《(Stingsu) If Sabertooth Had Won》Cure?


Natsu opened his eyes in a groggy state, and in a foggy state of mind.

The pressure on his left shoulder however, was enough to remind the semi-tired state of the fire mage that he had recently become an official member of Sabertooth.

He smiled into the crumpled sheets, turning over to lay an arm over the pinkette's recent lover... only to find that where Sting should have been, annoyingly, he wasn't.

Natsu frowned, unwillingly sitting up and yawning in one swift motion.

Shortly after; he shifted over to the bedside table to see if Sting had left a note, which he did. The now giddy mage picked up the note, with a dorky grin plastered on his face as he read it.

Morning sweetheart ;)

I'm sure you're already missing me... can't blame you, but I decided to take a trip this morning with Lector. We might not be back for a while, so feel free to stare longingly at a picture of me you probably have framed, crying and wishing for my return. I hope you can survive without me uwu


Never in Natsu's life had he rolled his eyes so much... Sting really was a hopeless flirt. Putting down the note, and in higher spirits... despite Sting not being around; the pinkette rummaged underneath the double bed, only to find a framed picture of Sting, which he put on the bedside table before heading towards the bathroom for a shower.

• • • • • • •

"I miss him..."

... was the first thing a green-faced White dragon slayer grumbled as he got off the train feverishly. Lector sighed. "Its not even been an hour since you last saw Natsu-kun. If you're gonna act like this... I'm gonna start regret coming with you..."

Sabertooths Master pouted, looking down at the short feline pitying himself.


"Lets just make this quick..." The blonde stated, folding his arms with an uncharacteristic grumble. Lector chuckled mockingly, as they walked onto the Magnolia train station platform.

"Natsu-kun better be grateful for you doing this though." Lector commented, bringing his short arms up into a shrug. "After all, you're doing this for him."

Sting stayed silent for a moment. "Yeah, well... this wouldn't even be an issue if we weren't together. I hurt him yesterday."

The red exceed looked up at his childhood friend with a frown. "Yeah, well, it wasn't your fault. How are you gonna solve this issue by coming here anyway?"

The blonde looked down, before rummaging through his pocket to take a map out. "That old woman with pink hair at the grand magic games who took care of Natsu and Wendy... she seemed to know a lot about treatments and potions. Not to mention cures..."

They started walking into the town as Sting spoke, in deep thought. Lector meanwhile brought his paw up to his chin.

"Ya got a point but... I dunno if she'll help us... since we were rivals with Fairy Tail." They walked past the buildings in Magnolia, noticing how it was actually rather busy. Sting just nodded his head at Lector's words, not really paying attention. After all, it was interesting to see were Natsu had spent most of his life in person...

"Uh... Sting?"


The red exceed just shook his head, pointing to the map that the white dragon slayer was still holding.

"Doesn't she live in the woods or something? I think we're going in the wrong direction..." Sting pouted, nodding in defeat.

• • • • • • •

Sting and Lector now stood in front of a small hidden cottage, after walking in circles for thirty minutes.


The blonde walked up to the old, rotting door, and knocked on it awkwardly.

A second later, the door was violently swung open on the other side, only to reveal the grouchy, elderly pink haired woman they wanted to see. Sabertooths Master grinned sheepishly, noting that she probably recognised them straight away... which would explain the scowl on her face.

"What do you want." She snapped, in a gravely voice. Sting suddenly felt like he was a child being scolded, so lost his composure entirely, still standing outside the door rubbing the back of his neck.

"I er... you can make potions and stuff right?"

The woman furrowed her eyebrows.

Sting blinked, glancing down at Lector for reassurance, who just mouthed 'Awkward'

The blonde sighed, turning back to the elderly woman, with a slight bit more determination in his voice. "I'm... sort of in a relationship with Natsu, who used to be a member of Fairy Tail. I saw you help them out at the Grand Magic Games and well... I was wondering if you could help me out with a problem I've been having."


"I-if not that's totally fine!" The blonde said feverishly, waving his hands around. To his surprise however, the pink haired woman stepped to one side, gesturing for him to enter her abode.

The white dragon slayer and his companion gaped, as they approached the door.

"I'm only letting you in for Natsu's sake." The woman grumbled, shutting the door (Rather too harshly in Sting's opinion) behind them as they entered.

The interior was as if it had been taken out of a movie, shelves laced with various coloured bottles, some containing dead frogs, fish and other creepy looking animals.

''Lets make this quick." The woman insisted, picking up a pair of thin glasses, as she walked over to a large box of old books, rustling through them.

She finally picked one up, which had 'Dragon Behaviour' as the title. She sat down, book in hand, gesturing for the two to sit down.

"I'm guessing when you said you had a problem, its to do with your relationship." She stated, glancing over to Sting as if assessing him. The blonde shifted slightly, feeling vulnerable under her stern gaze.

"Ah, yeah... well, its kind of embarrassing to bring up but..."

"Go on." The woman insisted, seeming more interested flicking through the tattered pages of the book, rather than listening to him.

Sting sighed, taking in a breath. "Every time me and Natsu get... intimate... I end up hurting him in some way, or I get overly possessive."

The woman stopped flicking through the book, increasing the blonde's concern.

"Tell me." She stated, taking off her glasses. "Does Natsu act the same way?"

"No... or at least I haven't noticed..."

Porlyusica sighed, putting down the book. "Isn't it obvious? You're in heat. In other words, the holy elemental dragons usually mate at this time of year."

Sting blinked. Oh. Oh.

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