《Pokémon High》Wait A Little Longer


Serena's POV

At first I was a tad confused what the professor meant when he grabbed those objects, and said "Let's go.", but that's when I saw the objects. They were Pokeball. I nodded with determination, while keeping my shaking hand close to my fast beating heart.

Before we were able to walk out the Professor's door, I remembered the first reason why I came. My back pack. "Professor, I need to stop by my locker."

He didn't ask any questions, and only nodded, as if he already knew why in wanted something from my locker. I didn't wait for anything else. I quickly turned around, and began running for my locker. I heard not too faint footsteps behind me while ran. I knew it was just Oak, but nerves where getting the better of me, and I kept looking over my shoulder. As expected, I was greeted by Professor Oak, who was not paying much attention. He looked like he was thinking about something. Something serious.

Finally, I made it to my locker. It was at the end of the hallway, that led straight to Oak's office. I took almost no time to stop while turned towards, causing me to almost running into it. I quickly entered the passcode, causing it jerk a bit, letting me know that it was unlocked. I grabbed the top of the shackle, pulling it out of the loop that connected the locker door to the outside.

I threw the door open, grabbed my back pack, and tossed the padlock into it. I threw the pink back pack over my shoulder, and didn't wait for Professor Oak to say something. I darted right for the entrance of the school.

It was weird. The hallways never been so quiet. Nothing came from the rows of classrooms that dotted the wall. The eerie silence sent chills down my spine. Only the sound of our footsteps filled these empty halls.


Finally we made it outside. The hit of the natural air seemed to smooth my nerves a bit, but not enough to stop my shaking. The sound of Ash yelping out in pain replayed in my mind over, and over. My heart ached more, and more the sound of his yelps echoed through my mind, and the scenes of before showed in my head.

I realized my vision was blurring, and a liquid rolled down right side of face. I placed my index finger on my cheek, and found that the strange liquid was tears. Why was I crying? Were my feelings for Ash this deep?

Before I knew it, we were in the forest. "Where to Serena?" Asked professor Oak. Everything almost seemed the same, but I manged to remember where the path was to where Ash was.

"This way." I said pointing down a path into the woods. There was soft wrestle a clothing signaling that Oak had nodded. We began running, and he threw a Pokeball into the air releasing a bird-like Pokemon. I was guessing it was Pidgeot becuase of it's size.

"Pidgeot, fly ahead of us. Locate where my grandsons are." The Pokemon nodded, and was out of sight in a matter of seconds. We ran for a little while longer before the Pokemon came back, and nodded. Oak nodded, and the Pokemon led us to where Ash was waiting.

'Dont worry Ash. I'm coming. Just hang in there a little while longer.'

To be continued!

That's it for today! Please tell me what you think! Is there anything I need to improve on? Were there any mistakes? Please tell me! I also wanted to thank you all for your pantence. I know I've been slow on the updates, but I've been running out of ideas. So thank you! I hoped you enjoyed, and I hope to see you next time! Bye!

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