《♧ Revealing The Hidden ♧【America fic】》Chapter 4


{Warning: Profanity.}

Word count: 321

Chapter 4: Stupid Russian!

Be p a t i e n t rusame shippers.


I found a soft landing near a sunflower field and decided to land there, though that was not a good idea. Right as I was putting my wings away a certain Russian approached. "The fuck are you doing in my sunflower field? Why do you have no shirt on? Why are there feathers everywhere?! WHY IS JAPAN WITH YOU?" He said calmly until the end he raised his voice a bit.

"Ruski this isn't what it looks like I swear I-." He hushed me with that murderous look of his. "I can obviously see what's happening here." He looked between me and Japan, I scrunched my wings so tight against my back I could hear a 'pop'.

"You and Japan are in a relationship, I see how it is." He smirked. "Still, no PDA in my sunflower field. Da?"

I looked over at Japan, begging him to play along so we don't reveal my wings. Japan seemed to understand because he spoke up.

"Haha umm, yeah! You caught us!" Japan relied, He looked back at me, clearly embarrassed but said nothing. "Right, don't worry I won't tell anyone. Now, get dressed America, please." Russia sighed.

"Haha, of course." I awkwardly grabbed my jacket and slid it on, sighing in relief as I let my wings unfold a bit more in the jacket.

Russia was about to walk away but he stopped mid step and looked back at us weirdly. "Why is your luggage there?"

I panicked before answering back. "Well, we were just passing through here." He nodded and retreated from the field.

"That was so embarrassing." Japan mumbled under his breath following me out of the field.

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