《blocked | yoonmin》76


since when were you

and yoongi friends?

since when did you


jimin i'm your

best friend

well you clearly

haven't been acting

like it.

is this about me

not wanting you to

unblock that guy?

obviously jinyoung

you were being such a

dick about it

you could've just

supported me anyway

it was my decision

and if anything i'm glad

i unblocked yoongi

it was probably the best

decision i've made in my


wait what?

yoongi is MINTSUGA?


he doesn't use the

account no more.

how do you think i

know him?

i'm not sure

wow i'm so sorry

i realised how much

of a dick i was being,


i miss you and i don't

want that stupid argument

to get in the way of our


we're better than that

you're right

i miss you too

so do you forgive me?

i forgive you


it looks like we've got

some catching up to do

are you free?

i'm with yoongi

i'll text you later and

you can stay over


see you then

see ya.

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