《DBD oneshots》8 - Don't Touch Him (Leon x The Trickster) (pt.2)


The Trickster watches Leon leave. He always had a soft spot for him, and the Entity really didn't like that. But the Entity knew that he couldn't keep the killer away from his desires, so decided to help Ji-woon.

So, almost every trial the Trickster was in, the Entity put Leon. But, not in all of them, but enough to make the killer happy. The Entity may seem cold, but cares for the killers (and survivors believe it or not) more than people think.

So, the Trickster walks back to the camp, being met with Ghostface. "Hey buddy! How'd it go?" Ghostface asks. Ji-woon grins. "Perfect, my dear Ghosty."

Many people were surprised by this, but Ghostface and the Trickster got along very well and are now best friends. Supporting each other no matter what.

Danny even helps Ji-woon get a few pictures of Leon for his collection. And no, not the mori pictures he takes, actual photos of Leon in trial. He has got a few of Leon smiling, and Ji-woon is very thankful of that.

"So, Ji-woon, did anything happen in the trial?" Danny asks. "Well, I chased a few people, hooked some, killed one, and kissed Leon. Even gave him my name, so he better not forget." Ji-woon tells Danny.

Danny grins. "That's awesome, man. Well, I have to go, the Entity wants me to kill some people, you know, after my last failure of trial." Danny says. Ji-woon pats him on the back before letting Danny do whatever Danny does.

Ji-woon normally stays at the killer camp, but he decides to explore the forest. Maybe he will find something.

As he walks, he finds a lot of crows. They are screeching like they normally do, but more than usual. Like a warning. Ji-woon, being who he is, doesn't worry about that. He continues on.


Soon, a thick fog can be seen, but a barrier blocks him from going further into it. But, the fog seems to be clearing, very slowly.

So, Ji-woon waits. The fog starts clearing slightly faster, and not long after, it's cleared completely. Ji-woon smirks and lays his hand on the barrier. What's behind it that needs a barrier to protect?

Ji-woon tries pushing it, but it doesn't work. He shrugs, and decides to just look instead. he sees and small fire not to far away, but far enough to where no one can see him, and then sees survivors. That must be why there is a barrier.

Ji-woon watches silently, no one going deeper in the forest. Then, he sees, Leon, who is talking with David. David seems to be flirting with Leon, but Leon doesn't notice.

Ji-woon is upset about this, someone else flirting with HIS Leon. He tries to get through the barrier again, but fails again. He watches the two, David now leading Leon away from the camp, and closer to Ji-woon.

Ji-woon watches them from a nearby bush he found, and sees David getting closer to Leon. Ji-woon can now make out what they are saying.

"So, have you ever thought about dating someone here?" David asks, getting closer to Leon again. Leon, getting kind of uncomfortable, moves away slightly.

"No, I haven't." He says. David puts an arm around Leon, pulling him closer. "Well, I have, and he's standing right in front of me." He says. Leon tries pushing David away. "I am flattered that you feel that way, but I don't like you back. I'm sorry David, but I want to just remain as friends." Leon replies.

"Come on, just give it a shot. You might figure out you're wrong and actually like me." David says. Leon shakes his head. "My answer is no, David. And if you keep this up, we won't even remain as friends." Leon says.


Ji-woon is mad, David is making Leon uncomfortable, AND he's not taking no for an answer.

"Leon, come ooon. You are just playing hard to get. I can see right through you." David says, pulling Leon in by his waist. "Let go David! I said no, and that's final!" Leon says, frantically trying to get out of David's hold.

David pushes Leon against the tree behinds him. He leans closer, Leon not being able to get away. Ji-woon had enough, he reaches out again, and this time, the barrier isn't there. The Entity isn't THAT mean, it does have feelings and concerns.

"He said no, get away from him." Ji-woon growls, pulling David away. Ji-woon pushes him to the ground, holding a knife to his throat. "Now, you will NOT lay a hand on him, you hear? Or I will NOT hesitate to rip your throat out right here, right now. And if you you tell anyone about this, you won't live to see the next day, I'll make sure of it." Ji-woon says, his voice filled with anger, and a bit of insanity.

David nods, crawling away from the killer. "Now, I want you to walk back to the camp like nothing happened." Ji-woon demands. David nods. Getting up and walking rather quickly back to the camp.

Leon stands by the tree overwhelmed with shock. A killer just stood up for him. "Are you okay, darling?" Ji-woon asks, turning around and rushing over to Leon, worry laced in his voice.

"Y-yeah, um, thanks?" He says, more of a question. Ji-woon pulls Leon into a hug. "How did you get here?" Leon asks.

"I was exploring the forest next to our killer camp, and came across the survivor camp. But a barrier blocked me at first, but just disappeared when I came over to help." Ji-woon replies, worry now replaced with kindness and care.

"Why DID you help me?" Leon asks. "I couldn't watch as my darling got uncomfortable and harrased, so I had to help." He replies.

Leon flushed. His darling? A killer caring about him? That's new. But, he kind of likes it. He also, secretly, liked the kiss they shared in that trial.

"I should probably go, but, I'll see you next trial darling." Ji-woon smirks and winks as he walks away, holding his hands in a heart towards Leon.

And at that, Leon knew he was, not falling, but totally in love with a killer.

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