《Pokémon High》They Are Here


The blue light was headed straight towards Ash. Without thinking, Green, pushed Ash out of the way just in time. Ash eyes were wide. He didn't move. Green was about to get up, but winced in pain. The blue light whisked Green's legs burning off his skin.

"Green!" Gary yelled.

"Ash!' Serena yelled.

A roar came from the area where the blue light was blasted. Serena, and Gary looked to find two Charizards that were mega evolved into Charizard X. Gary's eyes widened.

Serena looked at the two Charizards in confusion. Two figures covered by the forest's shadow had appeared.

'This is what Green had meant.' Gary thought backing up in fear. 'It's true. H-how could they?'

"Gary what's wrong?"

Gary stayed silent. Green weakly got up using a tree. Ash stayed on the ground shaking. "Why?" He kept asking himself.

"Ash, get up." Green commanded holding out his hand. Ash then snapped out of his state and grabbed Green's hand.

Ash then determinedly face the two figures. Serena looked into his eyes, and blushed. This was the Ash she remembered. The two figures were motionless then at the same time, they turned their heads to Ash.

Ash faced them with no fear showing. Pikachu faced them with sparks leaking from his cheeks. One figure was taller then that other, but not by much. The taller figure was on the right, and the smaller was on the left standing outside of the two Charizards. Then a third figure, that was a lot taller then the two, came between them. It walked ahead of them revealing who it was.

Serena saw Ash's eyes turn into fear, and his legs begin to shake. She was confused on why he was scared of the man.

Gary's legs turn to jelly. He couldn't believe that he was here. Green didn't seem all that surprised, but he mouthed, "Giovanni."


"W-what a-a-are y-you d-doi-doing h-here?" Ash managed to force out.

"Long time no see... Satoshi." An evil grin on Giovanni's face. Anger grew in Ash. His face turned from fear into anger in a matter of seconds.

"DON'T YOU DARE YOU USE THAT NAME YOU BASTARD!" Ash screamed before charging at Giovanni. Giovanni stood there smirking. The taller figured whispered something before the Charizard on the right charged at Ash, and used it's shadow claw.

The Charizard was too fast for Ash to doge, such he got hit by it. The shadow claw cut Ash across the face, his chest, and his stomach. Blood ran out of the cuts. The cut on his face ran through his right eye across his nose then to his left ear. The taste of iron tainted his tonged, and he chocked on his blood as breathed it in.

Ash fell to the ground. "Ash!" Gary, Green, and Serena yelled at the same time. Giovanni walked over to the bleeding boy, and picked him up by the shirt collar. Ash looked him the eyes with anger, then spat blood in his face.

Giovanni wiped the blood from his face, and growled, "You don't know what game you're playing boy." He picked up Ash, then threw him towards the two figures. The figures didn't look down, they kept there head forwards. Ash was in front of the two Charizards, and he angrily stood up ready to face Giovanni. Giovanni had his hand in his pockets, and was walking towards Ash.

"Leave him alone!" Green yelled.

"Stay out of this Green!" Ash shouted wanting to deal with Giovanni himself.

"Ash you'll never be able to win!" Gary shouted.

Serena looked as if she was about to faint. Ash felt like he was too. He was weak due to his blood loss, but he needed to defeat Giovanni.


Giovanni rummaged through his pockets looking for something. He finally pulled his hand out holding a pokeball. Ash's eyes widened. It was one of his Pokeballs, but it wasn't just any of his Pokemon. It was Greninja's Pokeball.

Ash death stared Giovanni. He once again charged at him. "Mega punch." The shorter figure said. The Charizard charged at Ash using it's Mega punch.

The force made him cough up blood, and fall to the ground. He gasped for a air. The punch had knocked the wind out of him, but he should have been knocked out. He realized that the two figures were holding back. 'Why?' Ash asked himself before he shakily got up.

"Ash!" Serena yelled. She hated having to watch Ash suffer, and she knew that Green, and Gary felt the same.

Giovanni held Ash's chin forcing Ash to look up. Ash was breathing heavily, and blood was staining his blue clothes. "Now let's continue where we left off."

"My answer will always be the same: rot in hell." Ash growled. Giovanni sighed. He placed Greninja's Pokeball into his pocket, and let go of Ash.

"Scratch." Said the shorter figure. His voice seemed cold, and lifeless. His Charizard charged at Ash again and scratched Ash's back. He let out an agonizing scream before falling to the ground.

"That's it! Braixen let's go!" Serena threw one of her Pokeballs into the air. "No Serena don't!" Ash yelled out weakly.

A Pokemon that looked like a standing fox came out. "Flame thrower." The two figures said so cold, and lifeless.

Without thinking Ash shot up, and got in the way of flame thrower. He lost consciousness before he hit the ground. The flame thrower was no where near as strong as the first one, but it was enough to great deal of damage.

"Ash!" Serena yelled with tears in her eyes. She began to run to him, but the Charizards shot a flame thrower in front of Serena to stop her.

Giovanni sighed, and rubbed the back of his head. "Not what I intended, but it will work." Giovanni began walking to Ash when Pikachu shot a thunder bot in front of him to stop him. Pikachu jumped to Ash's side in a fighting position.

"Oh I almost forgot about you." The two figures were about to give a command, but Giovanni held up his finger stopping them. "I'll take care of this one." He pulled out a Pokeball out of his pocket, and threw it into the air. "Persian, let's go!"

The Pokeball let out a cat like Pokemon. It purred before getting into a battle stance. "Alakazam, use psychic!" Green threw a Pokeball revealing an Alakazam. It used psychic on Ash lifting him off the ground, and towards Green.

Green grabbed him once he was in range. The two figures whispered something before their Charizards moved.

Pikachu jumped into the air collecting electricity in it tail. Persian collected dark energy around it's claw.

Serena ran to Green, and Ash. Gary threw a Pokeball into the air.

To be continued.

That's it for now! What do you guys think will happen? Also tell me what you think. Is there anything I need to improve on? Please tell me. Anyways I hope you enjoyed, and I see you all next time. Bye!

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