《blocked | yoonmin》83


"he literally cried like a baby, yoongi. it was the cutest thing." seokjin told yoongi, sitting at the bottom of the latters bed. yoongi was smiling at the mention of jimins name, happy that jimin felt touched by the words he shared on his instagram.

yoongi fell back on the bed, his hands falling down on to his stomach. he let out a long sigh, not a bad sigh, but a sigh of content and happiness. he was happy.

he heard someone knock on the door and the two of them looked up, seeing an emotional looking park jimin standing in the doorway, an oversized hoodie hiding his body. yoongi sat up straight away, raising his eyebrows. "are you okay, baby."

"i'm so happy and you mean so much to me and i don't deserve you." jimin sobbed, rubbing his eyes as the tears came flowing out. seokjin looked between the two before smiling softly, standing up and leaving the room, giving jimin a squeeze on the shoulder before shutting the door behind him.

"come here, darling." jimin made his way over to yoongi's bed, laying down on top of his boyfriend as he continued to cry, wrapping his arms around him tightly. "please don't cry, baby. i don't like seeing you cry."

"it's tears of happiness. you just mean so much to me, yoongi. i'm so lucky to have you in my life, i don't deserve you. you're so good to me and you're so beautiful, inside and out. i have never felt like this towards anyone. i've never felt feelings so strong, so quick, that it made me cry like a baby."

yoongi wrapped his arms around jimins small body, holding him as close to him as possible. he kissed the top of the crying boys head, whispering sweet nothings to the younger as he just continued to cry until the point that he couldn't cry no more. he just shut his eyes and listened to the words that yoongi was telling him.


"you mean so much to me too, jimbles. i think you know that by now."

"i do know that and i really appreciate how much you care for me. i'm so thankful to have you." jimin mumbled before yawning, not removing his arms from around his hyung.

while the two lay in bed, cuddling each other and holding on to the other like if they let go they'd lose them, there was 5 boys outside of the room, being the nosey boys they are and listening to every word yoongi and jimin exchanged to each other.

seokjin was crying while namjoon was hugging him, trying to get the elder to calm down. jungkook, taehyung and hoseok were quietly screaming about how cute the couple was.

"i can't believe how soft yoongi is though, i never expected him to be like this." hoseok whisper-shouted. "he was always so mean and cold towards us."

"until he met jimin."

"yeah until he met jimin, he's like a changed man. jimin really changed him, in a good way. i'm really glad he has him. it's obvious how happy he makes him." hoseok rambled while

jungkook and taehyung nodded their heads, agreeing with him.

seokjin had finally stopped crying, with happiness obviously, he wasn't upset that yoongi was dating jimin. in fact he had never felt happier for his best friend. he was now in the kitchen making food for everyone.

the couple were now asleep in yoongi and seokjins bedroom, on yoongi's side of course. they were still holding on to each other as if their lives depended on it and even when they were asleep, they were still happy to be around each other, the two of them smiling in their sleep. if anyone could see them, it was such a beautiful, innocent sight. just minutes ago jimin was sobbing because of how much yoongi meant to him and now not only was he peacefully asleep, but yoongi was too and it was amazing.


it was seriously amazing. amazing how someone could make someone else so happy. if you asked jimin a few months ago if yoongi made him happy, he would've said yes. he would've said yes but in the way that all idols make their fans happy but if you asked him now, well, you can already tell how emotional he gets. they were both so content with how their lives were and they wanted nothing to change but they knew that in 6 more days it wouldn't be like this and they would have to try and deal with the distance in their relationship. no matter how hard it was.

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