《(Stingsu) If Sabertooth Had Won》Possessive


"What's wrong Natsu? A second ago you were acting all seductive... could it be that I've made you flustered?'' Sting asked in a provocative manner, not for an instant looking away or averting eye contact. After all, his sharp, blue predatory eyes couldn't miss the adorable sight of Natsu Dragneel getting completely and utterly flustered in his grip.

As for the once-in control fire mage; he was trying pull away from the blonde's strong arms, which was proven to be very difficult since he had completely captured Sting's interest.

Sabertooths Master was now in control.

''Come on, do I need to remind you who climbed on top of me to begin with?'' Sting tutted, removing his hands from the pinkette's back to hold down his wrist with the left, and to grab his chin with the right, making Natsu squeeze his eyes shut with gritted teeth as he brought their faces closer.

''B-but everyone can see us!'' Natsu squeaked, trying to reason with him in panic. He was right, every Sabertooth member was in the Guild hall with them, and there was nothing covering or hiding the two dragon slayers away from their sight.

The blonde frowned, now bringing his gloved hand to the latter's scarf. ''That didn't seem like a problem to you before...'' He whispered, making Natsu flinch as he felt the white dragon slayer unwrapping his scarf in a slow motion, and his controlled breath padding on the tanned neck of the Salamander.

Natsu's breath quickened as he felt Sting brush his lips softly across his neck in a teasing motion.

"So I see you two are being extremely discrete about your relationship...'' An amused voice came from behind the two, which made the blushing fire mage's eyes widen as he looked up. Surprisingly; Sting hadn't pulled his head back from his neck, still with both of his hands lingering on the scaly piece of white fabric which was now draped either side of the mage sitting on top of him.

Instead he glared at whoever had stopped him from teasing the latter dragon further, with sharp dark blue eye piercing over to them.

It was Rufus and Frosch, which were the only two still in their normal clothes, which made sense since the memory mage always wore formal attire.


"We're not in a relationship...'' The pinkette mumbled in an embarrassed tone.

"What do you want Rufus?'' The blonde snapped, which took the other mages off guard. It was a while since Sting had gotten angry with anyone out of the blue after all.

"My my;'' The long haired mage tutted, ''What's gotten into you? I was only here to remind you that its almost time to give Natsu his Sabertooth mark.''


Rufus and Frosch glanced at each other in confusion, only to shrug it off as they walked over to where Yukino, Rogue and Lector were standing at the buffet table.

"What the heck Sting?!'' Natsu said in an angry state. "Why did you talk to him like that?''

"Shut up.'' The mage in question grumbled, letting go of the scarf to fall on the pink haired man's shoulders, lifting them up to grab both sides of his head, and for the second time brought their lips together forcefully.

Natsu shuddered at the contact, as the lingering heat returned to his face. However; as soon as he felt the warm lips part, he instinctively pushed away from the latter; standing up and away from the forceful mage meekly.


The dragon slayer sitting down stood up; walking past Natsu without a word towards his guild mates.

Not knowing where else to go; Natsu ran off towards the bathroom.

• • • • • • •

"Oh, Sting... I thought you were too focused on Natsu to come over here...'' Rogue inquired; only to receive a distressed expression from his 'twin' dragon slayer.

"Rogue... can we go outside a minute?''

• • • • • • •

Natsu was currently looking at himself over in the bathroom mirror, which both hands on the countertop for support, as he wouldn't stop shaking.

His scarf that Igneel had gifted him lay lazily over both of his shoulders; almost revealing the scar on his neck, and his pink locks at the front had drooped down on his face sloppily.

This was the second time the pinkette had been a victim of Sting's forceful motives, and it scared him. On one hand, he knew it was his fault for leading the latter on... but why did he act so possessively over the fire mage? "Dammit-'' Natsu mumbled with gritted teeth, looking down at the sink in front of him. He really couldn't figure Sting out... and he couldn't figure himself out at the moment either...



The hunched posture of the man in question turned around quickly, only to see Lector looking up at him with a worried expression.

"Oh... hey Lector... I er-''

"Don't worry... I saw what happened with Sting-kun.'' The red exceed said, as the latter turned back to look back up at the mirror.

"Do you know why he acted that way?'' He drawled on, which made Lector shake his head.

"No, but it might have something to do with how he's always admired you... Rufus told us how he snapped at him and Fro earlier, I'm guessing that's cause he wanted to only focus on you or something.''

"So its my fault'' Natsu stated rather than questioned.

There was a minute of silence, until the red cat crawled onto the countertop in front of him.

"I doubt it.'' He declared with folded arms. "But I think you should face him about it. I've known Sting long enough to know that he blames himself for these kinda outbreaks easily... if you don't talk to him now he might blame himself and keep his distance from you.''

The dragon slayer nodded his head slowly. "You're right. I was gonna tell him tonight that I love him anyway...'' He mumbled, making Lector's eyes widen in surprise.

"You Love him?!'' He asked in shock, which made Natsu nod and grin awkwardly.

"Dammit... I owe Rogue 50 jewel...''

• • • • • • •

"So that's what you're worried about?''

Currently Rogue and Sting were standing on a balcony, a little way away from the rest of Sabertooths guild bustling members. It was pitch black outside, which contrasted from the gold light washing over the guild hall.

Sting nodded his head. "Weisslogia told me something about dragons becoming possessive over someone that's close to them... and he was worried that this trait would pass onto me and other wielders of dragon slayer magic.''

Rogue turned his head to face the blonde, who had concern and regret laced in his face, as he was looking up at the bold bright moon above them.

The shadow mage smiled. "I don't think there is a reason to worry. You obviously care about Natsu enough to ask me about his safety around you.''

In return, the latter let out a cold breath. "I know, but what if I hurt him? What if I start to get possessive over his whole lifestyle?'' He questioned, looking down at the dimly lighted street of Crocus. Rogue frowned in thought. "...I can't help it... every time he's close to me I just end up getting the need to feel... power over him...''

He narrowed his blue eyes as he remembered what had happened beforehand.

"You really didn't think I wouldn't have an ulterior motive for paying your guild to make you join Sabertooth?''

His teeth gritted together. "I'm starting to go back to how I was beforehand... before the Grand Magic Games...''

Rogue shook his head. ''Sting, you've definitely changed. Don't let this whole dragon slayer trait get the better of you.'' he stated in an annoyed tone. "Ever since you've been around Natsu, you've become more kind and open to all of us. Don't hold back just because you're frightened of hurting him... I doubt you will.''

With that, the red eyed man walked back into the hall, leaving Sting to his own thoughts.

However, a certain pink haired boy started to run up to him.

"Hey Rogue...'' Natsu panted, which made the latter roll his eyes.

"He's at the balcony.'' He stated blatantly, making the other mage thank him with a grin, as he ran past him.

• • • • • • •


The blonde man who was resting his arms on the balcony rails glanced over his shoulder and smiled.

"What's up Natsu?''

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