《(Stingsu) If Sabertooth Had Won》Spectator


Each and every wizard of Fairy Tail, sitting and standing in distraught, could hardly bring themselves to look at the lacrima screen splayed out in front of them.

The silhouette of a victorious mage stood in front of the full moon. And that mage was not Natsu, it wasn't Gray, nor Gajeel, Erza... even Laxus. It was Sting Eucliffe.

A member of their opposing guild.

And not just a member. Their Master.


Numerous sobs could be heard across the Fairy Tail stand. Makarov sighed. What would become of his children now? Surely they would have no choice but to disband at this point.

He glanced forward to the first Master...who had disappeared. He couldn't blame her; after all Mavis most likely blamed herself for this devastating loss.

''I cant believe we lost... after everything...'' Lucy stood at the front of the stand, bawling her eyes out; hands gripping the wall which stood between herself and the screen.

Soon enough, it was not just her who had their attention turned to the screen.

Every member couldn't believe what was happening before their eyes. The victor... the Sabertooth mage was hugging their Natsu? Why?

''GET YOUR FILTHY ARMS OFF MY BOY!'' Makarov was furious. How dare this man touch one of his children after covering him with scars and bruises? Just before the short man could pounce at the lacrima screen in rage, Juvia and Mira-Jane had managed to pull him back.

The woman wielding pearl coated hair looked down at him.

''Master, I think that's the least of our worries... don't you?''

He knew she was right. After all, Fairy Tail needed the mo-

Makarov turned back to the screen.

As if on cue, Sting Eucliffe was now shaming his guild further; Shouting out the cruel truth to them, the reason why they had entered the games.


The lacrima screens turned off, much to Makarov's dismay. It was obvious that Sting had a plan, after seeing him fight Natsu and Gajeel the other day; he didn't seem like the kind of wizard who'd taunt the opposing team unless it was to boost his ego... or for his own personal gain.

• • • • • • •

"In return for Natsu Dragneel.''

The pinkette's heart thumped loudly in his chest. Why did he want him? Natsu gathered he was Sting's idol but...

"Whoa, you're even dumber than I thought; Eucliffe...'' Gray snorted. "If you've learned anything from our guild through this whole thing, its that we are loyal to every member and treat them like family... so what'd make you think we'd just give over Natsu like that?''

Laxus smirked. "He's right. As if we would sell one of our own comrades to scum like you.''

Sting, caught off guard, hesitated and gritted his teeth. "Well-''

"It is a lot of money though... Fairy Tail does need it...''

All eyes sharply turned to Erza, wielding confusion. She was considering this sick trade?

Natsu didn't know how to feel. Was Erza serious?

Regaining confidence, a lopsided grin formed on the blonde's face. "Exactly! You need the money! What would you rather have huh? No guild, or... a guild missing just one member?''

"Salamander ain't just any member.'' Gajeel stated in a gruff tone, still glaring at the red headed woman.

"Exactly.'' The ice wizard piped up once again. "What I wanna know is... how could you be considering this?'' Gesturing to Erza, he continued. "After all this time you've known Natsu... even after the tower of heaven... but yo-''

"THATS ENOUGH!'' Erza scolded, suddenly regaining all of her strength to stand up. Sting smirked at the sight of the arguing comrades. He didn't think the discussion would be this entertaining... Keeping his composure, he watched the scene like an amused hawk.


"Do you really think I have forgotten everything Natsu has done for me?'' Erza croaked as glistening tears started to fall off of her face. "But Fairy Tail itself... gave me a purpose in life. Natsu was... just part of the journey...''

"You've got to be kidding me...'' Gray started once again... only to halt upon seeing the Salamander, whom despite being the main topic of this conversation, had no say at all up to this point, stand up.

"This is my choice. Not any of yours. Although I appreciate most of you standing up for me; I've gotta make this decision on my own."

Natsu walked slowly and sluggishly forward, due to being covered head to toe in injuries. Walking past an unsure Sting, who kept his eyes locked on the shorter dragon slayer, he halted just in front of where Erza was standing, tears still falling off of her face silently.

"Erza's right. This is the only way that Gramps can keep up the guild. Besides...'' The pinkette clenched his right fist. "...it's my fault we lost.''

Erza narrowed her eyes sadly. "Don't blame yourself Natsu.'' There was sympathy laced in her voice. "You were covered in injuries before the last fight... we all were.'' The sad tone of voice was soon replaced with a gruff impatient one behind the fire mage.

"What's you decision Natsu?'' Sting took one step forward towards the pinkette, gesturing for him to answer the drawled out question. Natsu looked back at Erza, who he smiled to weakly, before turning back to the blonde, with a determined, unwavering expression.

"I'm joining Sabertooth.''

Gray's eyes widened, Gajeel grunted closing his eyes, Laxus turned away with an unreadable expression, Erza smiled softly but sadly... and...

Sting once again smirked.

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