《A Man's Man (Midas x Meowscles)》~The First~


Midas' POV

I was pacing around my office thinking to myself. "I'm dating someone again. The last person I ever dated was Drift, and that was still a little over a year ago!" My little bisexual brain was going crazy with thoughts. Meowscles is my best friend, and he was right when he said it had been seventeen years of a strong friendship. He is my best friend, and always will be.

But what do I do?

Do I kiss him, or would that be too sudden? I. Have. No. Clue. What. To. Do.

But most of all, do I tell the agents?

Meowscles' POV

Do I tell the rest of the agents? No, I'll tell Skye. She's one of my best friends, so she'll understand. Right? Yeah, she's gay, so she should understand somewhat. Right?! Ugh! I have to stop thinking about it. I'm going to go work out.

I walked into the gym, and looked around for people. No one was there, so I got the gym all to myself! Nice!

I walked over to the weights, and grabbed a twenty pound, and started to do squats. I have a workout that I do to both work my muscles, and calm me down.

I decided to work my core. I walked to the center of the gym and did some jumping jacks. I had made it to one hundred and fifty, when I got bored. I sat up, and headed out of the gym, and into the target practice arena.

I aimed my Peow Peow at the target, and shot. Right in the heart!

Hmm, Maya wanted to train me in knife throwing today. I walked over to her, after spotting her on the far side of the gym.

"Hey Meow! I'm sorry about M, but on the high note, at least you're not a gold statue!"

I laughed. "That certainly is something huh? But we made up. We're both good as ever now! Best friends,"

"That's good bro. Alright, so knife throwing?" I nodded. "Kay, this is an easy thing to do once you get used to it. Here, watch me. Just hold the knife between your middle and index fingers, and fling your wrist forward, letting go of the knife. If you throw it with enough force-" she threw the knife, and it landed right on the throat of the mannequin. "You'll hit the target!"

I followed her exact instructions, and hit the throat on the first throw. "Nice job cat! You're a natural! Try a couple more." she said, handing me some other knives of different sizes. I hit all around the neck area for each one.


Maya high fived me. "Nice dude!" she walked out of the room after we had picked up the rest of the knives and switched up the mannequins. I headed back to the gym for some more stretching.

I stood in the center of the room, thinking about what stretch to do, when my brain landed on push-ups. I got down to the floor, and started working my biceps.

Midas' POV

I walked into the gym for some training, and started looking around for something to do. My gaze landed in the center of the gym, on Meowscles. He was doing push-ups. But looking around him, he didn't seem to have a water. I decided to be a nice person, and I headed over to the fridge. I grabbed two water bottles, and headed to the center of the gym.

As I arrived, Meowscles was ending his push-up section of his workout, and he stood up. He smiled as he noticed me, and I handed him a water, while opening one for myself. "I noticed you didn't have a water, so I decided to be nice." I said with a smirk.

"Well thanks, babe..." Meowscles turned around to the bench press in the right corner of the room. I blushed at the nickname, but followed him over. I sat on the bench next to the machine, and watched as he worked his muscles, the sweat on his brow glistening from the light.

"Whew! I'm exhausted!" Meowscles sat up and guzzled his water. I sat there, still watching him.

He chuckled as he looked over to see my golden eyes still on his furry body.

I've liked Meowscles for a long time now, but I was never able to tell him. I was caught by surprise at Sweaty Sands, but I'm happy we're together now.

"Like what you see?" Meowscles jokes. I blushed, and gave a soft laugh. I rolled my eyes and followed Meowscles back to the center of the gym. He got set, and started burpees. I began to do criss cross jumping jacks.

After a little while, we had heard noises in the commons, so we decided to quit, and head out to see what the agents were up to.

Right before we left however, I started to talk. "It was fun working out with you Meow." I leaned over, and kissed his furry cheek.

Meowscles' POV

HE KISSED ME! I was on cloud nine lives! Okay, sorry, I'm on a little bit of a cat pun roll. But this is just purrfect!


We walked out of the gym and headed into the commons. I burst out laughing once I saw what was happening in there. TNTina and Brutus were making out, and Deadpool was eating popcorn and crying from laughing, while filming Skye chase Maya around with a pair of scissors.

Midas walked over to Skye and reached out in order to grab her jacket's collar with his golden hand. Now I was crying, hearing Maya end her girly screaming, and watching Skye attempt to run after her, but not getting anywhere because M's grip on her jacket.

She finally sprouted a brain and slipped out of her jacket. She continued to chase Maya until she ran into me. I thought that I could guard Maya. I would be nice.

"Hey kitty bro!" she exclaimed. Midas walked up behind her and grabbed the scissors. "Hey give those back!" I was laughing once again watching her try to jump up and grab the weapon from Midas' hands. He was holding them high up in the air, higher than the girl could reach.

"Thanks Meow," Maya walked out from behind my back.

"No problem Maya. And Skye, why scissors?" I asked.

"I didn't want to hurt her, I wanted to cut off all of her hair!"

"And I like my hair, thank you very much." Maya pulled her ponytail to the side of her neck and stroked it. I laughed again.

Deadpool walked over to me, and held out his phone, the video playing. I was hysterical watching it. Even Midas was laughing at the footage.

I sighed and headed for the kitchen. I needed food. I reached into the pantry and found a protein bar. I filled a glass up with water, and opened the bar. I walked back to the commons, and plopped down on one of the couches. Midas came and sat down beside me with a bowl of cereal.

I pulled my phone out, and texted Skye. I had to tell her about me and M.


Sis, I did it. M and I are a thing now.


Really kitty bro?! YAYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!


Calm down Skye. Just needed to make sure you knew.


I'm so proud of you Meow!

I sighed and set my phone down. I looked over my shoulder and saw Skye flash me a large smile. I rolled my eyes and looked back at my food. Midas reached forward to put his empty bowl on the table in front of us, and took hold of the remote. The rest of the agents left the commons to train for the day, but because we had already worked out, we stayed in the commons.

Midas started scrolling through Netflix while I picked up my phone once again and turned it on to see the time. Cool. Today was our day off. However, it was still mandatory to workout or train every day.

Midas had landed on "The Lovebirds", so I set my phone down and started watching with him. Midas yawned and scooted closer to me, now leaning in to my chest. I brought one arm around his body, and leaned my head on his.

Midas' POV

I rested my head on Meow's shoulder and his head was on mine. I smiled to myself, and continued to watch. "The Lovebirds" was one of my favorite movies. I knew it by heart.

After about an hour and a half, the movie had ended. I looked over, to see a sleeping Meowscles on the couch. I laughed, and cuddled up against him. I soon started to doze off as well, until I heard a loud crash. Someone had broken a window! It must've been Shadow...

Meowscles woke, and shot his head up, looking at me. We both stood up, and ran to the weapons room.

The room was vacant. I bolted over to a glass case, and snatched up my golden drum gun. I glanced to the left, and saw Meowscles slipping a pistol in his hip holster. He ran out of the room with his heavy AR in his paws. I loaded my gun, running right beside him. We held the same fast pace as we darted to the training room.

Meowscles cut in front of me, and skidded to a halt as he entered the room. I was still headed to the training room, and ran right into his back. I stepped to the side and snuck through Meow and the large wooden door frame. I then saw why he had stopped.

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