《A Man's Man (Midas x Meowscles)》~B-day Dinner~


Meowscles' POV

We were all watching a movie in the commons, and we decided to watch another after that.

Halfway through the second movie, my stomach growled, as well as Tina's did. "We should get some food. Who's with me!?" She called triumphantly.

I nodded my head. "I agree with Tina. I'm starving. Maya paused the movie, turned off the TV, and put the remote back in the box. Brutus stood up, and Peely followed him.

"We'll wait in the chopper. Meow, it's your pick."

"I say Dusty Diner?" I looked at all of the faces in the room, and they all seemed to agree.

"Then it's settled. Come on!" Skye stood up and bounced off. Deadpool ran after her, as well as Journey and Turk. Midas and I walked next to each other and laughed at the four of them goofing around.

"Hey, you two!" Tina called M and I. "I stole Skye's camera, and I want to take another picture for y'all's picture walls." I shrugged and we agreed.

I knelt down, and told Midas to get on my shoulders. He hesitated at first, but then agreed. Tina stepped back, and placed the camera where she wanted it. She snapped a picture.

I was sticking my tongue out, and flossing. Midas was playing my ears while smirking. Tina took two pictures, and set them out so the polaroids could develop. We thanked her, and followed her outside. I crouched down again, so Midas could get off my shoulders. I took his hand in mine, and we boarded the chopper.

As we sat down, the chopper took off, and the agents started singing. "Happy Birthday to you, squashed tomatoes and stew! Bread and butter in the gutter, happy birthday to you!"

Deadpool took over with the last verse, "We all forgooooooot!"

I laughed. "Hey! I didn't forget!"

"She's right. Lynx was the only one not dumb enough to forget. The rest of our brains are just sticks in the mud." Brutus said to us.


"Brutus, you know, you are a classic example of the inverse ratio between the size of your mouth and the size of your brain. You never shut up, and your brain- I don't even think you have one!"

"I swear, Brutus, Peels, you two are the comic reliefs in a story. No one needs you to be there, but you are anyway," I said. Midas laughed at that.

We had soon started a roast war between each other.

Skye started with, "let me tell you though, Meow may look like an idiot and talk like an idiot but don't let that fool you. He really is an idiot."

Turk and Journey thought for a moment, before she said, "Eww! I think Skye farted! Wait, I take that back. She doesn't even know how to."

"That was so stupid. I've got a better one," Maya cleared her throat, and said, "Tina has no enemies, but is intensely disliked by all of her friends."

"I do have enemies, but I agree. So nice try Maya!"

I rolled my eyes and whispered in Midas' ear. He wasn't talking, so I decided to feed him a roast. "Deadpool, I'll tell you something that should be of vital interest to you. That you, sir, are a NITWIT!" Everyone burst out laughing.

"Oh yeah, well I didn't mean to say that that Agency of yours should be hauling garbage. I meant to say that it should be hauled away as garbage!"

"Deadpool, with what muscles do you plan on using to haul away the entire freaking building?" I asked, laughing.

Everyone was having a good time roasting each other, when we felt the chopper stop. I looked out the window, and motioned for everyone to get out. Skye jumped on my back, and I gave her a piggyback ride, while Midas walked beside me holding my hand. Tina, Brutus, Maya, Peely, and Deadpool came running beside us.


"Last one there is a shit head!" I heard Deadpool yell, as the five of them started to run faster.

We entered Dusty Diner, and took a seat. Lucky for us, the place was empty. A girl who looked to be about nineteen walked up to us with menus. "Hi! I'm Rox, and I'll be your server for today! Can I get you started off with something to drink?"

All of us agents ordered, and I watched Skye stare at Rox as she walked off. I pulled out my phone and texted her.


Looks like someone's got a crush......


Shut up Kitty bro!!!!


Hmmmmmmm, no!

I glanced over to Skye to see her giving me the death stare. I laughed. I turned to Turk, and we started talking about fishing.

Suddenly, Rox came back with our drinks. "Alrighty! Are we ready to order?" Midas nodded, and we all looked at each other. "Coolio! What can I get for y'all?" everyone ordered, and Rox walked off once again. I looked over at Skye, and she just shrugged.

Midas leaned his head on my shoulder and continued talking to Brutus, as I spoke with Peely. "So how's life Peels?"

"Okay, you?"

"Pretty fine, fax no printer." I said in a country like accent.

He laughed.

"I see."

"So how are things with Maya?"

"Good, good."

"That's good dude. You know, I was thinking of throwing a party tomorrow. Just a celebration of us not getting killed. The henchmen will be leaving on their patrolling mission then too, so it would be just the agents there."

"Sounds fun. Would it be held at the Agency?"

"I planned on it. Just got to beg Midas to let me throw it."

"Should be easy, saying that y'all are dating. But the only problem is, y'know, the fact that it's a Monday tomorrow."

"And that matters why?"

"Work dude. Work."

"Hmm, well, I could always give him the ol' kitten eyes." I whispered across the table, hoping that Midas wouldn't hear me.

"Good idea dude!"

And with that said, our food came, and we started to eat.

"You know, I threw up some flyers a couple of days ago. They're for people who might want to join the Agency." Midas told Peels, Brutus, and I.

"Has anyone registered?"

"Not yet." he told me.

We finished, paid, and headed back to the Agency. I realized that Midas had fallen asleep, when his head fell into my lap. I blushed, and picked him up. I carried him off of the chopper and everyone else followed.

When we walked inside, I saw the two fully developed photos that Tina had taken earlier, and took then in my free hand. Midas' head fell onto my chest, and I carried him up the stairs. I noticed that the railing was golden. I wonder why?

I entered Midas' room, and sat him on his bed. He was wearing a navy blue T-shirt, and grey sweatpants, as well as his usual black vest, I took off his vest, and his shirt. I laid him in his bed and spread the sheets and covers over him. I slipped the photo in his hands, and quietly left his room.

I laid down on my bed, and curled up. I set the polaroid on my nightstand. I will put it on my wall tomorrow. I quickly fell asleep.


Ohhhhh, Skye's got a crush! But seriously tho, who else supports that ship? Anyways, hope you all are having a great day, night, afternoon, etc. And I hope ur enjoying the story so far! 🤍🖤🤎

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