《Heart and Soul (Stingsu, Sting X Natsu)!》Chapter Sixteen, Natsus Dream


Slowly, after a long and comfortable night's sleep, Natsu awoke. He felt the familiar feeling of arms wrapped around his torso, and he snuggled into them. While he didn't see who the person he was in bed with was, he already knew to whom they belonged.

He had 'snuck' into Sting's bed the previous night when he was in the kitchen sorting out their leftovers, and they ended up sleeping together. Just the thing very platonic friends do... right?

Now to quickly explain, in glorious detail, how they were intertwined. Sting, who was sleeping peacefully, was spooning Natsu from behind. Although their body's were a little distanced, their heads were very close. Sting's face was buried in his hair, continuously inhaling his scent as he breathed in his slumber. His arms were wrapped around, a little loosely, Natsu's waist and torso. Sometimes pulling him a centimeter closer by accident.

Natsu beamed. The fact Sting was hugging him, despite the distance, brightened up the already beautiful morning, and a small smile worked its way onto his lips. He shifted a bit more, trying to get closer to Stings body. He did so without opening his eyes.

The reason for the gap between his chest and Natsu's back, being, unlike Sting, who could sleep peacefully while clinging to something, or someone, Natsu would usually drift away as he slept. Sometimes even swinging his arms or legs as he dreamt about anything physical, such as fights and battles, or even insulting Gray. There was once when he had dreamt about eating and he ended up stuffing his face with pillows, and then woke up to find himself with a mouthful of feathers.

Slowly, he opened his eyes and turned his head to look at the form next to him.

Apparently, he shifted 'too much', and Sting growled before curling up into his side adorably. Natsu laughed quietly as he watched with awe. It always amazed him when the blond did something cute that he never witnessed before.

Now, Sting's head was lower than where it was originally, when he was spread out behind Natsu.

It was right in front of his, only a couple of centimeters away. Natsus smile widened and he stretched his head forward and placed his forehead against Stings.

'I could wake up like this everyday, and it'd never get boring...' He thought happily as he felt Sting exhale gently against his face.

And he could... maybe. He might be able to if he either admitted his feelings, which came with the risk of rejection, or innocently continue with what they had right now, which he liked, a lot!

Perhaps they should just continue, as they both seemed to enjoy it. It wouldn't be too weird for them, they were friends after all.

Plus, as he said to Sting before, it wouldn't be their first time sleeping together. Maybe Sting would go for it, he never outright said 'No!' Or 'Never!' and was never too shy, even if he was a little hesitant at the start, when they were drifting off to sleep. By the time the sun rose, they were entangled with each other... usually.

A good heavy door being flung on top of them could always force them to separate out of surprise, even if they slept through the attack.

He thought about it, his feelings and their physical moments, some more as he watched Sting's face while he slept. There was a small smile on the blond's lips, and he sleepily mumbled every so often. It wasn't loud enough to be heard, and was usually just some gibberish.


The constant twitching of his eyelids told Natsu he was definitely dreaming, which meant he wasn't gonna wake up anytime soon.

He knew Sting was a heavy sleeper, and Natsu could easily do something... not as subtle as something he'd do when he was awake. He could darken the mark on his neck... give him another... give him a couple-

He lifted himself away from Stings forehead and shook his head. Chasing the 'dirty' thoughts away; he didn't want to do something like that unless it was consensual-ish, or else that was just plain wrong...

But there were other, more subtle, things he could do... peck him on the cheek... a kiss to his forehead... the lips-

Once again, he shook his head. What the hell was he thinking?

He usually didn't fantasize too much about such things... he had one or maybe two- technically more like four- dreams where they shared one, but never one where he 'stole' one when Sting was asleep.

At least... not on the lips; what was a gentle, innocent, kiss on the cheek? It was nothing!

He gently planted his lips on Sting's warm, soft, skin. It was quick and sweet... and he found himself going in for another.

And another.

And another...

Slowly, they transformed from gentle pecks to rough and hungry kisses.

He moved both himself and Sting, so he was now laying on top of the blond. It gave him better access, and lighting so he could see what he was doing more clearly.

He smiled slightly as he continued his 'attack', even though his mind was at war with itself. Half of it was screaming at him to stop, and the other kept saying 'Just one more... one more, he won't notice! Just one more,'.

Suddenly, Sting mumbled something quietly as Natsu bit at the skin of his jaw. The entire time during the assault he remained silent, and fast asleep. But now he spoke... sorta.

The sound snapped Natsu out of his trance and he flew backwards. He panicked and quickly began to study his face intently, looking between the flickering eyelids to the rise and fall of his chest. He even put his hand near Stings mouth, feeling for any changes in his breathIng pattern. But all of it showed he was sleeping... but he still felt the need to make sure verbally.

"Sting?" He whispered quietly. He dreaded a conversation, or any verbal communication in general, about what he had just done...

But he found himself more concerned about it being awkward than anything else... and it might be helpful.

The chance of him actually admitting what he felt in an unforced, passive, situation was slim to none. So Sting asking him a direct question might be healthy, and force it right out of him.

Although the idea of getting this off his chest was pleasant, and might lead somewhere nice... it was so, so, terrifying. He shallowly huffed in relief, and slowly lowered himself onto Stings chest again; carefully ensuring he didn't completely crush him, which probably wouldn't happen considering his weight, and also not to awaken him.

What if Sting hates him... well, not him... but, the idea of Natsu feeling that way about him...

What if he didn't want to share moments like this or do anything together because of it...

What if he just didn't feel the same way about him... or wasn't willing to take a chance...

He felt his heart ache a little. He really, really, wished he could say it. Put his feelings into some form of words. But, it wasn't that he physically couldn't or was deathly afraid... or emotionally unsteady... he simply didn't want to. What he had now was fine... it was...


Somehow Natsu's vision sharpened as he looked at Stings face, and he knew he was lying.

No, it wasn't. It really really wasn't. He wanted more.

Being friends with Sting was great... cuddles, sleeping together, fun and games... hell, even going on jobs was better with him!

But when it all came down to it, he wanted... kisses, hand holding, lovey dovey stuff... all that good romantic stuff! And that said a lot, as Natsu wasn't the romantic type...

Maybe it was since he had just woken up, but he felt good just picturing that. A warm and bright future, making him feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

He felt like a schoolgirl, picturing themselves and one of their many crushes together; either something quick and fun or long, sweet, and emotional.

It was a little funny that he was thinking about that kind of stuff when he was too chicken to even say 'Hey, Sting. I like... like... you, a lot!'

But of course, he had no control over where exactly his thoughts drifted to. He felt himself relax and he laid more carelessly on top of Sting, who luckily only shifted an inch, and grumbled something quietly, before stilling and growing quiet again.

He smiled as he imagined different things in detail.

What he daydreamed about ranged from a random date they could go on in some little restaurant in Magnolia, where they would stuff their faces together, to walks on a beach the sunset.

They already lived together so he didn't think much about houses and such. Except, he did think about sharing a bedroom.

Each morning would be brighter, warmer, happier... and, Natsu wouldn't need to come up with excuses or talk his way into sharing a bed. They'd do it almost without words, just a simple 'Wanna go to bed?' and a 'sure!'... that'd be it. Almost wordlessly agreeing to spend their entire night together.

His smile widened and he subconsciously rubbed his cheek into Sting's chest, he hardly even registered that he did the action before he was immersed in another short fantasy.

It was one far, far, into his dreamed up future.

Maybe... six years? From what he knew off the bat, Rogue had moved out, and Sting had permanently moved into his bedroom. Their bedroom.

But things got better.

Natsu, or at least a Natsu, was sitting in their kitchen, and was sipping a mug of coffee while looking out a window.

He wasn't really a coffee person, but it was just a dreamt up scenario. He also wasn't watching things from a first person perspective, but rather third.

After looking around the kitchen, that wasn't that different from his current one, only a couple differences, he began to study his 'future' face. Sadly, there was no difference between it and his present day one, but that was to be expected. Who dreams about what they'd look like years later?

Suddenly, his vision was forcibly shifted, and he was now facing out the window. It took him a second to figure out what he was looking at... and a wide smile found its way onto his face; outside the window Sting was rolling around in the grass...

And while that might sound weird at first...

He wasn't alone.

A young boy was wrestling with him, grinning widely. Even though Natsu wasn't told who he was, he knew it was...on some subconscious level...

It was their son.

He probably... no. Most definitely was not biologically their kid.

Since they were both males, it'd be impossible for one of them to end up pregnant. But still... their kid. No doubt he was adopted... even if one of them was female, It was something Natsu had always wanted to do some day, so it made the most logical sense. He was adopted, so naturally, he wanted to give some child the same unconditional love that Igneel had given him.

The boy looked around seven years old, and resembled both of them. Spiky hair, a pinkish blond blend, and greenish blue eyes... fantasies really are weird!

He looked like a mix of the two dragon slayers, and even had Natsu's toothy grin and Sting's slightly paler skin.

It was hard to gauge his height as he was rolling around, but he looked like if he stood next to Sting upright, his head would be just above his waist.

He stood, there in the kitchen, looking out for what seemed like hours, but was probably only a couple of minutes in the real world. Even though it was fictional, that 'future' seemed so very real at the time.

But it wasn't...

None of that was real...

Slowly, Natsu drifted back to reality, a little saddened.

But luckily nothing could put too big of a damper on his perfect morning, and that was only a fictional idea he had. Plus... it didn't mean it wouldn't be real.

But only now, when he was back in the moment, did he realize he was nuzzling Sting's chest. He blushed a little and raised his head.

He took a peak at the blond's face, and was relieved to find his eyes still closed, but the rapid movement had slowed down quite a noticeable amount.

'He's definitely gonna wake up soon,' Natsu realized. He placed his chin back down onto Stings chest. He had decided on getting comfortable again.

He really didn't feel like getting off just yet. Maybe when he woke up he'd roll off. Or he could pretend to be asleep for a little while. It's not like Sting would care too much anyway, he was the one holding him tight against his chest. He looked out of the corner eye at the hands that were wrapped around his waist and couldn't help but giggle.

He yawned as he turned his head, and rested his cheek on Sting as his mind once again drifted to a certain group of 'other' topics. He smiled widely as he thought about the prospect of raising a kid together...

Was it a weird thing to think about so fondly? Especially when they were just friends? Maybe... but everyone's different!

The idea of sharing such a hefty responsibility with someone was exciting to Natsu, he always liked a fun 'challenge'. And raising a child was, from what he heard, one of the hardest, but most rewarding, things you could do in your lifetime.

But, of course, that wasn't all he thought about. He really was like a schoolgirl... dates, holidays, introductions, even marriage, ran through his mind as he rose and fell with Sting's stomach.

'Maybe I could tell him...' Natsu thought skeptically. He didn't think it'd be a terrible idea... especially without anyone around that they knew to see the immediate negative aftereffects, if there were any. But the idea of rejection was nerve racking, at the least.

Natsu wasn't usually the kind of person to worry about other people's opinions, sometimes not even Stings, but this was terrifying.

And what if he told Sting, and he shut him out of his life. What if he wouldn't want to see him for a while. What if... maybe forever...

Suddenly, his thoughts were interrupted by a grumble, "Na-tsu?". He looked up quickly, and saw Sting blinking the sleep out of his eyes as he looked up blankly at the ceiling.

Natsu grinned slightly despite his nervousness. This could be his chance!

Sting was still waking up, so if he did react poorly he could play dumb and say he hadn't said anything. "Yeah?" He asked, with a fake sleepiness.

Sting looked down and blinked a couple times. He smiled warmly when he saw Natsu, who he had only assumed was sleeping on top of him, looking up at him. But now he knew for certain, "Good morning," He greeted him, and only received a smile in return.

Natsu squirmed in Stings hold, which he lessened when he realized he had, and the pinket moved up.

Sting felt his breathing still when Natsu's face was right in front of his own. An image from his dream surfaced, and he had to withhold a mewl.

He had dreamt that he had... done something... and Natsu had given him a lengthy kiss.

Sadly, the dream wasn't very long and had ended there. But was really nice, anyway.

Unlike Sting who was a little mesmerized and distracted, Natsu was very focused. He couldn't risk being distracted, not even by Stings face being a mere few inches in front of his own.

He could say any number of things, all he had to do was pick one! 'I like you a lot,' could work, but wasn't definitive to work. 'Sting, can we go on a date?' should be able to get the message across. 'I have romantic feelings for you,' had a lot of long words he could butcher, but was also the clearest.

After consideration, he decided upon a mix of the three, and took in a shaky breath. At some point he had looked down towards Sting's lips and slowly brought his eyes back up to meet the blonds.

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