《A Man's Man (Midas x Meowscles)》~Comfort~


Meowscles' POV

I ran up the stairs and skidded to a halt in front of Midas' door. "M, are you okay?" all I got in return was soft sobbs. I tried the door handle, but it was locked. I bolted downstairs and passed Midas' assistant, Rook.

"Woah! You okay Meow?"

"Yeah, I just...locked myself out of my room! Yeah, uh, can you tell me where the keys to the quarters are?"

"Yeah, here," Rook reached into her pocket and pulled out a small key. "It's just an extra, so it's yours if you want it."

"Thanks Rook!" I called, and ran out of the room. I bolted up the stairs, lost my balance, and fell into Midas' door. "Ow!" I brushed it off, and unlocked the door, giving me access to the room...

I glanced to his desk, expecting him to be there, but to no avail. I moved my head to his bed, to see the covers moving up and down. I tiptoed closer to the bed, and sat down. "M, talk to me. I'm here for you,"

His breathing slowed, and the crying stopped. He slowly lifted the covers and popped his head out. I was sitting with my legs crossed on his bed, and I cocked my head to look at him. He sighed. "Sorry Meow, it's nothing,"

I cut him off. "It's not nothing. This isn't like you M. You don't have to tell me what happened, but can you at least tell me what I can do?" I was talking in a soft, calming tone, and it seemed to be working. Midas loosened up, and got out from under the covers.

"No, you deserve to know what happened."

I moved closer to him, and rested a hand on his knee. I nodded so he would talk.

"My mom reached out to me. I know it was her, as I was the only one who knew her real name. And she was one of the only ones who knew my real name. I remembered back to when I was younger, back to when my father started hating me, my brother, and my sister. I was hurting as well, knowing that I was a mistake, and was never supposed to be born. We were playing outside at the time, when our parents came out, and blamed us for breaking a window. We had no part in it, but they insisted on hurting us. My mother was only protecting herself against my father, but she had to hurt us. My sister, Jules, knew how she felt. Redux, my brother and I were hit by my father, and then, my father ended up causing my scar to form. My mother told us all to pack our bags, and run. She gave us money and food as well."


"Some years later, Jules was accepted to a college at the age of fourteen I believe. Redux and I ended up moving to Sweaty Sands, and that's where I got my powers. I then just left. I haven't seen them, or talked to them in years." I felt so sorry for him.

"Midas, I had no idea what you had to go through as a child. I am so sorry,"

"There's nothing that can be done about it now. It caused me to be who I am today. I became tougher, and smarter, and I became more confident about who I am."

I hugged him tight. "I'm glad that your childhood brought you here though. It technically brought us together." I let go of him and stood up. "I'll be in the commons. Skye said she would help me with the party preparations. Come down whenever you feel like it. Love you!" I kissed his cheek, stood up, and left the room.


"Looking good sis!" I exclaimed. Skye told me she would help me bake cookies and cakes for the party.

"Thanks kitty bro! I'm, like, a professional cake decorator-person," I chuckled.

"Yeah right, you definitely are Skye," she carried the cake she had made to the table at the side of the room. "I didn't know you could bake!"

"Yeah, I didn't either."

"Please don't poison us with that, Skye," Brutus said walking into the commons from upstairs.

"I can say the same thing as Brutus," Midas said, walking behind him.

I laughed. She would kill us all with her "mad skills".

"Alright, I'm going for a swim. Kitty bro, you down?" I'm a cat. Cats don't like water. Well, I'm also a human. Water is still fun and awesome for me.

"Tempting, but no. Sorry Skye. Maybe next time."

"I'll join!" Peely said. Tina nodded as the two of them popped into the room.

"Coolio! Get your swim suits on, and meet me there!" the three of them walked off, and Brutus made up his mind, so he left too.

Midas walked to the kitchen and reached into the fridge. He pulled out a chocolate bar. He opened it and split it in half. He took a bite of his, and handed me the other half. I nodded a thank you and took the sweet food.

Midas pulled out his phone and looked to be scrolling through text messages. He turned it off, and sighed. "I'd say we're about ready!"


"Agreed M." I said, swallowing the last bite of chocolate.

"Well, I think we should start the party sooner rather than later. It's..." Midas glanced at his phone. "Almost 3:00," I nodded my head in agreement.

"The party starts in an hour. Please dress nice-ish, and no guns aloud. We'll meet in the commons, and the party will be held there as well. You may also bring a date if you would desire to have one, but they need to work here as an agent. I hope to see you all there!" I pressed my index finger against my earpiece to tell the rest of the agents the conditions. I was using the secondary channel so the henchmen wouldn't hear. They were on a mission and I didn't want to disturb them.

"I'll be in my room getting ready," Midas waved, and headed back upstairs. I glanced out the large window, and followed him upstairs.

I trudged into my room, and headed to my closet. I opened the doors, and laid my hands on a suit and tie, as well as some nice dress shoes, and a pair of dress pants. I headed into the bathroom and set my clothing on the rim of the sink. I turned on the shower, undressed, and stepped into the warm waterstream.

I yawned. I walked out of the shower, and got dressed. I looked at myself in the mirror, as I grabbed a brush. I brushed my fur quickly, and admired my figure. Looking good Meow! Just then, I heard a small knock on my door.

"Coming!" I called, walking to the large wooden door. I opened it and Midas was standing in front of me. "Hey M!"

"Hi Meowscles, you look great," he blushed. "The party starts in about fifteen minutes, and I was wondering if you might want to be my date?"

I almost squealed. "Yes! I'd love that! Uh, I mean, sure thing M, that'd be cool." he rolled his eyes.

"Do you want to head downstairs?" I nodded my head, and took him by the hand.

We arrived in the commons and everyone was already there. Deadpool and Skye were hanging out by the food, which didn't surprise me at ALL. TNTina and Brutus were talking on one of the couches with wines in hand, and the rest of the agents were on the dance floor trying to dance to the fast song that was playing. "You want to dance?" I asked, looking down at Midas.

"Sure!" he exclaimed, and we headed out to the dance floor.

We stood in front of each other, and just kinda jumped around, as was everyone else.

Some time flew by, and we decided to get some food. Tina, Brutus, Skye, and Deadpool were already over there getting food, so we joined them. I had made a roasted pumpkin, and blue cheese frittata as one of the main courses, and some Filipino-Style meatloaf.

"This meatloaf is really good Kitty bro!" Skye exclaimed.

Tina nodded her head in agreement. "I second that,"

"Likewise," Brutus said.

Midas and I spooned some of the frittata onto our plates, and headed back over to the others. Deadpool sat down on the couches and motioned for us to come too, so we did. We headed over to the couch, and plopped down, enjoying our food.

"I'll be on the dance floor losers. Y'all should come too," Deadpool said, standing up.

"I'm such a bad dancer DP. I tried earlier, and I literally ended up jumping up and down waving my hands around," I said. Midas tried holding back a laugh.

"Well, too bad, because you, bossy boss man, our samoan agent, elvan teenager, and explosivo are all going to dance."

"My god, so those were the worst nicknames I've ever heard, and how do you know that we're going to dance?" Midas raised the eyebrow over his good eye, as he spoke.

"Because the writer wrote it this way! I also overheard her talking about a wedding. Don't know for who though. Probably Skye and her hat."

"You're not making any sense." Brutus laughed, and stood up. He walked to the kitchen, and tossed his empty paper plate. The rest of us did the same.

"I'm headed to the dance floor you guys! See ya!" Skye bounced away and Deadpool followed close behind.

"TOLD YA!!" Deadpool called, and then disappeared into the crowd.


Chapter 15!! How are you all liking it so far??


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