《(Stingsu) If Sabertooth Had Won》Torn


There was a flood of laughter, as the guests of the mansion had found the owner tied to a chair in the main hallway, wearing a black and gold dress. Natsu and Sting were snickering the entire walk to the train station, not bothering to claim the jewel they were owed.

It was still bright when they got back to Crocus, entering the guildhall with intertwined hands.

They halted though... something seemed off. The guild seemed... empty.


The blonde whipped his head around, seeing Rogue walk into view. Letting go of his boyfriend's hand; he jogged up to him, grinning. However, that grin subsided as he caught a glimpse of the shadow dragon's expression.

"What's wrong?" He asked, as the tiger heard Natsu walk over to them.

Red eyes hesitantly met blue ones, unsure how to say it.

"The other guild masters have ordered a private meeting with you." Sting rolled his eyes and sighed in relief. Was that all? "Its about you and Natsu."

Ah. Now the blonde could worry.

The pinkette blinked, suddenly remembering what that guy had said earlier in the mansion. "I heard that a picture of us kissing got into Sorcerer Weekly..." He said, scratching the back of his head awkwardly as Sting turned to face him, with a horrified expression.

"WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME?!" He demanded, gripping onto Natsu's shoulders as worry laced in his voice. The shorter man bit his lip.

"I forget things easily remember?"

Letting go of his shoulders, Sting pinched the top of his nose, thinking.

"I suggest you go now, they're waiting for you." Rogue commented, before turning into a shadow and disappearing into the ground.

Sting sighed. Great. He wasnt meant to leave Natsu's side or he'd get sick-

He felt the other dragon slayer lean forward, and hug him awkwardly.


"If they dont let us stay together," Natsu whispered, "I'm gonna take out all of them." The blonde rolled his eyes, before wrapping his own gloved hands protectively around Natsu. He kissed his forehead, softly.

"Even if we have to be in a secret relationship, I'll do it if it means being with you."

• • •

Sting had finally got to Blue Pegasus, and opened the door infront of him unsurely. He had told Natsu to look after the guild in his absence.

He didnt want to overthink anything. After all, that'd just make him even more stressed and nervous than he already was-

He let out a calm breath as he entered the building, his gaze fixated on the guild masters sitting around one of tables. They didnt have an official building, so they usually just used the Blue Pegasus guild.

His blue eyes hesitantly flickered over to Makarov. He hadnt even spoken to that man since he took Natsu out of his guild, so he had no idea what terms they were on.

"Ah, Master Eucliffe." It was the Blue Pegasus Master (who always dressed as a woman) who noticed him first, waving over to him. The blonde, who previously stood at the guilds entrance awkwardly, walked over to them, sitting in between the old hag from Lamia, and ofcourse; Makarov.

Sitting amongst all these elder wizards made him feel like he was a kid getting told off by a load of teachers-

"Hows Natsu doing?"

The blonde was snapped out of his thoughts, as he turned to face Fairy Tail's Master, who had his arms folded.

"I, uh," He didnt expect him to speak first of all people- "He's doing good. He's happy atleast..."

Those words seemed to fall on deaf ears, as Makarov simply nodded absent-mindedly, not looking pleased with the answer. Perhaps he didnt believe him...


The blonde shifted uncomfortably on his seat, turning to face the other guild masters, who's faces were unreadable.

"I'm sure you know why we've asked you to come here." Oba said, her finger spinning in mid-air.

Sting gulped, nodding.

It was Makarov who spoke again-

"We understand that you're knew to being a guild master, and we have to give you credit for everything you've done so far correctly, to change Sabertooth and sustain it's members. However..." Makarov's gaze flicked up to him.

"... a relationship is not against the rules for a guild master, although it is forbidden between a guild master and a member of their guild. That is because whatever mage is dating their guild master might try to gain something off of them, such as better paid jobs and quick promotion to s-class." The Fairy Tail master continued, his voice sounding gruff and straight to the point. "The job of a master is to love all of their children, equally."


Sting stood up-

"Then what about the time you and your guild sold Natsu to Sabertooth for 3 million jewel? Did you love him equally then?" He blurted out. He wasnt sure why he had, but anger seemed to blur any other thoughts at the moment. The thought of losing Natsu angered him.

Makarov glared at him. The other guild masters seemed to look in shock, obviously not aware of the arrangement they had made after the Grand Magic Games.

Gaining his composure, he sat back down, feeling the pressuring glare from the elderly man on him. "I love Natsu." He said this with confidence, because, yeah. He did love Natsu. Way more than these jerks could understand. "...and if you have to know," he continued, a hint of anger rolling off his tongue; "I gave him the option to go back to Fairy Tail, but he wanted to stay with me."

"Even if that is true," The Quatro Cerberus Master started, "The rules are there for a reason." Sting glared at him. So much for being on friendly terms with other guilds-

• • •

"Arent you the royal guards? What in the hell are you doing here?"

Natsu had been in his and Sting's (now) shared room, until he got an unwanted knock on the door.

"Weve been ordered by the council to take you away from Sabertooth, for going against the Master/Member relationship law." The pinkette's eyes widened, and he let out an inaudible gasp. "The rest of the guild is at the front to say their goodbyes." The guard stated. Natsu growled.

"What makes you think I'll leave, huh? Weve done nothing wrong!" He shouted, ready to engulf his fists in flames-

"Because unless you want Master Eucliffe to get in any more trouble, and even lose his status; you'll come with us quietly."

The boy gritted his teeth... fuck-

• • •

Sting had argued to the point where he almost punched one of the other Masters- but to no avail whatsoever. Natsu would be taken away from him... his whole world was crumbling...

He stumbled outside of the guild, and off to the side out of public view, only to throw up-

Great, the whole dragon slayer mating season was already affecting him from being away from Natsu...

All he needed right now was to get back to Sabertooth and cry in his boyfriends arms, making sure whatever happens, theres no way he's gonna back down-

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      To Be Continued...
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