《victon imagines》hanse - from sketch to soul




Laying back at my seat, I sigh and stared at my creation. I felt my eyes burning up after keeping my eyes glued to the desktop screen the entire time.

After deciding to close my eyes for a while, I heard my phone ring. I was slightly annoyed at the undesired timing, seeing the caller ID is an unsaved number.

"Hello? Who is this?" I ask, trying my best to give off energy. "Is this Y/F/N? This is Director Yoo," He introduces himself through the line.

No way! one and only Director Yoo.

"Is it really you, Director Yoo?" I asked, sitting up in shock. "That's me," He says with a hint of enthusiasm. "Anyway, I have good news for you," He starts.

Just hearing those words is making me fired up. "I have read your work and..." He says, putting a bit of suspense. "I loved it!" He says, almost making me fall off my seat in excitement.

"Really? I'm so happy," I said. "Of course I did! Anyway, come to the second-floor meeting room at my company tomorrow at 7 in the morning for the drama script reading. Sounds good?" He asks."I'm free anytime, I'll go," I said, sounding too excited.

"Great! Meet you there," He says, then hangs up. I placed down my phone and started jumping around like a freak. No one else was around anyway.

I sat down and panted after getting all hyped up. I can't believe I'm finally working with Director Yoo. I've worked on a lot of dramas and finally had a chance to work with him. I always looked up to him and enjoyed his works.

I've already watched every drama he directed, even the movies. I just can't believe that I'm finally working with him.

I sigh, smiling at my tablet. "Hanse, you're finally going to come to life," I said, looking at the character I drew. "Wait, that sounds off. Anyway, you're going to be on the big screen!" I said as if he was real.

"I better go to sleep if I wanna get there early," I said, turning off the tablet.


The script reading ended in a flash, or maybe I just felt like time flew by quickly. I would've wished to stay longer, but knowing I'll be working with him is enough for me.

It's been a few hours and I've been going around the streets all day. I didn't want to go home right after since I decided on taking myself out. Something to reward me since this is such an achievement for me.

On my way, I scrolled through a few of my SNS. I saw Director Yoo posted another upcoming drama of his.

"Wow, he's so famous he already has another work after ours," I say, looking at my phone screen. Not long after my walk, I finally made it home.

Holding a hand mirror in my hand, I removed the makeup which laid on my face for almost the entire day. Right after, I combed my already messy hair.

Out of so much force into combing, the handmirror slipped out of my hand. The round frame lays on the floor as the glass shatters. "Ugh, I must be so tired," I said to myself, standing up to clean the mess I made.

While I was working on other scripts in the studio, I got a call. I got ecstatic as I see Director Yoo on the caller ID.

Not thinking twice, I pick up and happily greet him. "Good afternoon Director Yoo! Any updates?"


At first, there was a moment of silence. "I have to tell you something," He starts, slightly confused by his tone. "Uh, what is it?" I ask. "I'll have to cancel the drama. I can't explain further," He says, then ends the call.

I just stood there, processing the things he just said. He just said all those words at once and left me hanging. And I knew something was up.

Slouching back at my seat, I couldn't seem to figure out what his issue was. Was it me? The production? What was it?

At this point, I was going crazy. I laid my head on the table in front of my tablet for God knows how long. I decided to check on his whereabouts.

Upon reaching his SNS, I had a guess. "The drama he was working on?" I asked to myself. I went to the drama's official account and discovered it was going to air two months from now.

From experience, that's the perfect time to announce an ongoing shooting for a drama. I was infuriated yet I didn't know what to do. I decided to grab a glass of water to cool down.

I was so out of it that I almost made the water overflow. "Get a hold of yourself," I told myself, cupping my cheeks. Grabbing the glass, I walked back.

"Maybe it was just the plot. Not everyone finds a plot about a tattoo artist interesting. I'm just overthinking," I said to myself.

Getting immersed in thoughts, I spill some of the water on the cord connecting my drawing tablet and computer. It created large and continuous sparks.

I stepped away hurriedly, watching the flares grow. Instead of just standing there, I ran to the kitchen to grab a fire extinguisher. As soon as I came back, my eyes widened.

There was no trace of a spark or burns anywhere. I slowly walked up to the workspace, inspecting it.

"Hey uh, where am I-" I screamed at the top of my lungs as I heard someone speak from behind. I fell on the floor, holding tightly on the red can. "Who are you-" I look behind, unable to speak.

"Look, I don't know you nor do I know where I am," The man with a dark aura starts. "H-hanse?" I asked, making him perk up. "How did you know my name?" He asks, as shocked as I was.

"Of course you won't know me. I'm your creator," I told him, standing up in the process with the help of the heavy fire extinguisher.

"You're not my mom," He says, almost making me crack up. "That's not what I meant! You're a character that I made," I explained.

He was confused by my statement and I knew I had to prove it to him. "Stay there," I said, running up to one of my drawers. I showed him my latest sketch of him.

He takes the paper from me and looks at it. "Can you hand me a pencil?" He asks. I was confused but decided to do so. He started sketching on it. I didn't bother since it was just a sketch.

Not taking long, he gives back the sketch along with the pencil. "You missed one of my tattoos," He says, pointing at the side of his neck.

I looked at the sketch and it was drawn exactly as the tattoo on his neck. "Wait, was that even necessary?" I asked, slightly confused. "I aim everything I see to be perfect," He replies posing sassily.


Right, I made him a perfectionist.

"Anyway, how in the world did you get here?" I ask, putting away the sketch. "I'm not sure. All I remember was that I was at the tattoo shop then my lampshade's cord started sparking. The next thing I knew, I made it here." He explains.

"Was it your fault?" He asks, folding his arms. "Maybe," I said, raising my shoulders. "Well, I spilled water on the cord so now it's fried. It's not like I'd expect you to pop out since it wasn't intentional." I explained.

"Still your fault," He blames. "What can I do about it? I was down in the dumps all day and this happens," I said, about to leave. Hanse tugs me by my shoulder to face him. "You caused it, you resolve it," He says, looking furious.

"Ugh, fine," I sigh, unable to run away from this problem. "Why are y-you mad?" I ask, noticing that he was still holding tightly on my shoulder. "Oh," Was all he said, slowly letting go of me.

Out of nowhere, a tear falls from his eye. "What- what's wrong?" I asked him, looking at his shining eyes. "I- I don't know," He replies, wiping the tear away.

"Ugh, this is annoying. I was better off as a drawn character," He says, folding his arms. "I know, it's my fault," I replied, looking down.

"Hey, it's fine. It sounds weird coming from me but I normally don't mind other people's business..." He starts. "Of course I know that," I replied, making him chuckle.

"I'll try to treat you... nicely?" He says as if he was asking me. "That's your decision. Now that you're in the real world, you make your own decision." I told him.

"I... never really thought about that," He says. "You'll get used to it," I told him, patting his shoulder. "Can you help me with that?" He asked. "Uh, sure," I replied.

After our conversation, I lead him to my room. "Wait, is this your room?" He asks by guessing the surroundings. "Yeah, why?" I asked. "If I'm staying here, then where are you staying?" He asks.

I pick up a pillow and a spare blanket and hugged it in my arms, almost blocking my face. "I'll stay at my studio, I have a couch there," I replied.

"No, I'll stay there," He says, taking the sheets from me. "My studio is too precious, my room is fine for you to stay in," I said in defense, taking back the sheets. "Then let's stay here together," He blurts out, pulling me by my arm.

The sheets flew forward, him falling back on the bed while I fell on his chest. For a few seconds, I admired his perfect features. He was literally perfect, coming out from a mere illustration.

Getting immersed at the moment, I didn't realize the awkward position we were in. None of us flinched as if we both liked it, yet not admitting it. "I- uh, sorry," I stuttered, straightening myself. He was flustered right after and fixed his top.

"Just go to sleep," Was all I said before I hurriedly left the room. I was walking to my studio with nothing else in my mind but the moment that just happened now. I was unsure whether I was getting ecstatic from it or slightly terrified. I just removed all those thoughts and slept it away.


As soon as I got out of my room, a refreshing scent of food wafted through my nose. I walked to where the smell came from. My eyes widen at the feast before me. "Oh, you're up! Have breakfast," Hanse says, coming from the kitchen.

"You? Did this?" I questioned, pointing to him then to the table. "Uh, no. I happened to have some pocket money so I thought of delivering some food," He explains with a smile. "Oh," I replied, though I wasn't too disappointed.

"I'm sorry, I'm not much of a chef," He replies, lowering his head. "It's okay, I'm thankful for this. I normally would buy a sandwich in a convenience store. I'm either in a rush or on a budget." I said.

"That's a relief, I thought you'd nag me because I don't know how to cook," He comments, making me smile. "Why would I? If I would it would be my fault," I replied, making the both of us chuckle. "Anyway, let's dig in!" He says, and we both took our seats.

"Wait, how did you get those clothes?" I asked, noticing the perfectly fit sweater whilst we ate. He swallowed his food first before answering. "I found it on the chair beside your bed. It didn't look like it was used so I wore it," He said and continued eating.

"I haven't worn that in a long time. That thing is already a dress for me," I said, making him smile. "Oh, I have to go now. I might be late for work," I said, standing up. "So I have to stay here?" He asks, looking quite down.

"Not necessarily. You can go outside if you want, it could get stuffy here. As long as you don't get in trouble because I'm practically your guardian." I told him. "I think I wanna go out. I get lonely often, I guess I could explore the real world." He says.

"That's cool to me," I replied. "Hold on, I'll get you something to change into," I told him, making him nod.

I rummaged through my closet and found an oversized black t-shirt. "Gosh, the shirt is easy but I don't have any bottoms that would probably fit him," I said, looking around.

"Why did I make him tall?" I questioned myself, continuing to rummage through my closet.


"Y/N, can we talk for a bit?" head writer Kang peeks from the door. "Oh, yeah sure," I replied, looking up from the computer screen. He made his way to the seat in front of me while I worked.

"So I heard about Director Yoo..." He awkwardly starts, tapping on the desk. "Please don't bring that up. I feel bad for myself already," I said, eyes still glued to the monitor.

"But I'm not here for that, forget about it. I found another Director willing to screen the drama!" He excitingly says. My head perked up about his good news.

"Who?" I asked, sounding too excited. "Director Baek," He says, making me covering my mouth. "Oh, I didn't expect you to be this shocked," He comments.

"With all honesty, anyone is fine. But she's one of the best ones I could think of!" I said. "She isn't as popular as Director Seo, though," He replies. "It's not the popularity, it's the quality they make. It'd be an honor if she does work with me," I explained.

"You're right. I'm sorry I rambled like that, coming from a head writer," He apologizes. "It's fine, we all have our opinions," I replied.

"Anyway, there's a slight problem," He adds. "There isn't a fixed cast yet. We have been casting a few actors and actresses, but we haven't received any replies on accepting roles." He says.

"Maybe we should wait a little longer," I suggested. "Yeah. The supporting roles are easy but the main cast is quite difficult," He says, making me nod in agreement. "Somehow, we'll be able to finalize it," I said.


"So what did you do?" I asked Hanse while we ate. "I just walked around and went to most of the areas here. Some people were giving me judgemental looks, though. I'm not sure why." He replies.

"Because of the tattoos," I answered. "What do you mean? People in my world never cared about that," He folds his arms. "Because this is the real world, so your world is altered by me," I explained.

"I guess the reality harsh. I realized how realistic that saying is since I came from a fantasy," He says with a slight frown on his face. "The universe inside my tablet makes you in the spotlight. But in reality, no one is in the spotlight. So you have to make your own choices for your own good. Even if I'm your creator, you can't always rely on me." I said.

"That's great!" He suddenly cheers. "What's with the reaction? It was more of a warning," I was puzzled. "At least I'm aware of myself, and not controlled by a fixed plot," He says, slightly teasing me.

"Just eat your food," I said, resuming on eating. While he ate, he kept teasing me with odd faces. "Okay, I'm sorry. But it's still not my fault you magically popped out of my tablet," I replied, breaking the short silence.

"Gosh, I'm already having a problem on the main cast now I have you as an issue," I mumbled yet loud enough for him to hear. "Which main cast?" He raises a question. "The drama we're working on. Which is your story," I answered.

"How about me?" He suggests, almost making me spit my water. "What's wrong with that?" He asks, one eyebrow raised. "I can't be sure, I've never seen you act. And if it's your first time, you'll have to audition for it." I explained.

"Don't you trust me?" "Nope," He folds his arms in annoyance. "Fine, I won't stop you. Go ahead and see for yourself," I said. "If you say so, then I will," He said.

"Wait, how does that work?" He asks, making me chuckle. "You just memorize and act out the lines they provide," I simply said. "That's it? Easy," He says.

"Can I ask for a favor? Just one," He asks with his pointing finger showing a '1'. "What?" I ask, slightly annoyed. "Can you buy me clothes?" He shyly requests.

"I know you provide me with everything. But if I get the role, I'll pay you back!" He promises. "What if you don't?" I ask. "Then I'll find a job. You said I won't rely on you, but I promise I will," He replies.

"Fine, let's go," I said, placing my dishes at the sink. "Right now?" "Do you really want it or not?" I asked. "Hell yeah, I do,"

the next day...

"Wow, your fashion sense is good," Hanse says, looking at the mirror as he looked at every part of his clothing. "It's because you're wearing it," I compliment. "Thanks for making me good looking," He thanks with an odd smile. "Shut up, let's go," I jokingly said, picking up my bag.

While we walked, some people had their eyes on us, which I ignored. On the other hand, Hanse looked uncomfortable with it. "Save me," He says, an arm clinging on my shoulder.

"Just ignore them," I said and continued walking. "I can't," He says, acting opposite of his looks. "We're almost there," I said and tugged him as I walked faster.

Hanse's POV

"I passed," I told Y/N with a smile. "Wait, really?" She asks as if I was joking. "So you don't believe that," I said and took the paper from the envelope I held and showed it to her.

She puts down the paper and looks at me, wide-eyed. "Wait," She says, suddenly changing emotions. "But you can't stay here for too long. What if you disappear suddenly?" She questioned, concerned.

"Come on, stop thinking about that. You might jinx it," I said. "I'm serious though! You're not originally from this world, so you can't be here. There will be a possibility you could just go away all of a sudden," She rambles.

I leaned down to her height and faced her "You write too many fictional scripts,". I resumed walking but she didn't follow. "Aren't you coming?" I asked, turning around to see her frozen in her spot with a blank expression.

"Hey, are you okay?" I walked back to her and waved my hand in front of her face. "Ah! I'm okay," She says, startling me a little. "Good, let's go!" I cheer, excitingly walking as she follows, slightly slower.


It's been a week since we've been shooting, and I personally think I'm a naturally good actor. I feel like I'm born to be in front of the camera. Thanks to Y/N I can do a lot of things.

While smiling at these thoughts, Seungsik comes up to me. "You look happy today, did anything happen?" The latter male lead asks. "Certainly," I replied, the smile not wearing off.

"Wanna tell me about it?" He asks, taking a seat beside me. "Uh, no thanks," I said, suddenly changing emotions. "Aw, come on," He says. "Prepare for the next scene!" Just right in time, the director calls, and I smiled at him. He just flashed me a frown and went off.

It was my turn so I immediately went to the spot. While they were finishing off the set as my makeup was getting finished off, I spotted Seungsik with Y/N from the distance.

They had a deep conversation, laughing and smiling from here to there. "Ready," The director says, putting me back to reality. I took another quick glance at them as if I wanna make sure of something.

After the cut, I went to Y/N while she stood by the set. "Oh, Hanse. You did great!" She greets with a smile, making me smile back. "Thanks. Can I ask something?" "What is it?" She asks.

"Ah nevermind I forgot," I replied, hesitant to ask. "Oh, okay. Anyway, you should get changed in a few minutes after this scene." She reminds, making me nod.


Seungsik comes back, handing me an iced americano. "Oh, thanks! Is there a support truck from your company?" I ask as I took a sip. "Uh, no. I just... want to give it to you, He explains, making me nod.

"Aw, that's sweet. Thanks!" I said, patting his head once. He flashes me an eye smile before going back to the set. "Y/N, I need help," A voice from behind me whispers, startling me.

"What is it?" I ask. He motions his arm towards me and points at an empty space. "There's nothing," I said. "Exactly, one of my tattoos is missing," He replies, making me cover my mouth. "What do we do?" I ask, still keeping my tone down.

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