《A Man's Man (Midas x Meowscles)》~3:00~


"Skye, I asked him to go to Soft-eez with me at 3:00 tomorrow."

"Really?!" She squealed.

"Shut up little sis, you're way too loud. But yes. I technically asked him out on a date."

I was worried. Skye immediately hung up the facetime call and burst into my room, out of breath. I freaked out seeing her appear out of nowhere. I arched my back, and hissed. "Woah, woah, Kitty bro, calm down!"

I sighed.

"Okay, so what should I do?" I asked her. I didn't confess, I only asked him to "chill" with me on the beach.

And as if she read my mind, "well, I know you didn't confess. You don't do that. So why don't you take him out, and ask him then?"

"That's a good idea Skye! Thanks. I don't know what I would do without you sis," I smiled as she left the room. Then, I started to cry.

What if he rejects me?

What if he fires me?

What if he turned me to gold?!

I was terrified.

The next day

2:45 pm

I looked at my phone. 2:45. I should get my furry butt out to the chopper.

I staggered outside, and up to the helipad. I sat on the wide landing skids, waiting for M to arrive. I sighed one last time, and looked up hearing footsteps in front of me. I smiled as Midas waved to me. I walked into the front of the machine, and got in the driver's seat. I started the engine as Midas stepped in beside me.

We flew in silence.

I landed the chopper on the edge of the beach, and Midas hopped out. He stood a couple of inches away, while waiting for me to kill the engine. I cut the motor, and got out. I stood next to Midas, and we both started walking up the beach.


"Nice afternoon isn't it?" I had to break the silence.

Midas chuckled. "It is Meow."

We entered, and ordered ice cream. I got a simple vanilla, while Midas got mint chocolate chip. We headed upstairs, and took a seat in one of the booths. I looked at my hands resting on the table, and Midas softly hummed his favorite song. "That song's called The Nights, right?" I asked, looking up at him.

Midas looked at me, slightly surprised. "Yes, how'd you know?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "Lucky guess?"

Midas nodded his head, and took a sip of his water.

"Meowscles, Meowscles, your order is ready." the intercom scared me, and Midas giggled seeing me jump.

"Be right back M." I said, and I left, V-bucks in hand, to get our ice creams.

Midas POV

I thought this would be more awkward. I could've sworn he told Skye that he had feelings for me. I could just be making things up though. All of the Shadow clone talk and all, ugh! I just can't take it.

Just as I was about to turn the table to gold, Meowscles walked up the stairs balancing two large bowls of ice cream. I stood up, and jogged over to help him with the treats.

Meowscles' POV

I was walking up the stairs with the ice creams, and Midas ran over to help. I looked at him run one of his golden hands through his hair, as I followed him back to our table.

After we had finished eating, we decided to take a short walk on the beach. It was around 4:00, but the sun was still pretty high in the sky. It was the perfect day.

"Why are struggling actors so bad at hide and seek?" I had thought of a good joke to tell.


"I don't know Meow, why?"

"Because they're always trying to be discovered!" I chuckled at my own joke, as Midas burst out laughing. I haven't heard a laugh like that from him in a while. We continued to walk down where the sand met the water, when we stopped to look out at the stretching sea. I took a deep breath, and started to speak.

"So M, I wanted to get something off my chest." I looked at him, as he was looking at me, and then looked back out at the glimmering ocean. "I've known you for a long time now. Seventeen years if I'm counting right. But I've known for a little while now, I like you." His eyes widened. "But not just as a friend, but I mean, I like-like you."


Y'all, things be getting heated. What's gunna happen between these two, and what will the agents think? Hope you're enjoying so far, and thank you for the votes I've gotten so far! 🖤🤍🤎

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