《DBD oneshots》13 - Babysitting (Amanda x Anna)


This is an AU where they are in real life, and not in the game and there is no entity. They are normal people.

Amanda was walking down the street, heading to her apartment, her mask pulled down to her chin, since no one is around. She gets insecure and uncomfortable when showing her face around people, so she wears a face mask with a pig snout on it to make her comfortable.

As she was walking, she hears slight crying in a alleyway. She runs to the sound, after pulling her mask up, and kneels down near the child who is curled up in the corner.

"Hey, hey, don't cry. Tell me what's wrong." She says, her motherly side coming out. The child sniffs and looks at her. Amanda's heart almost breaks at the sight of the beautiful blue eyes filled with tears.

"I-I was r-running a little w-ways away from my aunts h-house, b-but I got l-l-lost!" He cries, sniffling in between words. He sobs and grabs at Amanda.

"Hey, I'll help find your home, okay? Don't worry. You'll be home soon enough." She says, picking up the boy and carrying him out of the alleyway.

Amanda notices the day has almost ending, evening light creeping up on the horizon. She ponders on whether or not to take the child to her apartment or spend who knows how long looking for the kids home.

"Hey buddy, how about we go to my house, and then look later. It's almost nighttime. I promise I will take you home as soon as possible." The boy nods, trusting Amanda to keep her promise.

Amanda carries the boy to her apartment, setting him down on the couch and grabbing a random game for kids to play with him. She keeps her TV on and her phone next to her, incase an amber alert is made about the boy she found.


"So, what's your name?" She asks in a sweet tone. "Jason." He says, looking down at the floor. "I'm Amanda. Can you tell me your aunt's name?" The boy nods. "Anna." He answers simply.

"Why are you with your aunt?" Amanda asks, playing the game with the boy, now known as Jason. "My parents died, and now I live with her." He answers, rolling a dice and moving that number of spaces.

"Oh, I'm sorry for that." She says, doing the same thing. "Ha! I got you! You're dead now!" Jason exclaims, knocking over Amanda's piece.

"Oh no! I guess you win. Oh well, great job!" Amanda says, making the boy smile wide. Amanda suddenly gets a notification, and sure enough, it's an amber alert for Jason. She immediately dials the number shown.

"Hello?" Answers a deep voice of a woman. Amanda's eyes widen, she has never heard a voice that deep before, especially not a woman's voice. But she kind of likes it. "Hi, um, I have Jason here."

"Thank god! I thought I lost him!" The voice exclaims. "Where'd you find him?" She asks. Amanda pauses. She decides to just tell the truth. "In an alley. It was getting late so I brought him to my apartment. I was either going to wait for the amber alert, or if there was none, to find your house tomorrow and return him."

There was a pause. "I'm just glad he's safe. After his parents died, I was so worried for him. I will come and get him, so you don't have to find my address."

Amanda frantically waves her hand, even though it does no use. "I'll just find you. You don't have to walk all the way over here!" She exclaims. But, she hears keys jingling already. She sighs, and tells her apartment address.


After about a half an hour, she hears a knock. She goes to open the door, and sees a woman who towers over her 5'6 frame, and is very muscular. She's also wearing a mask with bunny ears on it, covering her mouth and nose.

When she sees Amanda, she nods. Amanda smiles, but feels someone push past her. She looks down and sees Jason hugging onto the woman's leg. "Thank goodness you're safe." She says, sighing in relief while kneeling down.

She is now at Amanda's height, and sees the full face of the person who basically babysat her nephew. She has to admit, the person in front of her was very cute. She couldn't lie.

"I'm Anna by the way. Again, thank you." She says, standing up again. Amanda smiles, her cheeks tinting a shade of pink. Anna was a nice name.

"It's not problem. I couldn't leave him, you know?" Anna nods. Amanda offers her hand, but Anna pulls her into a full hug. Amanda blushes, since her head now rests on the chest if Anna.

"I can't thank you enough. I know I keep saying it, but thank you." Anna says, letting go after a minute of hugging. Amanda nods. Anna hesitates, but hands Amanda a piece of paper. Her number.

"Um, if you need a favor, don't hesitate to call. And, we can also be friends if you like." She says, before walking away with her nephew back home.

Amanda shuts her door, and freaks out. A hot woman just gave her her number! She couldn't believe it. She was definitely going to call her.

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