《♧ Revealing The Hidden ♧【America fic】》Chapter 15


{warning: profanity.}

Word count:

Chapter 15: Can we talk?

W o a h, people actually like this shit? Lol this piece of trash fanfiction got 1k views. 😎😪


Once Japan, Russia and myself were out of the closet we bolted out the building. I did NOT wanna be sued for almost killing Belarus. Though, I'm my defense she did beat me up. It hurt like hell.

"How did we get stuck in a storage closet again?" I hear Japan ask me. "Well, I kinda dragged you both in with me because I didn't want the humans to see my wings but now that's all situated." I scratched the back of my neck nervously.

Japan sighed and nodded. "Of course you did." I chuckled and turned to Russia who was leaning against a wall, he look very lost in thought.

"Russia? You okay dude?" I asked the male. "Umm, yeah sorry," the Russian scratched his head sheepishly.

I squinted my eyes at him for a moment and nodded my head. "Soooo-" I was cut of by Russia.

"Can I talk to you alone Fredka?" He asked me. I looked over at Japan. "Is that okay Japan?" I questioned the older male. "Yeah of course, I'm not your mother or anything." Japan chuckled.

Japan walked away so I turned my attention to the Russian. "So what is it you wanted to speak about?" I questioned him curiously.

"Well, I wanted to get a proper apology." He looked down sadly. "I didn't mean to make myself seem homophobic, or ruin your and Japan's relationship in any way.."

I burst out laughing and put a hand on his shoulder. "Dude, me and Japan aren't in a relationship! When you found us in a field it was because I was landing there." I explained to him but he still looked confused.

"I- what do you mean?" Russia asked. "Well you see, Japan and I flew to Russia for the meeting so that's why my shirt was off." Russia blushed out of embarrassment and mumbled a quiet sorry.

"Haha! It's okay Russia."


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