《♧ Revealing The Hidden ♧【America fic】》Chapter 9


{Warning: Profanity.}

Word count:

Chapter 9: Questioning..

Rusame is soon for all those rusame shippers who had to be patient. (Remember this is American and rusame.)


Japan was on his way to the airport while I on the other hand was on my way to a grassy field. 'Twas a nice day indeed, sun shining, green grass, tall- oof. I looked down at the person I had ran into and extended a hand for them.

Oh shit it's Switzerland-

"Watch where you're going asshat!" The European country slapped my hand away, getting up and dusting his dark green coat of dirt.

"Hehe, sorry Switzerland I wasn't watching where I was going." The other country deadpanned, "obviously, now can you move? you're blocking my path." I rolled my eyes moving over for the obnoxious country. (Switzerland is my favorite country y'all 😎👌🏻Not for fanfictions though.)

How rude.

Well anyways the day was fantastic. The breeze wa- oof.

Who the fuck is it this time?!

My butt hit the ground as I let out a pained yelp, I looked up at the culprit of my fall. The other country fixed his hair extending a hand. "Sorry about that America." Denmark said sheepishly.

I sighed and took his hand. "It's fine, I'm assuming you were chasing after Switzerland?" I questioned the taller country. "Yuh, anywho gotta blast."

I'm gonna stop talking about scenery before I run into another country.


Now that I think about it more.. did I like guys? It was an odd thought yes, but I couldn't help but think about it.

I mean I sometimes think guys are attractive. I also am always surrounded by guy countries, other than a select few.

What if I liked both? I'm already stuck in the Japan situation. Everyone thinks we're dating.


Would I date Japan? I stopped in my tracks and thought about it. Kissing Japan, hugging Japan, loving in Japan in general.

I felt my face heat up for some odd reason but didn't take any notice to it.

Do I, America, the United States, brother of Canada, the most talkative country, the one that eats burgers all the time.. like guys?

Was it as big of a deal as I was making it? Even if I did like guys or not what led me to ask myself this? Is it possible I fancy a guy?

The thought made me weirded out but I still thought about being in love with another dude.

"Ya know, I don't think it sounds that bad.." I smiled to myself.

So does this mean I like guys?


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