anyone else who worked with him, killed.

He sighed, as he heard a gen roar to life. They only had a few more to go. Everyone was fast workers. But, Dwight couldn't shake the feeling like he was being watched.

Dwight heard a snap behind him, and he started getting uneasy. "Meg? Bill? Is that you? Please don't don't this to me." He looked around, his anxiety starting to bubble inside him.

He didn't hear anything anymore. It was silent again. But that damn feeling of being watched still lingered. Dwight stood up, and started walking away, hoping the feeling would go away.

It didn't. It followed him wherever he went. Dwight gave up. He went back to that same bush and sat down. He heard another gen pop, but then a scream. The feeling he got, was gone now.

Dwight knew that it was Meg who screamed. Then he heard Bill scream. Then he saw the outlines of Meg on a hook in the basement, followed by Bill not long after.

Dwight was terrified now. This never happened before. He saw Laurie running out of the corner of his eye, then she disappeared somewhere.

Not long after he heard her scream, but he saw her outline, instead of getting hooked, get morried. Dwight's heart dropped. He was alone.

He ran to go find the hatch, but the feeling of being watched came back. Before he could find the hatch, someone tackled him to the ground.


Dwight froze, the only person left would be the killer. He tried to get the person off of him, but failed. "Quit struggling, I won't hurt you~" a voice whispers in his ear.

Dwight manages to flip himself over, and froze as he came face to face with an unmasked Ghostface. "I killed all your buddies, now it's me an you." He said, a smile on his lips.

Dwight could honestly care less about the others, since they never really interact, or even care, about him. Ghostface lifted him up off the ground and sat down on a log near by.

Dwight stood there, not knowing what to do. He turned slowly and started walking off, but someone immediately stopped him. Ghostface pulled him over to the log and sat Dwight down next to him.

Dwight looked at Ghostface with wide eyes. "W-why are you d-doing this? Aren't you supposed to, like, supposed to kill me?" Ghostface shrugs. "I am, but I choose not to."

Dwight just sat there, not knowing what to say. Ghostface rolled his eyes, and pull Dwight into his lap, hugging him from behind.

Dwight squeaked, and his face turned a cherry shade of red. He covered his face with his hands, and he heard Ghostface chuckling behind him.

And they stayed like that. Dwight, even though he wouldn't admit it, enjoyed the other's company. He never had someone hold him like that, it was very nice.

Ghostface eventually let Dwight go, and Dwight was kind of upset that it had to end, but he found the match and left

But before he left, he did something he never thought he would do.

He kissed Ghostface ..

.. on the cheek ..

Because he was too chicken to actually kiss him ..

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