《Kiddnapped (A parent's worst nightmare)》We will.


"I'm sorry Arthur but their bosses aren't picking up." England's queen said to him through the phone.

'Just as I though, they must be in on this' England thought. "Can you set a meeting with at least one of their bosses ?"

"I'll see what I can do."

"Thank you."

When he hung up the phone, he put his head in his hands. "Please let them be alright."

France walked in the room. He was trying to be positive and come up with reasons why his children and Brazil weren't picking up the phone and why their bosses weren't either.

But really, he knew something was wrong.

He massaged England's shoulders in attempt to relax his boyfriend.

"Francis, who knows what could be happening to them right now ? They could be getting tortur-"

"I'm sorry mon amour but I cannot let you finish that sentence. We must keep a positive mind. They're strong and we will find them."

"Yes we will." A voice said from behind them.

They turned to see Spain and Portugal at the doorway entrance.

"Si we will." Spain agreed.

"But who knows how long that'll take." England said.

France turned to him. "Would you let anyone ever hurt one of our babies ? Ever ?"

A sense of determination and a bit of anger came over England.

There was no way he would ever let ANYBODY hurt a hair on one of his children.

He started to smile determinedly, "Never." The other men started to smile and nod, "We'll find them, no longer how long it takes. We will find them."



"Sim" (Yes in Portuguese)

Amelia sat in her cell. Her knuckles were bloody from punching the walls.

There were no windows in the room at all.

But she wasn't going to let that stop her. But she knew that she had to be careful.


She didn't want any pain to come to her cousins or siblings at all.


"Are you okay ?"

Diego opened his eyes to see an agent hovering over him.

He backed away from her.

"It's okay I won't hurt you."

"What do you want ?"

"I- I just want to make sure your okay."

"I am." He said blankly.

"Oh ... ummm okay." The woman turned around and left the cell.

Going against her conscience and locking it behind her.


Colombia sat in a fetal position on the floor.


The poor girl wanted this nightmare to be over already.

But this wasn't a nightmare.

It was reality.

She heard the door open and turned to see an agent walking in.

Her heart stopped.

She backed away to the back of the room.

The agent kept walking towards the girl.

He stopped when he got in front of the country.

He bent down next her. "You know your pretty cute." He said getting closer to her.

Her eyes widened.

She was frozen.

When she finally came too, she pushed him away from her.

But that didn't work.

He grabbed her by the hair and forced her into a kiss.

He forced his tough in an bit her lips.

Colombia finally was able to push him away and punched him with a right in the nose.

He tumbled back, grabbed his nose and smirked at her. "I'll see you tomorrow."

And with that.

He left.

The girl was shocked at what just happened.

She started to cry.

She needed to get out of there.



The countries were having an emergency world meeting, they were discussing about what their bosses had said.

"My boss couldn't get a hold of any of their bosses." Japan said.

"Same with mine." France agreed sadly.

He was trying to keep himself together.


"Si" Spain agreed.

Agreements were heard from a few other countries.

"Those bosses of theirs have to be in one this." England said angrily.

"That is so not awsome of them."

"Ja I agree with you England. My boss was thankfully able to get in contact with Canada's boss since their good friends. Apparently they actually did have meeting in America. My boss also says that he sounded a bit nervous."

"I knew it !! They are up to something!!"

"Did Canada's boss say anything else?" Vietnam asked.

Germany shook his head. "Nein that's all."

"But what could their bosses possibly want with them ?" Belgium asked.

"I don't know, but this means that they'll be under heavy security, where ever they are." England said.

"This means we're going to have to make sure their bosses don't find out that we're looking or they might move their location." Finland said.

"Then how are we going to find them?" Liechtenstein asked.

They all stayed quiet.

"I got it." Hungary said, "Okay so we get all our bosses to call for a world meeting that's hosted at the White House. From there we can look around for clues."

"That's a good idea Hungary." Netherlands agreed.

"It's decided then. Everyone call all your bosses and get them to call America's boss. Together we can all convince him." Germany said getting up.

Everyone nodded and started heading out.

"Oh and you 4." He said to England, France, Spain, and Portugal.

They all turned to him.

"We will find them. That's a fact." He said.

The four nodded as other countries came up and expressed their agreement and determination.

The female agent waited in a conference room at the White House as Mr. Smith and the president kept talking.

The phone started to ring.

"It's probably another prime minister or president. Honestly so much of them have been calling."

"What do they want ?" Smith asked.

"To set up a meeting about global warming. I talked with the others already, we all decided that if it makes them happy we'll do it."

He turned to the agent. "Nadia pick it up."

She nodded and did so. "Hello ?"

"Yes, may I speak with the President of the United States of America ?"

"Of course."

She handed the phone over and waited along with Mr. Smith for him to finish his conversation.

After about 7 minutes he did.

He turned to them. "There's going to be a world meeting tomorrow here. Hopefully it's going to be short. And by the way, there isn't anyway they could find out about the countries right ?" He asked nervously.

"No sir." Smith responded.

He let out a breath of relief. "Thank goodness. Well we better get things ready."

'Finally I can help them out, I'll be able to actually get them out of there.' Nadia thought.

As the two men walked out of the room.

They failed to notice Amelia's charm of England's flag on the floor.

As Nadia walked out she saw it.

And smiled before walking out of the room.

Going with her conscience and leaving it right where it was.

She knew the countries would notice it tomorrow.

She knew.

And couldn't wait for it.

When the North American Siblings were found by England, France, and Spain they didn't want to be separated

So the 3 older countries would sometimes visit each other together on holidays or weekends along with other colonies to keep the children together.

So England,France and Spain think as the the N.A. Children as their sons. Colonies or not and the colonies think of each other as siblings whether they were colonize by the same country or not.

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