《(Stingsu) If Sabertooth Had Won》Lector


The sleeping fire mage tossed and turned above the soft and plump pillows laying in a soundless state beneath him. The sun started to flood through the windows, making any area it didn't touch look darker than it was.

The light crawled up to the pinkette's eyes, warming his face in a soft glow.

He squinted, still asleep, and tossed to his left.

His arm flopped onto something warm, and in a groggy state, Natsu shuffled closer to it, trying to crawl away from the bright light swarming around his eyes. He wrapped his arms around the object to make himself feel comfortable, and with a smile and closed eyes: continued his deep sleep.

Sting's eyes shot open.

'I can feel something on my back... what the heck...'

The blonde turned his head slightly and was presented by a streaking yellow passing through the windows, and snuggled up to him a certain pink haired mage in a red dressing gown.

The guild Master looked down at the sleeping figure in awe, with his mouth agape in shock; a brilliant blush forming on both cheeks, which was almost as bright as the rays of sun that were flooding through into the guild hall.

He turned his whole body around slowly with Natsu's arms still draped around him, so that he was now facing the shorter mage.

He looked so peaceful, snoring quietly. The blonde couldn't bring himself to wake Natsu up, and he was in too much of a flustered, fangirling state to say anything.

Sighing, Sting rested his head back down on the pillows facing Natsu, and brought a hand slowly to the side of the pinkette's tanned face. He was happy he wasn't wearing his gloves at this point. The latter mage's skin felt softer than he had ever imagined it to be.

Resting his palm on Natsu's cheek, he could feel small, warm breaths drawing from out of the fire mage's mouth. Sting shuffled closer so that his face was right next to the pinkette's; he wanted to get a better view of his past idol's chiselled and wondrous features.


As his heart pounded loudly in his chest like an endless drum; the blonde slowly traced is hand down Natsu's jaw line softly, caressing his face, which made the sleeping dragon slayer lean into the blonde's palm, making Sting smile at the adorable gesture; even if the pinkette was still asleep.

"Um... Master?''

Sting's eyes shot open, as he quickly darted away from Natsu's grip. He turned to face Yukino, who was standing above him, silently cursing himself. He started to play with the green tassel of his dressing gown nervously.

The white dragon slayer opened his mouth to speak, avoiding eye contact with the white haired woman.

"That wasn't... if you're thinking...''

Yukino giggled sweetly. "Thinking what?'' She asked innocently. "I didn't see anything...'' She stated with a wink.

Sting smiled at her. "Anyway... what is it?'' He asked, rubbing his eyes.

Her posture stiffened. "Well actually... Minerva wanted to see you in your office.''

At this; the blonde jumped up as if his hole body had consumed a large quantity of energy all at once. Not looking back, he ran past Yukino, still in his dressing gown, towards the office.

Once he got there, he didn't bother to knock, and simply opened the door running inside.

There was Minerva, at the corner of the room; standing over a sleeping, curled up exceed.

Still panting after quickly making himself sprint to the room; the blonde looked down at his companion and ran up to him. He crouched down onto the floor, and rested his hand on the cat's head.

Eyes still drawn to the red exceed; Sting thanked the raven haired woman with tears rimming his eyes.

"No need to thank me, after all you did win.'' Minerva stated in a plain tone of voice. "And you even purchased that fire breathing boy...''


The blonde glared at her. "I didn't buy him, I traded him.''

Eyebrow raised; Minerva gave the kneeling mage a thin, challenging smirk.

"Come on Sting,'' She stated teasingly, walking towards the door. "It' no secret that you have idolised Natsu for years, and I suspect that the fanboy stuff has grown into something bigger.''

Closing the door behind herself, Minerva walked down the hallway swiftly, leaving Sting behind, who stood up, and was now thinking back to earlier, when he had woken up.

Natsu. That's the only word that carved itself into the blonde man's brain since the start of the Grand Magic Games. He furrowed his eyebrows.

"S-Sting kun...''

The blonde turned around, smiling reassuringly at the exceed, who appeared to be crying. He knelt down to hug the small feline, smiling.

"It's great to see you again, buddy.''

Lector could be heard sniffling, holding onto the 19-year old with his small paws. "Sting kun... are we at Sabertooth?'' The red coated cat inquired, letting go of the blonde and looking around the room. "...you didn't get kicked out?''

Sting, kneeling on the floor with both hands placed on his knees, grinned sheepishly down at Lector.

"About that... Jiemma well... he left and uh, I became the knew Master... and... Sabertooth won the Grand Magic Games.''

Lector blinked.

He blinked again.

"YOU'RE THE NEW MASTER?! THATS AWESOME!'' Lector exclaimed, throwing his arms in the air. The blonde chuckled at the display of enfusiasm.

The exceed paused and folded his arms. "I'm not surprised though; honestly. You're pretty much guild Master material.'' He added with a shrug.

Sting once again smiled and tilted his head. He hadn't realised how much he had missed Lector's encouragement up until now.

"Thanks buddy...'' The blonde stated, standing up. "Oh and, by the way... there's something else I need to tell you...'' At this statement, the white dragon slayer scratched the back of his neck.

"Huh? What is it Sting kun?''

"Natsu has joined Sabertooth.''

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