《blocked | yoonmin》40


"oh i wasn't expecting you here, come in." jimin spoke, surprise clear in his voice when he opened the door to see his best friend standing there. usually jinyoung would text before he came over so it was quite a surprise to the younger boy. "what're you doing here?"

"can't i just come to see my best friend?"

"well usually you text or call before coming over so i assumed something was wrong." jimin shut the door before he followed jinyoung into his living room where he was previously sat watching Run BTS. "nothing's wrong with me, i was just bored and my phone was dead." he took a seat down on the sofa, kicking his shoes off just like he would do if he was in his own house. jimin didn't mind though, they had been best friends for most of their lives. "oh okay."

jimin pressed play on his remote, continuing to watch the episode that he had paused to answer the door. "hey chim, why do you keep blocking that person mint suga, they always dm me and tell me to get you to unblock them."

"oh yoon, it's just a joke. he always says stupid so i block him. i do plan on unblocking him, he just seems to talk to you before i get the chance." jimin explained with a chuckle, picking his phone up to go into the instagram app to unblock the other boy. "don't you think it's a bit weird he has so much in common with yoongi?" jimin raised his eyebrows while looking at jinyoung, not really understanding why he thought it was so weird that they shared the same interests. "what do you mean?" jinyoung just shook his head, telling him to forget about it but jimin insisted that he told him. he hated when people would start talking about something and then not finish it.


"i mean like i get that he's a fan and all but you told me that he likes rapping and he's also 24. he lives in seoul and his name is yoon. that's a bit weird and hardly a coincidence."

jimin couldn't really understand what his best friend was telling him. it was all too confusing. "can you explain what you're trying to say please?"

"have you even seen a picture of him? he sounds like a catfish, jimin." jinyoung couldn't help but feel guilty while telling his best friend his thoughts but he didn't wanna keep them to himself any longer, even when he was telling youngjae about them the younger man said that he should tell jimin. "i haven't seen a picture, no. i didn't ask though, i never felt like i had to."

"all i'm saying is that you need to be careful, jimin. you know how quick you fall for people and you talk about this yoon person a lot. i think you should find out who you're really talking to before this goes any further and you start feeling things for him." jimin knew jinyoung was right. it was quite suspicious that he had never even seen a picture of yoon and everything the person was telling him sounded exactly like yoongi. "you're right."

"i'm sorry but i had to say it. you never know though, you could be speaking to min yoongi himself." jinyoung joked and jimin rolled his eyes at the remark. "yeah, i wish." jinyoung laughed one more time before the two of them continued to watch the video on TV, except jimin wasn't paying attention like he was before jinyoung shared his thoughts with him. this time he was too busy thinking about the person who he was talking to, too busy trying to figure out who the man really was.


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