《blocked | yoonmin》61


"min yoongi?"

jimin was shocked. actually, shocked would be a huge understatement. sat in front of him was the boy he had been fanboying over for years, also the boy in which he had been talking to on instagram for over 2 months.

"that would be me." yoongi had a huge smile on his face but he was just as nervous as jimin. he didn't know how he would react. would he be mad at him for not telling him? maybe he would freak out. yoongi obviously knew that jimin had been a huge fan of him, but he wanted nothing more than jimin to treat him like a normal person.

"wait so you're yoon?" jimin furrowed his eyebrows together, tilting his head slightly. he could feel his heart beating faster as soon as yoongi nodded his head. "i'm yoon."

"what? how? i don't understand..." jimin trailed, running his hand through his hair. "so you have a fan account for yourself? this is crazy. oh god — this is a joke isn't it? someone put you up to this—"

"jimin it's not a joke, calm down. who on earth would do that? it sounds stuck up and all but yeah, i have a fan account for myself. well, i don't really post anything. i only used it to interact with fans easier."

when yoongi said that, it all hit jimin. he was just doing this because i wanted to meet his fans, not because he wanted to friends. not because jimin was special. well at least that's what jimin thought. yoongi must have sensed there was something wrong because he let out a long sigh, frowning at jimin. "you're mad at me aren't you?"

jimin shook his head quickly. of course he wasn't mad at him, why would he be. "no of course not, i'm just a bit embarrassed." yoongi raised his eyebrows at this. he couldn't think of anything that jimin had to be embarrassed about. "why would that be?"

"i was literally a fan account of you yoongi, the things i said about you, you saw them! i even said weird stuff to you too! that's so embarrassing, oh my god. i hate myself."

jimin shoved his face in his hands, he could tell he was bright red by this point. all the things he had ever said about the black haired boy we're now reappearing in his memory and it wasn't helping him at all.

"there's no need to be embarrassed, jimbles. if anything i thought it was really cute. i think you're cute."


jimin looked up from his hands, his eyes widening at the others words. "you think i'm cut— what? this is crazy."

yoongi could only laugh at how confused the younger was, he found it completely and utterly adorable. "of course i think you're cute, jimin. i did tell you that i like you — oh wait, i said that when you blocked me, shit."

now it was yoongi's turn to be embarrassed. he literally just confessed to jimin after only being with him 10 minutes. he couldn't believe he let that slip so quickly.

"you like me?" jimins voice was soft but you could hear the confusion in it. yoongi nodded his head. "i like you and i know this is pretty quickly, i don't mean to make you even more confused. i don't expect you to like me back, at least not yet. this is all a lot for you, i know that, but hopefully now you can get to know me and maybe, just maybe, you will like me. if i'm lucky enough."

jimin felt like crying. the one person that had made him happy for over 3 years had just confessed to him and he didn't know how to feel. he didn't want to say he liked him back because for all jimin knew, he loved him. but maybe he only loved him as a fan, at that moment in time. yoongi was right, jimin would need to get to know him more for him to discover how he actually felt about him, but it's not like jimin was complaining about having to spend more time with his elder.

"yeah, i think that sounds good. i definitely have to get to know you better." yoongi just hummed in response, giving him a smile before looking behind him, seeing jimins friends staring at the two of them in awe. "you can tell your friends to come over if they want." he laughed. jimin bit his lip but nodded, laughing along with yoongi. he raised his hand, motioning for jackson and bambam to come over.

"hyung, you didn't tell us that your friend was min yoongi." bambam said, sitting down on the chair beside jimin while jackson just stood there. he felt too nervous to sit down beside yoongi. jimin noticed this and got up from his chair, moving to the seat beside yoongi. jackson smiled at him gratefully, sitting down beside his boyfriend.

"that's because i didn't know my friend was min yoongi, bam."

the two boys just nodded, bambam staring at yoongi. he seemed just as shocked as jimin was. yoongi just shuffled a bit, feeling a bit awkward from the stare his younger was giving him.


"do you two mind if i take jimin a walk or something? i promise to bring him back in one piece."

"yes of course, take him. you don't even need to worry about bringing him back, keep him!"

jimin felt his cheeks heat up. he didn't realise that bambam could be so embarrassing. "shut up, kunpimook." bambam gasped, hearing jimin say his real name. "how dare you?"

"oh my god, let's go yoongi."

the two boys were now walking through the park, barely any distance between them. jimin didn't know how but he was already super comfortable around yoongi, even though they had only spent the last hour and 20 minutes with each other. jimin felt like he knew him his whole life.

"so..." yoongi started, biting his lip as he contemplated bringing up the subject, but he didn't anyways. "how's you and jinyoung doing?"

jimin just shrugged his shoulders.

if he was being honest, he didn't know how they were doing. he hadn't talked to him since that night and he knew it was stupid. he knew he was being petty by not even trying to talk to him but if that's the way jinyoung wanted to act then he could. if he wanted to lose his best friend of many years over something this stupid then maybe jimin would just let him. jimin had all this built up anger inside him because of the situation and so he let it all out. he told min yoongi everything he felt because of his best friend — maybe ex best friend, jimin didn't really know — and min yoongi listened to every word, not taking his eyes off of jimin.

as soon as jimin was finished speaking, he took a deep breath in, not realising how much he was holding in. "i'm sorry, i just really had to get that out. it's been bothering me a lot."

"don't apologise, stupid. i'm always here when you need to rant. always. even at 3 in the morning when you're awake because something's bothering you, just call me because i'm most likely awake anyways. when i'm out of the country and you're having a bad day and need someone to talk to, text me and i will make sure i'm available to facetime. i care about you jimin, and i want you to know that."

all jimin could do was nod his head, looking down at the ground to try and hide the huge smile on his lips and how red his cheeks were, but yoongi noticed them both and so he took the youngers hand in his, lacing their fingers together while they finished their walk around the park, not forgetting to stop almost every 5 minutes to take pictures with or of each other.

when they got back to the cafe, their hands still laced together, jimin couldn't help but feel sad. he knew it would probably be another while before he would see yoongi, knowing how busy he would be with his schedules.

yoongi felt sad too. he didn't wanna leave the small blonde haired boy, he wanted to stay with him and hold him in his arms forever but he knew that wasn't possible. they both had to get on with their lives. when the two of them stopped, seeing bambam and jackson waiting by jimins car, they knew it was time they both had to leave.

"i'm gonna miss you, jimbles." yoongi ruffled jimins hair causing him to pout playfully, slapping his hand away. "don't do that." he whined, before biting his lip. "i'm gonna miss you too."

yoongi wrapped his arms around jimins shoulders, pulling into a tight embrace. jimin thought he was going to cry right there and then, but he kept it together and wrapped his own arms around the others waist. they shared the hug for maybe 3 minutes before they both separated. for people watching them, that would've looked like a really long hug but for the two of them, it felt way too short.

"your friends are waiting, you should go." jimin nodded, smiling at yoongi. "yeah, i'll see you soon, right?" yoongi gave him a reassuring smile, telling him he would definitely see him soon which made jimin feel a whole lot better.

jimin didn't know where the confidence he got came from but he leaned up, kissing the slightly taller boy on the cheek before mumbling a goodbye, making his way over to his car, leaving yoongi standing there like a smiling mess before he finally got around to bringing himself over to his own car. he watched as jimins car stared driving away, waving at the three of them until they were now out of sight.

yoongi got into his car and sat there for a few minutes, staring out his window. he hadn't felt so happy in a long while but he loved the feeling that he had that whole day. he never felt so great and it was all due to that small, blonde haired boy named park jimin.


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