《(Stingsu) If Sabertooth Had Won》Mark


A certain raven haired woman, who had her eyebrows furrowed and a smirk laced sharply across her lips, looked down at Natsu who was still wrapped up in a red dressing gown, and still curled up, asleep in the guild hall.

Her eyes drifted to the salmon haired boy's right shoulder which was exposed as one of the sleeves draped down; which still bared the Fairy Tail crest.

"Tsk. Wake up Salamander.'' She demanded, still towering over him. At this, the pinkette opened his eyes, yawning.

"Wha-... time is it?'' He inquired groggily, stretching.

"Time that you get rid of that old emblem.'' At the statement that seeped through Minerva's lips coldly, Natsu looked at the red crest which was still on his shoulder, and sighed.

'Dammit; I forgot I had to get rid of it.' He thought; cursing himself.

Standing up slowly, he faced Minerva fully.

"Oh, its you'' Natsu hissed, frown immediately forming on his face as he recognised the woman who attacked Lucy.

The ex-guild Master's daughter frowned back. "Quiet, go and get rid of that emblem.'' She commanded, extending a finger to the direction of one of the corridors.

Natsu walked past the woman, snarling. Despite knowing he'd eventually have to part with the red emblem anyway, he decided to follow her orders... for now.

Trudging through the dimly lighted corridor towards his room, the pinkette walked straight past the office where Sting was reuniting with Lector. Natsu halted. 'They'll be in there for a long time... I'll just burn the crest off here.'

The Salamander lifted his arm so that his hand covered the emblem. His hand was shaking...

He was scared?

Why wouldn't he be scared? After all... it meant so much to the dragon slayer, not to mention he got it when he was a child. The crest was almost like a symbol of his life. Getting rid of it... would be like getting rid of all his memories at Fairy Tail.


Instead of engulfing the emblem in flames and burning it off, Natsu took his hand away from his shoulder; instead bringing it to his face as tears pricked his eyes.

A door could be heard creaking open.

Natsu started to cry, when suddenly he felt familiar arms wrap around his hunched posture.

"Heh, didn't you listen to what I said before? About me not wanting to see you cry?'' The pinkette's eyes shot open, as his heart started to thaw at the warm and gentle words coming from the blonde dragon slayers mouth, who held Natsu tightly against him, letting him cry on his shoulder.

Sting had left Lector in the office a short while beforehand, as he spotted Natsu walking passed the room in an aggravated state. When he saw the now crying pinkette before him as he walked into the corridor, without hesitation; he ran up to Natsu and hugged the tearful mage.

"I-its my Fairy Tail... mark...'' The fire mage sobbed out, wrapping his own arms around the taller mage, gripping onto his green robe. "I cant... I have to...''

"Get rid of it?'' The white dragon slayer asked, nuzzling his face into the crook of the pinkette's neck.

"Y-yeah.'' Natsu breathed out, in little less than a whisper.

Sting opened his eyes slightly, still hugging the other dragon slayer with all the might he had. "Would you feel better if I got rid of it for you?''

He could feel Natsu nod, and the blonde's shoulder became soaked in the shorter mage's tears.

Sting decided to speak up again. "I know its hard; after all that emblem probably holds a lot of memories for you...'' He mumbled, as Natsu just remained silent, but still crying softly.

"... But it will be replaced with another emblem, which will be the mark of new memories... right?'' At this remark Sting had made; he could feel the fire mage's arms fall to his sides.


The blonde continued. "Sometimes, you have to let go of old memories to make way for new ones. I'm not saying you should forget them, but... Sabertooth is changing, and I want you to be a part of that change. "

Natsu finally stopped crying. He thanked Sting softly with a sad smile. "Sting, you're right. And... I want to be a part of it... with you.'' Still holding onto the pinkette, the blonde smiled himself, as he could feel his heart thumping in his chest again.

Lifting his hand up to Natsu's shoulder; he felt the fire mage stiffen as Sting started to flood the Fairy Tail mark in a white light. It faded slowly, leaving a bare shoulder behind.

The white dragon slayer stepped back as he let go of Natsu, who had his eyes tightly closed.

"I'll get Rogue to find the Sabertooth stamp, then you'll be an official member.'' Sting stated, trying to convey enthusiasm in his words. Natsu forced a smile on his lips and wiped his eyes dry with the sleeve of his dressing gown.

"Yeah... I'll just go get changed while you're doing that...'' The man wearing the green dressing gown nodded, watching Natsu walk down the corridor and into his room.

Turning around, the blonde almost jumped out of his skin when he saw Lector right behind him.

The red exceed smiled. "Hey Sting Kun! Sorry; I got tired of waiting... so-''

"It's fine Lector.'' The blonde reassured him, smiling down at his companion.

The feline smiled, which turned into a smirk as he folded his small arms. "So... you and Natsu san huh?'' Sting blushed immediately at the comment.

"I don't know what you're talking about.'' The Master of Sabertooth stated, folding his arms with a 'huff' childishly.

Lector rolled his eyes.

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