《(Stingsu) If Sabertooth Had Won》Defeat



Wounded, broken, beaten: The Fairy Tail mages laid there, shivering in utter disbelief, on the cold stone floor-Sting Eucliffe's canvas.

The crowd was silent.

Of course, the Sabertooth mages had lifted their tired and worn out eyes, which were tainted by the cold sharp light of the moon, which stood boldly behind their new-found master, making him shine in even more glory. Smirks painted across their dishevelled faces.

But no.

They looked upset? Tired?

Every year Sabertooth won the Grand Magic Games. Every year they were treated the same. Only recently had each one realized, that they were ruled by a manipulative and cruel leader. Now that they had won once again, they were scared that nothing had changed.

Each one had turned away from the lacrima screen, some grinding their teeth together in aggravation, some holding back tears even. And they weren't tears of joy.

The only person, well, more like creature, who had gathered the strength to sit up, laughing at the lacrima screen and beaten fairies like a maniac, was the raven haired mistress of Sabertooth.

How had they lost? How had Fairy Tail lost? Even after First-Master Mavis' calculated plan they had been beaten? By one mage?

Erza, Gajeel, Gray, Laxus...Natsu. The five remaining fairies... Arguably the strongest mages in Fairy Tail... Had lost by one point.

Laying, face planted to the ground, Natsu gritted his teeth with the little might he had left. The moonlight sat, coating his pink ruffled hair. He could hear someone approaching him. He knew who it was. What did the latter dragon slayer want? To gloat now that he had finally beat him and his guild?

He wanted to throw all his rage into one fist and throw it into Sting's face. But he couldn't. The mighty Natsu Dragneel had been finally beaten.


The pinkette's eyes rimmed with tears. This frustrating result of the Grand Magic Games not only meant that his guild had lost, but that they would have to disband.

Each and every member silently knew that winning was more about the money; without it... Fairy Tail wont be able to stand tall anymore, it'll merely be just a part of history.

To his surprise, Natsu felt a strong grip under both his arms, pushing him up so that he was now kneeling in front of the wizard who had defeated him. At this action; Natsu let out a bitter chuckle. How humiliating, that this 'fellow' dragon slayer could now see the 'Son of Igneel' in his worst state-crying even. Pathetic right?

Natsu felt the cold air spitting and lashing at his bruised arms. However... it was soon replaced with...the blonde's arms wrapped strongly around his bruised frame?

His eyes widened at the contact.

''Don't cry Natsu. I don't want to see my idol cry.''


''It may not seem like it now, but this is a great result. This way we can all be happy.''

The pinkette was now crouched like a statue, as Sting's arms left him. The white dragon slayer stood up, and turned his attention to the remaining lifeless mages.

''You did it for the money didn't you. Tch, I knew it.''

The pinkette behind him turned around to the direction that Sting was facing; to his defeated comrades. Who said nothing in return.

They weren't unconscious, they could hear him.


Still no response.

The victor sighed, closing his eyes. The lacrima screens finally turned off.

''Sabertooth doesn't need the money. If it means that much to you, its yours.''

This caught each mages attention, as their eyes shot open one by one.


The iron dragon slayer snorted. ''What's the catch, Eucliffe?''

''Catch? Heh, there's no catch.''

This time, Gray piped up.

''There's always a catch. Just cause you beat us, dont talk to us like idiots!''

The blonde smirked. ''Wouldn't dream of it. Although... what I have in mind isn't really a catch, more of a proposition.''

''Go on then. We haven't got all night.'' Laxus grunted, as he glared up at the taunting latter blonde mage.

Erza remained silent.

Sabertooths master glanced around at each mage, making sure he had their attention. When he turned and looked down at Natsu however, who had his eyebrows furrowed in... what looked to be confusion or... curiosity even; he smirked.

Looking back, Sting opened his mouth to speak. ''Your guild, your home. The place that your master Makarov worked so hard to sustain and protect, you'll get more than enough money to keep it...''

''...in return for Natsu Dragneel.''

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