《A Perfect Pair(F.A.C.E Family)》17


It turns out that every time I tried to talk to Francis about her, he would change the subject. This happened for nearly a month until I kind of just gave up. I know Matthew and Alfred urged me to do it, but I don't want them to stress out. They are about to start school, and I just need them to focus on passing their classes. I'll figure out when to talk to Francis and how I should go about it. Bella comes around once a week, and she was coming by a day when Alfred and Matthew will be gone.

Every Friday, they go to their support group for foster kids, and they never miss it. Francis always drops them off, but I feel like lately, there has been a strain on their relationship. It needs to be fixed immediately, I can't bare to keep watching this. No matter what, Francis takes them to their group meeting. I know exactly what he will be asking me today.

"Can you keep Bella company while I drop the boys off? I'll be back."

"Of course, when is she coming by?" I asked. I was going to confront the source. Does this woman think she can fool me? She's been fooling Francis for the past month, and I'm going to confront her. "Literally the same time I have to take them, just let her in and keep her company," he smiled. I nodded and smiled at him, giving him a thumbs up. They were going to leave soon, and I was very excited about this, to finally get the truth out from her. I'm no idiot!!!!

Soon enough, as if on schedule, everything went into motion. Francis left with the boys, and there was a sudden knock on the door. I quickly walked over and opened the door to see Bella. "Come in" I spoke nicely. "It's always nice to see you, Arthur, you always have such a lovely charm to you," she began to say.


"Do you want anything to drink? Francis told me to keep you company, so I'm here for your entertainment," I smiled. I'll catch her boys!!! "Oh really?!!! I've never seen your room before, shall we take a look?" She asked. My smile dropped, and I looked at her seriously. "What? No," I said. She soon began to giggle and run up the stairs. The next instinct I had was to start sprinting to stop her.

She suddenly opened my room door, and I immediately ran in after her. However, she wasn't in my sight. I looked around and saw her behind me... she was locking the door. "You know I can still unlock it, right?" I asked, annoyed. "Oh, but it will be so much more fun if you try and get through me," she spoke. The boys were right; she is weird.

"What are you planning?" I asked

"Nothing, I just want you to come and unlock the door. Don't tell me you are afraid of a girl?"

"What?! That's not it at all! You locked us in the room. Francis will get the wrong idea," I said annoyed.

"The wrong idea? Like what? That you were trying to make a pass at me? Or maybe have sex?" She laughed. My eyes widened, and I began to glare at her.

I knew Francis would be back any moment, and I didn't have time for this. "I knew you were crazy because that's what the boys told me. But I didn't think you were this insane. Francis knows me better than that," I pointed out. I was starting to get pissed off. "You are so cute when you get angry. I guess those little brats told you everything. No fun!" She laughed. If she weren't a woman, I would have hit her for saying that about the boys.


I clenched my fists and took a huge breath. "Yes, I know everything, so are you going to tell Francis the truth, or do I have to?" I asked. She gave me a sinister look and started to come my way. "So what if you did? He wouldn't believe you. You waited too long, and it will look like you are obsessed with him."

My eyes widened, and I started to back up as she came my way. "What are you doing?" I asked, confused. I backed into the edge of my bed and looked at her. She was actually kind of terrifying, but I knew I couldn't give in.

She pushed me down on the bed, and it really shocked me. I looked at her, confused, and began to try to get up. "Why would you do that?" I asked, annoyed. "I like you, you are so feisty.... let's have some fun," she smiled. She began to sit on my lap, and I felt extremely uncomfortable. "What are you doing? Get off!" I shouted. I nudged her slightly, but it was enough to get her off me. "Just stop already; you are crazy," I spoke.

She looked at me, annoyed and serious, and walked over. "Trust me, Francis will never love you. You are too much of a cruel person for him too. I know deep down he doesn't feel for you like you think he does. So just leave already, and don't talk to us again," I started.

I stood and looked down at her, and she stepped back from me. "Leave this house right now, tell him whatever you want, but as long as I know the truth, he will never believe you," I spoke. She looked almost scared, and she finally faced her back at me. "Fine, this was no fun anyway," she snapped. Bella quickly left the room, and I nearly fell to my knees from how nervous I was. I could hear the front door open and close from her running out, and I just knew Francis would have a lot of questions.

I quickly stood up, and my heart nearly dropped as I saw Francis standing on the threshold of my bedroom. "Oh fuck..." I spoke. I knew I was screwed.

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