《blocked | yoonmin》41


i wanna see a

picture of you

that sounds so

stalkerish but

i don't even know

who it is im talking


and you've seen so

many pictures of me

plus jinyoung has

convinced me that

you're not actually

who you say you are

so please prove him

wrong and show me

a picture of you

i cant

at least not now

i'm sorry

what do you mean

you can't???

i cant continue

talking to you if

i don't even know

who you are

wow i know your

name and age but

that doesn't mean i

know you

and i fall for people


and you're always so

nice and sweet and it's

hard not to like you

so i need to know who

you are or else i can't

continue talking to you

jimin please trust me

i wanna tell you so bad

but right now isn't

the time

is typing...

i'm sorry

i like you a lot and

i'm afraid you'll be

mad if i tell you


jimin please

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