《♧ Revealing The Hidden ♧【America fic】》Chapter 5


{Warning: Profanity.}

Word count: 316

Chapter: A W K W A R D

Gotta be patient my rusame shippers. ✌🏻


Soft feathery wings stretched across the small hotel room. "Ah thank god!" I sighed. "Can you believe that idiot almost caught me red handed?" Japan shook his head and frowned, "now he thinks we're dating though."

I laughed, putting my hand on Japan's shoulder. "Like I said, he's an idiot." Japan nodded, going back to unpacking.

Now that I think about it... what would it be like, being homosexual and stuff? What a weird thought.

I shook my head looking at tomorrow's schedule. "Hey Japan, the meeting doesn't start until 12:00! Wanna grab some breakfast?"

The Asian country nodded calmly and replied, "as long as it's not McDonald's." I chuckled back at him. "Of course not!"

Wait a minute..do they have McDonald's here? Ah, whatever.

"What do they even serve in Russia?" I pondered for a moment at Japan's question. "Maybe Russian style pancakes?" Japan deadpanned. (hah get it? Sorry-)

"I asked the question, you shouldn't return it with another question."

"But I answered it-." I shot back at the shorter male.

"Though you said it in a confusing tone." He glared.





"Hey Japan wanna spoon?" I asked the asian country who was watching YouTube at the moment. "No, that's uncomfortable and we're not a couple." I tugged on his sleeve and put on my best puppy dog face. "Pweaseeeee!!!" I whined.

He sighed, shaking his head still. "No, I'm going to sleep now. Don't bother me." I fake cried as Japan shot into the twin bed next to mine.

I groaned but complied anyways.

"Nighty night Japan!" I called over my back only to get a muffled response.


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