《(Stingsu) If Sabertooth Had Won》Love


Lucy Heartfelia trudged through the empty streets of magnolia sluggishly.

"You okay Lucy? Ever since Juvia gave you a message from Natsu you've been acting kinda quiet...'' A certain blue cat stated sadly.

Ever since the fire mage had left Fairy Tail, Happy started to live with Lucy. After all the exceed wasn't used to living alone. The blonde haired woman turned her head, giving Happy a forced smile, accompanied by sad eyes. "Yeah, sorry to worry you... but I'm fine.''

Pretty much everyone else in the guild tried to ignore the fact that Natsu was gone, which was hard for Lucy. Natsu was the one who had brought her to Fairy Tail, and the one person she bonded most with, even fell in love with... but as soon as she realised that it was too late.

She raised her head up, as both herself and Happy had made it back to her apartment.

However, she gasped as she saw the door wide open.

The blue cat instinctively jumped up in defence. "Has someone broken in?''

"I don't know.... lets go check it out...''

Both mages went up the stairs as quietly as possible, despite the creaking of the wooden warn-out steps underneath their heels causing a load racket.

As soon as they slammed open the door to her lit up apartment; the blonde didn't hesitate to shout ''ALL RIGHT! SHOW YOURSELF WHOEVER YOU ARE!''

"Nice to see you again too...''

Brown eyes shot open as she hesitantly looked down at the floor, where a sarcastic toned fire mage just happened to be sitting.

"N-Natsu?'' She gasped, as Happy ran past her instantly, crying.

"I MISSED YOU NATSSUUU!'' The blue cat exclaimed; jumping into the pinkette's arms, who smiled fondly down at him.

"I missed ya too buddy.''

He looked back up to the gawking Lucy, shooting her his signature grin. "Hey; its been a while Luce.''


The celestial mage wiped away some faint tears quickly, smiling softly. "Its only been a couple of days...'' She replied, chuckling under her shaky breath. "How are things at Sabertooth?'' She added, changing her tone of voice to a glum state.

"About that...''

• • • • • • •

Natsu sat cross-legged on Lucy's floor; waiting patiently for her to return like a well trained puppy, and Happy followed suit.

She walked back in with a tray, crouching down to give the fire mage a mug of hot chocolate.

"Its been horrible, Natsu...'' Happy piped up, sounding genuinely disturbed. "Lucy is so bossy to live with, and she only gave me one fishie a day!'' He stated, pointing an accusing finger at her.

"Is that so?'' Natsu inquired, not looking surprised as he glugged down the beverage.

"THAT CAT IS SO FULL OF CRAP!'' Lucy whined. "And it was three fish a day!'' She said defensively, which was followed by a pout as Natsu started to laugh hysterically. "By the way, Natsu-''

"Hm?'' He asked, turning his head to the latter mage in question.

"Why did Sting let you leave Sabertooth? Is he gonna take back the money he gave us now that we've left?''

The pinkette pondered for a while, clutching his scarf. "I don't think so... he's not like that...''

This drew Happy's attention almost instantly. "What is he like then? He seemed real keen on having you in his guild, even though he was such a big meanie to you beforehand!''

"Ya Natsu,'' Lucy piped up. "Did you find out why he wanted you to join Sabertooth?''

Natsu's eyes widened as he was taken off guard with the flood of questions. Why Sting wanted him to join Sabertooth? Honestly, the pinkette was wondering the same thing too...


"Heh, didn't you listen to what I said before? About not wanting to see you cry?''

The pinkette's eyebrows furrowed.

"Sabertooth is changing, I want you to be a part of that change.''

Was it companionship?

"Come back to the guild with me?''

So that he wasn't alone?

"What if I carry you sweetheart?''

Someone to joke around with?

"I care about you enough to let you go, and I've told you countless times; I never want to see you cry.''

Someone to care for?




Lucy's eyes snapped wide open. "Did you say love?'' She inquired, sounding genuinely interested.

Natsu's face flushed immediately, not realizing he had said it out aloud. "Lucy... what is love?'' He asked in less then a whisper.

"Um...'' The latter tilted her head to one side in thought, letting some stray blonde locks fall over her face. "Well if you want a definition, its an intense feeling of deep affection.''

Feeling of deep affection?

"Hey...'' Happy and Lucy turned their attention to the fire mage.

"I think... I started to love someone at Sabertooth...'' Lucy's eyes widened.

"You fell in love?'' The blonde's heart cracked. She gritted her teeth. She always had a feeling Natsu wouldn't return her affections. But that isn't what angered her...

"And... you just left? Left the person you love?'' She questioned in a sad/angry tone, looking up at Natsu with tears brimming her eyes.

"I-'' The fire dragon was perplexed by Lucy's reaction, and couldn't think fast enough to respond.

"You have to go back!'' The blonde pleaded, tears spilling out of her eyes carelessly. "You have to go back and tell them you love them,'' She sobbed, as Happy walked over to her in sympathy.

Natsu felt honestly dreadful. Dreadful for making his friend cry, dreadful for leaving, but...

"I cant... I-''

"You'll lose them if you don't act you idiot That's what happened to me!''

Lose them? Lose Sting?

He leaned forward, bringing the crying woman into a thankful hug. "You're right. I wanted to rejoin Fairy Tail... I really did but... it feels distant to me compared to Sabertooth because of the person I love. Sabertooth feels more like home now-''

Sting feels like home.

"-But I love Fairy Tail. I dont know why exactly... in any other case I wouldn't dream of going back to Sabertooth but...''

"Don't worry...I understand...'' The blonde replied, hugging Natsu back.



"Whoever it is you fell in love with is a total arse hole for not noticing.'' Natsu grumbled.

Lucy chuckled. "Yeah, he really is.''

"Aye sir!''

• • • • • • •

Sting had gathered every member around him in the guild hall.

"Look, I know we were supposed to make Natsu an official member of the guild today. But...''

Yukino brought her hand to her mouth in worry. "Oh no, is he ill?''

"I highly doubt that.'' Lector piped up. "I bet he's just late. Never seemed like the type to be on time if you ask me.''

"I think so too!'' Frosch exclaimed.

Sting sighed. "I wish that were the case, but...''

"HEY GUYS! Sorry for being late but I had some errands to run!''

Ever guild member simply rolled their eyes.

"See, told ya so.'' Lector stated smugly.

The Sabertooth Master's mouth hung in disbelief, which turned into a soft smile as he gazed at the mage that had just burst through the door in relief. He couldn't be more happy at that moment that Natsu had chosen himself over Fairy Tail.

But why him?

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