《DBD oneshots》4 - Hunter's prey (The Pig x Huntress)


Amanda is walking back into the killer camp, huffing from the lack of kills. She only got to Mori once, and only killed one by hook.

She has her arms crossed and she was not happy. She stomps over to the fire, unaware of the person across from her

She didn't realize that the Huntress was sitting there across from her, as she was to pissed to even notice.

"Why the fuck can I never seem to get it right?!" She screams to no one in particular. "I just want to kill them all!"

It wasn't until she heard the lullaby of the Huntress that she jumped backwards, getting startled by the stronger and bigger woman in front of her.

The Huntress slowly gets up, walking over to Amanda and holding out her hand. The other masked killer takes it hesitantly.

Anna pulls Amanda into a hug, startling the poor girl again. Anna isn't very good with comforting, but she tries.

She awkwardly pats Amanda's back, trying her best to soothe the angry girl. Amanda calms down, but goes red. She hasn't ever been comforted like this by someone like Anna. She would have expected worse.

"T-thanks, I guess?" She says awkwardly, blushing from embarrassment. Anna nods. "You can, um, let go of me now." Amanda says.

Anna didn't want to let go, though. She just shook her head. She lifts the smaller with ease, bringing her to the far end of the camp. She then sits down and puts Amanda on her lap, still holding her.

Amanda's face is a bright red. She didn't expect the bunny mask killer to do this. To be this, soft? Amanda relaxes and finds out how comfortable the other female is.

Anna is fully content with the smaller female laying on her. She enjoys it. She starts running her fingers through her hair, making the smaller feel tired.

But, what they were both unaware of, was the two other killers stalking them from a bush. Ghostface secretly took pictures, while Micheal was dragged along, but is secretly shipping the two females.

What? Killers can ship people too!

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