《Pokémon High》All His Fault


"Serena?" Ash asked. "Are you that girl I met all those years ago?" Serena looked at Ash in shock while Gary was only beginning to understand what was going on.

Serena slowly nodded while mentally face palming herself. She couldn't believe that Ash had beat her to asking when she was the first one to know!

Then Ash's eyes lit up, and a huge smile had grown his face. "Serena! I can't believe it's actually you!" He yelled picking up Serena and spinning her around.

"Ah! Ash you can stop that!" Serena yelled.

"Oh sorry." Ash placed dizzy Serena back on the ground. "I'm just so excited that I finally get to see you again." Ash scratched the back of his head.

"Oh yeah. You guys met at gramp's summer camp huh?" Gary asked butting in.

Ash, and Serena nodded in sync. "Speaking of gramps, he's a bit angry that you didn't show up to your classes, and wants to speak to you tomorrow."

Ash gulped then nodded his head. It was his fault that he let himself dose off into a sleep, so it should be expected.


Gary, Serena, and Ash all walked home together. Gary, and Serena did all the talking while all Ash could do was think about his dream. 'What could it mean?' Ash tought rubbing his right arm. 'All the pain felt so real, but yet it was fake. Or was it?' Ash continued.

"Ash?" Came a voice that seemed, so distance to Ash. 'Did that really happen or was it just my head?'

"Ash!" Came the voice again, but it still didn't enter Ash's ears. "I remember Gold, but not anything else. Could it be that Alain, and Red disappeared becauses of me?'

"Satoshi!" Came the same voice, and this time shocking Ash back to reality. He turned his head to where the voice had come from. Gary was standing there with his hands on his hips. "Finally." He rolled his eyes.


Serena was standing next to Gary, and was looking at him like he was crazy. Ash lowered his head as his questions built up in him. He rubbed his right arm. "Gary." He began. He needed to know something.


"How...how did I break my right arm."

Gary thought about it for a second. "You came back with it when you went training with your brothers. How you broke it...your brothers refused to tell, and you said that you forgot."

Ash's eyes widened. He couldn't believe that his dream might have been true. He placed his palm on his head knocking off his hat. "Ash are you okay?"

Ash's eyes began to fill with tears blurring his vision. He thought he was the reason his brothers disappeared. If that were true then he would never be able to forgive himself.

"Ash are you okay?" Serena asked.

Ash slowly began walking backwards shaking his head in disbelief. "It was all my fault." He mumbled.

"What do you mean? Ash come on get a grip. What's wrong?" Gary said. "Ash?" Serena began slowly walking to Ash.

Without thinking, Ash sprinted away from Gary, and Serena. "Wait Ash!" Serena, and Gary yelled together.

Ash ran not looking in front of him. His tears were flying off his cheeks, as he ran. His brothers' disappearance had been because he was too weak to protect himself. His brothers has sacrificed themselves to save the idiot that killed their mother. The idiot that couldn't win a single league.

Ash saw the ground turn from concrete to grass. He didn't care where he would end up. He just wanted to get his brothers back. Wherever they are.

-With Gary, and Serena-

"Why did Ash run off like that?" Serena asked.

"I bet it had something to do with that dream." Gary suggested.

"Well should we go after him?"


"No. Ash just needs fresh air. That's all."

Serena nodded though she wanted to bolt after Ash. "Oh yeah. Gary?"


"Why did you call Ash, Satoshi?"

Gary looked at his feet. He hesitated before answering. "Because, his brothers would call him that." Gary looked disappointed in himself for using that nickname. Serena felt, so bad for Ash. She didn't have any sibling, so she could only guess how he felt.

The rest of the walk was silent. Only nature dared to make any noise. They reached Serena's house first. They waved each other goodbye before continuing.


It was around midnight, and Serena laid awake trying to piece together everything that had happened. Ash's past still had gaps in it. She had no idea how Ash had been through some thing so tragic, and yet stayed so cheerful.

She remembered what Gary had said about Ash's bother calling him Satoshi, and laughed. It was such a beautiful name, and it seemed to fit him so well.

-With Ash-

Ash sat against a tree, hugging his knees, and crying. 'Idiot. Idiot. Idiot. Idiot. Idiot. Idiot.' Ash repeated in his head over, and over. His mother was dead, his brothers were gone because of him. Because he was too weak.

Pikachu looked up at his crying trainer, and patted Ash's foot. Ash lifted his foot shooing off Pikachu's paw. Pikachu then grew angry. Ash was acting like a complete child, and was not living up to his brothers' nickname.

"Pika pika pi pikachu!"

Ash stayed silent. Pikachu now was even angrier. Electricity leaked from his red cheeks. It then sent the Electricity towards Ash.

Ash fell to the ground with swirly eyes. He quickly shot back up. "Pikachu, what the heck was that for?!"

"Pika chu pi pika pikachu!" It yelled at Ash. Ash stared blankly at this Pokemon before pulling it into a hug.

"You're right Pikachu. I've been acting like a child."


Serena quickly ran out the door. She had over slept. It was probably because she went to sleep about two in the morning. "Bye mom!" She shouted. Once she got outside she ran about a block before slowing down to a walk.

Ash was already at school. He began walking towards Oak's office to accept his punishment for skipping class. When he walked through the halls everyone stopped, and stared at him. Some even whispered things to their friend. 'They must of heard.' Ash thought keeping his head low avoiding eye contact with everyone.

When Ash opened the door he saw the back of the head of someone. The person looked like Gary, but his hair was longer.

"Oh Ash. Take a seat."

The boy turned his head reveling his green eyes. "Green?" Ash asked in shock. Green was Gary's older brother, and a good friend of Alain, and Red.

"Long time no see, Satoshi." Green smiled. Ash smiled back. "W-wh-why are you here? I thought you were traveling?"

"That's what I wanted to talk to you about, Ash." Oak began. "So please take a seat. This may be a lot to take in." Ash gulped then nodded. He took a seat next to Green.

Oak drew in a deep breath. "Ash-" He began but was interrupted by Green.

"Maybe I should tell him." Oak nodded.

"Tell me what?" Ash asked with confusion written all over his face.

"Ash... your brothers... I've seen them."

To be continued.

I hoped you guys enjoyed. Please tell me what you think. Is there anything I need to improve on? Just tell me something. Anyways, I hope to see you next time. Bye!

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