《blocked | yoonmin》60


jimin woke up that morning feeling more nervous than ever. he couldn't help but have a weird feeling about what was going to happen later in the day but he pushed it aside convincing himself that it was only nerves. bambam and jackson agreed to come along with him, not wanting their friend to end up being kidnapped by some old man, if that happened to be the case.

it was obvious jimin was having second thoughts, he didn't even know what yoon looked like. for all he knew, he could've been a 50 year old man - even though he told jimin himself that he was 24 years old, only 3 years older than the younger boy was.

jimin looked at the clock, seeing it was 11:39 am. only 3 hours and 21 minutes until jimin was going to meet the boy he had been talking to online. jimin knew that it didn't seem like that big of a deal, him and yoon had mostly been friendly to each other more than anything but he couldn't help but feel something towards the boy. he was always happy when he saw that he had a message from him and it that time period were he had blocked him for 4 days, he couldn't help but miss him. maybe a bit too much.

jimin didn't know what he was going to wear. obviously he was gonna go casual but he wanted to leave a good impression on yoon. he knew the boy had seen him in pictures many times but he was nervous about what he would think about him in real life. would he think he's too short? would he think he's too weird? maybe he wouldn't like how his voice sounded. these were the things floating around inside jimins mind, almost putting him off showing up but he tried his hardest to ignore them. it's gonna be fine, he told himself over and over again.

after deciding on a pair of black skinny jeans, a black shirt with jacket over it and a pair of black boots, he made his way to the bathroom where he got a shower and brush his teeth before changing into the outfit. not long after he dried his hair that was now a blondish grey colour, deciding he didn't really wanna do anything to it. luckily for him he was having a good hair day.


1:26 pm, he still had 1 hour and 34 minutes left. only 1 hour until he had to go and pick bambam and jackson up so he made himself some lunch and watched tv while he waited for time to pass by.

a loud ding from his phone interrupted him and he quickly picked it up, expecting it to be yoon but to his disappointment, it was only bambam telling him that the two were ready and he could come and pick them up now.

as jimin got his car keys and wallet, his shoved his phone in his back pocket not realising that he had gotten a text from yoon saying he was nervous but he was ready. jimin got into his car and took out his phone, texting bambam to say he was on his way before he clicked on the message from his friend.

i'm pretty nervous now but i'm ready. should be leaving in about 15 minutes. hope everyone goes well & u won't get mad xx

jimins eyebrows furrowed together as he read the message. why would he be mad? all of this was a bit strange to jimin but he would find out today what he's talking about.

i don't know what you're talking about but i doubt i'm gonna get mad. i'm on my way to pick up jackbam. i'm also super nervous oh my goddjdhdh

he put his phone away and started the car, beginning his journey to pick up his friends. once he was outside he sent bam a text notifying him that he was outside of his and jacksons house.

let's keep that positive attitude then. i'm leaving now, can't wait to see u xx

if ur an old man i fucking swear i'm gonna cut ur dick off. see u in 15 minutes :)

jimin heard the passenger sides door open and he looked up to see a now red haired bambam getting into the front of the car, jackson getting into the back. "hello you two."

"hey chim, long time no see."

"whatsup jimin, how've you been?"


jimin replied to him telling him he was good and began driving towards the destination where he was meeting yoon. he filled them in on the whole yoon thing, not forgetting to tell them why he had fallen out with jinyoung.

"that's so stupid man, i don't see why he's getting so worked up about it. obviously he's worried but taking it to the point of falling out with you over it is crazy." jimin nodded his head, thankful that bambam was taking his side in this and understanding that jinyoung was being dramatic. "yeah i agree with bam, he is being a bit too dramatic."

"i know he is but whatever. if he wants to act like a little bitch then good for him."

bambam looked back at his boyfriend with a smirk on his face, creeping jimin out a little but when jackson spoke, he knew he should've expected it anyways. "so tell us about this boy you're going to meet." jimin rolled his eyes as he continued to drive to the small cafe in which he would be meeting his friend. "it's not like that, he's just a friend."

"are you sure about that? the smile on your face when we got into the car seemed to say otherwise, and you were staring at your phone so i could only assume that it was your little boyfriend."

"bam he's not my boyfriend, i haven't even met him before. if i had, you two wouldn't be here." bambam pretended to look hurt, placing his hand over his heart. his boyfriend couldn't help but laugh at his actions before raising his eyebrows at jimin. "you haven't met him before? how do you know he's real?"

"i don't, that's why i asked you two to come."

jimin pulled up to the cafe they were to meet at, parking his car in the car park before pulling his phone out of his pocket, taking a long deep breath. he couldn't explain how nervous he was, this was really happening. while unlocking his phone, bambam and jackson shared a hopeful glance between each other. they just hoped that the boy jimin was about to meet was really who he said he was, especially with them being there. they didn't want their friend to be upset.

i'm about 5 mins away now. see u soon.

i'm here already, i'm at the corner table at the back. bambam & jackson are 2 tables in front of me btw.

jimin looked around, his hands wrapped around the drink that was sat in front of him. he felt extremely sick due to nerves. anyone could walk through that door. jimin felt like he was on an episode of catfish. his two friends that were sat in front of him smiled at him, bam giving him a reassuring thumbs up. jimin just smiled back gratefully, unlocking his phone and scrolling through his twitter, trying to distract himself from the nervousness he felt while also wanting to pass time.

he heard a loud gasp coming from bambams mouths mouth and jackson speak a loud oh my god but he ignored it, thinking that one of them probably done something stupid, but that definitely wasn't the case.

jimin didn't notice the boy sitting down on the seat in front of him so he didn't look up from his phone. he got quite the surprise when he heard a voice speaking. a voice he found way too familiar.

"it's nice to finally meet you, jimbles."

"what the fuck" jimin almost shouted before he covered his mouth, not meaning to swear. he couldn't believe what was happening, this couldn't be real. it was all too crazy to be real and for a minute jimin could've swore he was dreaming, but obviously he wasn't.

"min yoongi?"


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