《DBD oneshots》10 - Attention starved killer (Ghostface x (Frank) Legion)


Frank is following Ghostface around like a lost puppy. After they got together, it was wonderful. They spent most of their time together, Ghostface showing his pictures from his moris, them cuddling, or just laughing at a joke.

But lately, Ghostface has had so many trials that he had barely any time for Frank. And Frank was upset about this. After every trail Ghostface was drained. He had no energy to do anything.

So, Frank followed him, trying to get his attention as he was preparing for trials. He just wanted attention. And he was going to get it somehow.

Ghostface was running around chasing the last survivor. He was definitely going to take a break from trials. He wanted to spend time with his shortstack boyfriend. Hold him. Cuddle him. Give him all the love he couldn't recently.

So, he moried the last survivor, so he could show Frank. But man, he was tired. He didn't have any energy. He wanted, no, needed to spend time with Frank, but now, he felt like he would pass out any moment.

He sighed, now feeling down since he was physically drained and really couldn't do anything without almost passing out. He wonders why the entity is being so harsh and putting him in very tough trials, that killers like Huntress and Micheal should be doing.

He flops down on the grass, a little ways away from the killer camp. The spot where he and Frank would hang out a lot.

Frank saw when Ghostface went to the spot. He was cranky and grumpy, like a child, since he was basically attention starved. He practically stomped over to Ghostface. "Danny!" He whined.

Ghostface jumps at the sound of his name. "Frank, what's wrong?" He asks, no energy to sit up. "I want attention!" He whines again. Danny sighs. He hears another whine, and he gives in. He opens his arms, even though the simple movement hurt his body.


Frank lit up. He basically jumped into Danny's arms, knocking them both down. He hugged his boyfriend tight. Danny wraps his arms around Frank, holding him there before moving one to stroke Frank's hair.

"I'm sorry, shortstack. I have been so tired that I couldn't do much of anything." Danny apologises. Frank just hugs Ghostface tighter.

"I'm not that short. And I just wanted some attention." Frank replies. Danny kisses his forehead and holds him tight. "I love you, shorty." Danny says, a smile tugging on his lips.

Frank punches him lightly at the nickname. "I love you too, Ghosty."

What they didn't know was the two killers watching them and taking pictures, The Pig and Huntress, Amanda giggling like a school girl. Huntress couldn't really giggle, just hum, but you could see her smiling like a school girl too.

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