《(Stingsu) If Sabertooth Had Won》Cavorting


"...And here is your room.'' The blonde stated, leaning casually against the door.

Natsu walked in, past the latter mage as he looked around at the interior. It was pretty simple; a bed, chair, draws... however like the rest of Sabertooth it still had a furnished and grand feeling to it.

The white dragon slayer started to close the door slowly from the other side. "I'll leave you in peace to get changed. But you will need to attend the guild meeting I'm holding in 5 minutes; so hurry up.'' The pinkette rolled his eyes.

"Yeah yeah.'' He sluggishly replied, waving his hand to signal for Sting to leave.

The door closed with a 'clunk'

The fire mage drew the curtains, quickly stripped to his boxers, and wrapped his small, muscular frame in a long black dressing gown he had found hanging on the door, with red trimmings.

Grinning to himself for no particular reason; other than getting dressed in record time, Natsu opened the door and walked towards the guild hall... where he could hear...fighting?

He started to quicken his pace.

'I was wrong...' The pinkette thought to himself, frowning. '...Sabertooth hasn't changed much at all...'

Natsu slammed open the door to the guild hall, but immediately stopped.

He was introduced with a bright light flooding the room.

Yes, the guild did appear to be fighting... but there were piles of pillows covering every inch of the large space and numerous, cheerful mages causing a ruckus and throwing them around. They were pillow fighting?

The fire dragon slayer was soon knocked out of his trail of thoughts when a pillow smacked him directly in the face. There stood a giggling Yukino who had thrown it at him.

Wait... Yukino?

Just before Natsu could ask why she's here; his eyes caught a certain blonde in the middle of the room, pillows under each arm laughing triumphantly, as he stood over what appeared to be... Rogue... buried in pillows.


Sting also appeared to be wearing a dark green dressing gown, which, however... draped down exposing the guild Master's toned chest. The pinkette felt his face heat up as he stared at the blonde.

Suddenly Sting turned his eyes to the shorter mage who was a little distance away from him, and grinned brightly until another pillow was thrown into his face by Ogra which made the blonde fall back. Natsu giggled and ran up to the white dragon slayer impatiently.

"So this is the 'guild meeting' you were going on about?'' The pinkette smirked in question, with a hunched posture, towering over the blonde who was laid sprawled out on the floor... or well, pillows.

Sting sat up slightly, rubbing the back of his head with a large, goofy grin plastered on his features.

"Well, I thought we should mess around a bit... so we can get along better y'know?'' Natsu smiled and nodded in approval, as Sting continued with a teasing tone of voice, still looking up at the latter mage: ''Plus we are using pillows so that we don't cause too much of a mess or destroy anything...'' He added a wink with the statement.

That brought Natsu's mind immediately back to Fairy Tail. The pink haired mage narrowed his eyes and looked down with a pained expression. Sting quickly caught onto this and widened his own eyes.

"Wait-sorry, I didn't mean to-''

Surely enough, the pinkette had plummeted a pillow right into Sting's face.

"THAT'S FOR ACCUSING ME OF DESTROYING STUFF!'' Natsu shouted, pointing accusingly at the blonde with an extended finger.

Sting rubbed the side of his face where a red mark had formed and pouted.

"When haven't you destroyed anything? I don't recall it in my memory...''

Natsu turned around, seeing Rufus walking towards him with a thin smirk. Narrowing his eyebrows, the pinkette trudged over to the memory mage and tilted his head. "Who are you?''

A sweat dropped from the side of Sting's face. "He entered the Grand Magic Games Natsu...''


"Oh-'' The fire mage turned away from Rufus and back to the latter dragon slayer who was still sitting on the floor. "Talking about Sabertooth mages who entered the Grand Magic Games... why is Yukino back? Didn't you guys kick her out?''

Suddenly Rouge's head popped out from under the mountain of pillows. "We convinced her to come back since Jiemma's gone.''

Sting turned to grin at his 'twin' dragon slayer. "Yeah, we wont kick any members out anymore for losing a fight. It didn't make any sense.''

The white dragon slayer turned to Natsu hoping to see a smile of approval, after all, he wanted... no, needed his past idol to see that Sabertooth was just as welcoming as Fairy Tail now that he had taken over.

When he did turn to him however, a transcendent smile was painted over the pinkette's face, which made Sting's heart pound loudly. He looked away briskly with wide eyes. What was this feeling? The blonde always aimed to see Natsu's smile; and every time he became more in awe of the fellow dragon slayer... but in a way he couldn't explain or understand, which frustrated him.

He caught Rogue's smug: 'You're so gay for him' expression, which in response made the blonde roll his eyes.

"L-listen up everyone.'' The Master of Sabertooth stated, standing up, grabbing the mages attention who had halted, holding numerous pillows which they were about to throw. They turned their heads to him silently. "It's late, lets tidy up the place and head to our rooms.''

At this commandment, 'Aw' and 'No fair' could be heard spread out around the guild hall from disappointed wizards. Natsu pouted from behind the white dragon slayer, noticing that Sting was still turned away from him.

"Oi!'' Natsu stated loudly to the blonde, which made him tense up on the spot, however not turning to face the pinkette. "What did you call it off for? Everyone was having fun!'' The fire mage complained in a childish tone of voice, folding his arms.

Sting bit his lip, once again addressing the guild...

"Actually, change of plan, lets all have a slumber party in here!'' The blonde shouted loudly, in a more excited tone, and the hall was soon filled with cheers and joyful murmuring. He turned around to Natsu, finally. "You're okay with sleeping in here for your first night... right?'' the blonde inquired with concern laced in his words.

The pinkette nodded, grinning once again, thus making Sting's heart thud once again, but this time he maintained eye contact with the shorter man in front of him.

"I'll pretty much sleep anywhere...'' the pinkette commented in a matter-of-fact tone, before his face turned completely pale. "Unless its on a train.''

The blonde nodded vigorously in agreement. "And any other transport for that matter.'' He added.

With one last whole-hearted smile, Natsu fell back onto the pillows and closed his eyes in content. The blonde followed suit, laying down himself next to the other dragon slayer, as muffled talking in the background became quieter and quieter.

The guild hall was suddenly blanketed with darkness as the lights switched off, one by one.

The room was silent, as each mage had settled down; tired from all of the cavorting around.

Sting was laying on his back; looking up at the ceiling...

He turned to his right, where Natsu was laying, snoring softly. The white light of the moon seeping through the windows softly touched his salmon coated hair, as well as his small, now curled up frame. The blonde smiled in pure happiness. After all; he felt like the luckiest guy in the world right now...

A day ago he was bawling his eyes out over Lector's 'death', whom Minerva said she'd return to him tomorrow, and now he was laying alongside the loveable fireball.

Wait... 'Loveable'?

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