《(Stingsu) If Sabertooth Had Won》Intertwine


Sting was sat in Porlyusica's cottage, mouth hung open. In all honesty, he felt terribly embarrassed. He should have already known about dragon slayers going through heat, however Weisslogia only mentioned it briefly to him as a child, as he said that it 'lacked importance to talk about'.

"So... s-should I stay away from Natsu for a bit? Until the season is over?" The blonde mentally slapped himself for stuttering.

The woman shook her head.

"That would make things worse,'' She stated in a matter-of-fact tone, ''you see, the further away you are from another dragon or... dragon slayer you want to mate with, the more ill you will become." She explained, as Sting just looked at the floor, nodding his head absent-mindedly.

He was soon taken out of that trance of deep thought, as he felt Lector put a reassuring paw on his arm. The blue-eyed mage looked up at his red friend with a small smile at the gesture, before turning back to Porlyusica with a flood of questions he had gathered.

"What do you suggest I do then? And how bad will my possessiveness get? Could I seriously hurt Natsu? What if I-"

"One question at a time, please Master Eucliffe." The woman scolded. "I'm not a facts machine you know."

Sting blushed momentarily. "Yeah, sorry."

The pink- haired woman sighed. "As for the first question, I think its best to stay with Natsu as much as possible. That way you'll act less aggressive, and more calm. The only reason you're not lashing out right now, is because the season has only just started."

The white dragon slayer didn't need to argue with that. After all... spending more time with his beloved Salamander didn't sound too bad. He smiled at the thought.

"As for the other two questions..." The woman continued, "I have no clue. Not much is known about dragons since no-one has met one first hand. I only know small details, due to that iron dragon slayer and Levy becoming a couple, but they seem rather content."


Sting nodded, standing up. "Thanks so much for your help." He said gratefully, as he heard his exceed companion hop onto the ground too.

Porlyusica looked up at him with an unreadable expression.

"No need to mention it child, however you better take care of Natsu. Makarov saw him as his own child, therefore I'm concerned for his well-being too. Especially since he had to join that Guild of yours." She said in disgust, which the blonde tried to ignore with a sheepish grin.

Lector piped up from beside him. "We better get back to the Guild soon... its already midday!'' He exclaimed, as Sting nodded.

They both left the cottage, and arrived at the train station just on time. All Sting could think about was spending more time with his adorable pink-haired boyfriend, which nurtured a goofy smile on his face all the way back to the station.

• • • • • • •

Natsu was currently sprawled out on the couch in his room, sketching on a piece of paper he had found laying around somewhere. He had is tongue stuck out to one side in concentration, as well as his eyebrows furrowed also.

Sure, drawing wasn't his forte, but Sting had been gone since this morning, and it was already 4pm! Earlier, he had gone to look for a job to take, but the majority of them took around two to three days, and he wanted to be there for when the Guild Master got back. Not to mention that the smaller jobs consisted of cleaning peoples houses, and other boring crap.

The fire mage kept focusing on the drawing, until he felt someone's arms drape around his neck from behind, and a familiar scent caught his nose. The rose smiled, instantly, humming quietly in content.

"Whatcha drawing there?" Sting mumbled, peering over Natsu's shoulder.


The pinkette leaned out of his grip, and turned around so that the blonde could see his work.

"Its supposed to be a dragon... but drawing isn't really my thing..." He said quietly with a small blush, as the blonde's face simply lighted up, making his blush grow.

"Its cute... just like the artist who drew it." He teased smugly, as Natsu just pushed his face away with his foot.

"Where have you been all day?" The fire dragon slayer inquired.

Sting grimaced, deciding it was best not to tell him he went to Magnolia of all places...

"I went to see a very skilled woman to have a conversation about... well... us" He said, gesturing to both of them with his hands. Natsu looked up at him and raised an eyebrow, as a smirk laced its way onto his face.

"Don't tell me you went to see a priest about wedding us or something."

The blonde rolled his eyes. "Hey, I'm not that forward!" He exclaimed in an offended tone. Natsu scoffed.

"Anyways..." The white dragon trailed off, as he walked over to sit on the couch with the fire wizard, "...I was thinking we should go on a job together for a few days." He suggested, now crouching over Natsu, as their legs were tangled together. Sting immediately felt butterflies in his chest when the pinkette's eyes lit up, and a huge grin had emerged on that beautiful face of his.

"Thank god!" The rose exclaimed, grinning from ear to ear. "I've been bored out of my mind stuck here!"

The latter grimaced slightly, knowing that it was his fault Natsu had been stuck in the Guild for so long, however leaned down and rubbed his nose against the pinkette's with a goofy smile.

Despite the whole deal with him getting angry if he was separated from Natsu due to dragon slayer instincts and stuff, Sting new that even if that weren't the case, he always felt happiest around Natsu, and acted his best around the other dragon slayer too. Because he knew that Natsu deserved nothing less than his best.

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