《♧ Revealing The Hidden ♧【America fic】》Chapter 2


{Warning: Profanity.}

Word count: 568

Chapter 2: Can you keep a secret?


My heart was pounding super fast, I just stood there quietly for a second.

"What did you see?" I questioned the male. "Ah, I saw my beautiful Tour Eiffel of course!" He answered back. "What the fuck, France?" I sighed and hung up.

I walked back to my house with Japan who also decided to stay in France for some reason. "America-kun?" He looked at me with those sweet soft eyes. I made a 'hmm' to show I was listening. "Can I stay with you for the night?" He looked up at me.

I was quite shocked at why the country wanted to stay with me.

"Why?" I questioned the shorter male. "I-," He sighed. "China is hogging up the bed again and it's really annoying.." I nodded my head sure, I didn't think it through very well.

How am I gonna hide my wings? I haven't even cleaned up the feathers in my bathroom!!

"You okay America-Kun?" He asked. I nodded my head yes and lead him to my apartment. When I opened the doors for him I quickly slid into the bathroom picking up all my feathers that were everywhere.

I came out dressed in my usual America nightwear but also a jacket so my wings wouldn't stick out.

"Why are you wearing that?" Japan asked. "I like sleeping in jackets." I lied. He nodded hesitantly getting in the other twin sized bed.


Everything was going smooth, the next day we had breakfast a cafe and Japan tried to order sushi. I chuckled a bit at remembering that. The Asian country was genuinely adorable in a no homo way.


We then went to watch some TV and I told Japan i'd be right back.

It's now been 10 minutes and I've been stuck in the back room cause I accidentally shattered a glass figurine with my large wings. They were scrunched you against the hotels tiny walls, like, really scrunched up. It was very uncomfortable.

"America-Kun I heard a crash, are you ok?" I heard Japan twisting the knob. "NO, JAPAN, DON'T OPEN THE DOOR." I heard him stop and sigh slightly. "Is everything ok?" He repeated.

"Yes, just don't co-" my wings twitched knocking over a basket full of sea shells. "SHIT!" I heard the knob turn again as Japan walked in. Which was a big mistake.

He had his head down at first, not taking notice of my wings but instead inspecting all of the broken stuff.

"America-Kun what is the meaning of all th-," he stopped when he looked up to see my large wings that were very scrunched up along the wall. It was quiet for a few moments, Japan seemed to be processing this in his mind.

I thought he would be rude or mock me at first but instead he asked, 'can I pet them?' I stood there shocked for a moment before nodding.

He gently pet my wings taking notice to how skinny I actually look, it was quite embarrassing at this moment that's for sure.

"I'm sorry Japan," I said quietly. He hugged me whispering in my ear. "This was a nice surprise."

"Thank Japan, promise me to keep it a secret though." I said seriously. He looked a little confused but complied anyways. I sighed on relief.

Hopefully you can keep a secret.



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