《victon imagines》chan - everlasting jinx


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• genre: vampire au, fantasy



"Hey, wanna go for some spicy rice cakes?" Seungwoo offers as we were closing the store. "Sure!" I agree happily. "Let's go!" He says and leads the way.

We got to a cart stall by the road. Steam fumes waft through the air as the rice cakes and other foods get cooked. We took a stick each from the outer display.

"Wow, this is really delicious," I said, making Seungwoo nod as he took a bite from his. We quickly finished our food and paid for it.

"So, I guess we part ways here?" I ask. "Yeah. This is the first time we got to go home at the same time. Our manager is really kind." He says, making me agree.

We waved at each other and smiled. Thinking of parting ways, we went both in the same way. "Oh! You live this way?" I ask pointing at him, which makes him nod.

"Let's go together then," He says and we started walking. "I wanted to tell you something for a while now," He sparks a conversation once again.

"What is it?" I ask while we walked. "It's been a few months since I worked at the convenience store, thanks to you," He starts. "Me? Why though?" I ask in curiosity.

"I'm not good at working at part-time jobs, but I have to since I only have myself for support. But when you became my co-worker at the store, you offered to help me that I don't know his to repay you." He says. "It's for the sake of the store, but if that's how you think of it then I guess it's my pleasure," I replied.

"There's one more thing," He says. "Oh, then what is it?" I ask. While he took a few moments of thinking, a bright light slowly comes from behind.

I quickly look back and notice a speeding truck on the road behind us which was almost close to the sidewalk. It was too quick that I didn't have time to think yet my body was quick enough to respond. I leap to the side, watching as the truck overrides the sidewalk, running over Seungwoo.

The distance was too perfect like it meant hitting him and making me survive. The truck just goes forward and doesn't stop. I was aware enough and looked closely at the plate number, memorized it, and wrote it down on my phone.

After that, I quickly ran to his body surrounded by a pool of blood. "S-seungwoo! Please don't close your eyes!" I screamed at him, shaking him to keep him conscious. "Please say something!" I said, continuing to shake him.

"I wanted to say," He said with a breathy voice. "I like you," With that, those were the last words before he breathes his last breath. Tears start flooding from my eyes as I looked at him, closing his eyes. "You shouldn't have..."


After visiting Seungwoo's burial, I couldn't seem to stay after knowing that his death is because of me. It would appear rude but I didn't want to burden myself more, and he wouldn't like that either.

And it's all because of this stupid curse. Why would the responsibility of my ancestors go down to me? Just because of their sin I have to pay for it on their behalf. That's the most stupid thing I'd ever know.

It isn't just any curse, because it has been paining me all my life to the point that I'm wondering how I'm still alive. Once someone romantically falls in love with me, the jinx goes to that person. And that jinx would be death.


To sum it all up, I'm most likely going to be single all my life. And even if a few passed away all because of me, I still get hurt because I'd either known them for so long or never knew their feelings towards me.

And that's the worst part.

After wiping away the tears that flowed from my eyes, I thought of grabbing a drink to keep these events off my mind at least for a while.

Chan's POV

Tapping my fingers on the table, I scanned through the place after finishing a bottle of beer. My eyes perk up as I spotted a drunk woman across the place.

Mindlessly, my feet led me to her. The scent of her blood was enough to attract me. When I got in front of her, she looks at me with a sly smile.

"Seungwoo? Is that you?" She asks, clinging on me while I got confused by her statement. I was barely alert because of the scent she had, but there were too many people around.

"Can you get me another bottle? I'm sorry it's my fault you died. Please forgive me!" She says and starts crying, and I was confused. "Uh, I think you should go home," I told her even though she wouldn't comprehend that.

"Hey, come on just one?" She says, showing a '1' with her finger. I forcibly took her wrist and made her get up. I paid for her order and mine and went out of the bar.

"I hate you! You should've given me another one," She retorts, making me ignore. "Fine, I'll go home. You probably don't know my address," She says and proceeds to tell me her full address.

"Uh, sure," Was all I replied. I was really confused but I decided to just take her home. On our way out she stopped walking which made me look back. Her eyes slowly closed, making her collapse in my arms.

I heaved a long sigh but proceeded to put her on my back. Thankfully, I knew that place and it wasn't too far. I fished through her bag and took me long to find the right key since there were so many keys on the keychain.

I placed her down on the couch that was just nearby. After all that, my senses smelled her scent once again. I found myself coming nearer to her neck, my pupils turning red by the temptation.

I managed to slap myself out of it and stood up. To stop me, I just thought of leaving before I could do anything.


I woke up with a really painful headache, making me take a long time to sit up. I held my forehead to ease the pain whilst I looked around.

While I sat in silence, I had unclear flashbacks of everything that happened the other day. My eyes widen upon remembering all the things I did and said. I mentally facepalmed myself after remembering all the idiocy I've done.

I can't believe I called a stranger by Seungwoo's name, made him pay for my orders, and even took me home. I'm just thankful he's not a jerk and was kind enough. I was half-conscious when I saw him leave after taking me back home.

But I should still blame myself for everything. Seriously? Telling a stranger my full address is completely stupid, I should've been more careful.

As soon as I opened my phone, I notice a newly saved contact on my phone. The caller ID was 'Heo Chan'. I haven't saved any contacts, making me think.


"The guy from last night?" I asked myself. Maybe I shouldn't use my fingerprint to open my phone, a password would be a bit safer.

To play safe, it would be best to call him for the sake of cutting ties with him. I pressed the dial icon, hoping he'd pick up immediately so I could get this over with.

"Hello?" Comes from the other line. "Heo Chan?" I ask, hearing an 'oh!' from the other line. "Oh, sorry. I didn't get to read the caller ID," He says.

"You're the girl from yesterday, right?" He asks, making me agree. "If you're calling me to pay me back, it's fine. Just utilize my number if you need my help or anything. I know we just met and didn't even get close but you seem interesting." He says as if he read my mind.

"Oh, are you sure it's okay to not pay you back?" I asked. "Of course. I don't mind at all," He says in a friendly tone. "But, I don't think we should get close," I said, bringing down the uplifting mood he had.

"Why? Did I do anything wrong?" He asks, sounding concerned. "You did nothing wrong. It's just that maybe yesterday should be the last time we should see and meet each other," I said.

"But-" I cut him off by ending the call. I immediately block his number and deleted his contact off my phone. Even though I'd be open to being friends, it's best to decline it. I'll just end up hurting someone again once the relationship grows.

I heaved a heavy sigh and put my phone down. Maybe I finally chose the right thing to do. Additionally, I don't know him well so I can't be so sure.

After all that, I went back to work after a few days of Seungwoo's passing. Of course, it still pains me inside but life has to keep going.

I put up a 'Looking for part-timer' sign once again after several months. There haven't been many customers, which isn't good. We haven't been operating the store for a while so it feels kind of new.

It's past midnight and I don't think I could keep myself up. I've pulled an all-nighter before, but this is seriously different.

I just laid my head on the counter, almost nothing in my mind but sleep. Gradually, my eyes were blinking furiously to the point where it just wants to close. But I couldn't do so.

"Welcome," I said with a tired voice upon hearing the door chimes. It slightly woke me up, making me stand up.

A pale man somewhere at my age appears in front of me. He seems to be extremely good looking, I couldn't tell if it was reality. It even gave me Déjà vu, which made me in more confusion.

"I'm here for the part-timer interview," He said. "Oh! Uh, come with me," I said, coming out from the counter and sitting at one of the tables.

While we talked through the needed information and papers, which aren't highly needed, I started to feel like it isn't Déjà vu.

"Uh, hello?" He says, waving his hand in front of my face. "Oh, I'm sorry. What was that?" I asked even though none of the information got through my head.

"I don't think you even remember anything I said from the start?" He said. "Let's do it from the start," I told him, waking myself up. "He just sighed and gave me the paper.

Looking at the paper with tired eyes, just seeing the top of the paper rang a bell. "Heo Chan?" I asked, sounding too loud all of a sudden, which startled him a bit.

"We already settled this. I don't want to start a fight so please don't do this anymore," I said, standing up. "Why don't you? I mean no harm, I just want to get close. I also need a job right now, I live on my own so I only have myself." He says, standing up as well.

"I can't tell you why it's much safer to stay away from me. Plus, there are other part-time jobs that pay better around here." I told him. Before he could say anything else, I quickly went to the storage room.

I just stood beside the door and waited until he left the place. The door chimes sounded so I stayed for a few moments before coming back out. I peeked through every glass wall to double-check if he was still around.

Just by his presence, I gained a bit more energy after we met. Going back to my place behind the counter, I sat there until a customer comes.

"Welcome," I said upon hearing the door chimes once again. Looking up, I realized who it was. "Manager Seo," I said, standing up.

"I apologize, you've been working longer than your shift. I completely forgot about taking over the shift. Don't worry, I'll pay your overtime pay." He says, hurriedly coming up to me. "I'm fine, this is nothing. I've stayed up longer than before," I said with a smile.

"That's not okay. Quickly, go home and get some rest," He says, wearing his vest. "Thank you, I'll get going," I said and took my bag. "Rest a lot, okay?" He says before I left so I gave him a quick nod.

Thank God he finally came. For a second there I thought he wouldn't come until yesterday and I'd be working for 60 hours straight. I've probably passed out at that point.

Everything in my mind is just to sleep, so I just wanted to get home and be with my bed. The cold wind was keeping me awake as I walked so there's no worry for me to just pass out in the middle of the sidewalk.

I was also in a hurry because it was almost two in the morning. The street's ambiance was quite eerie.

As I turn at a corner, I hit my shoulder with another person which startled me. "Sorry," I said in a low voice, almost in unison with that person.

"You again?" I said, looking back at the person. "Y/N?" He wonders as well. "Are you stalking me?" I questioned him. "What? No!" He denies, shaking his head.

"Why are you still around anyway?" I asked. "I was finding for a different job since you didn't accept me," He answered. "At this hour? You could do it at daylight," I said.

"You know what, nevermind. Let this be our last conversation," I said, wanting to end the conversation before we could get any closer. "Want me to take you home?" He offers.

"No thanks," I said, and went on my way. "It's dangerous at this hour," He told me. "You're dangerous," I replied, not turning back. I heard him sigh from behind, his footsteps following.

"Just don't," I turned back to tell him, which made him stop in his tracks. I went back on my path and quickened my pace in case anything would happen.

Almost making it home, footsteps coming from in front of me were coming closer. A masked person now stood in front of me with a knife in hand. I got caught up with my breath, taking a few steps back.

I hear quick footsteps, now coming from behind me. Someone passes by me and jabbed the masked man. Judging by the appearance, I immediately knew who it was.

The man with a knife looked skilled, but Chan was quicker. He dodged all his attacks and managed to take him down by fist. After a few punches, the masked man was down.

My mouth was agape, eyes wide. I couldn't seem to comprehend what just happened. While the man passed out, Chan called the police to report the suspect.

"Are you okay?" He shyly comes up to me, checking if I got hurt. "I'm fine," I said, looking down. He sighs, looking at the man who was now laying on the cold asphalt.

"What would've happened if I wasn't here?" He asks, still looking at the person on the ground. "I'm sorry," I said, rubbing the side of my arm.

Soon after, the cops arrived to arrest the man. We also came to the station as victims and witnesses.


"Thank you for your cooperation," The detective says as we went out of the station. "No problem," Chan says with a smile.

"Hey kid, are you okay though? How did you take that man down?" The detective asks Chan. "Oh, I just... know self-defense. I guess," He awkwardly says, making the detective chuckles.

"Anyway, both of you should get going. It's really late," He says and we both nod. We left together, Chan still following by my side.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have been too harsh to you before," I apologized, looking down as I walked. "It's okay. I realized I kind of seemed like a stalker," He says, making me smile involuntarily.

"I'm sorry about that, I know you don't want to be close to me for a reason. I don't know why but can we at least not get awkward with each other? It feels off, and I'm not planning on having a strong friendship either. I'll admit I'm not loyal." He explains, following with a small laugh.

"So, what do you say?" He asks. "Sure," I said, putting my head up. We reached my house and that's where we parted ways. I won't think of this too much since I don't think we'll be seeing each other too often as long as he doesn't mean to.

Chan's POV

Looking down on my fingers while it taps on the counter, completely bored. My body stops as soon as I sense the familiar scent once again.

She's on her way.

I look somewhere else to not look like I expected her. "Welcome," I said, acting like how I'd normally greet a customer. I look up and met eyes with her.

My eyes focused on her nape, the scent of her blood growing stronger. I held tight on the counter to stop myself from anything I might do.

"Let me guess, Manager Seo accepted you for the job?" She asks. "Yeah," I said, looking at her eyes again with a smile. "Oh well, I can't do anything about that. You can go home now," She told me.

"I heard you had several hours of overtime yesterday. I'll take over your other hours for this shift," I said, halting her. "It's fine, you don't need to. I'm getting paid for the overtime anyway," She replies.

"Are you kidding me? 28 straight hours? You're lying if you said you're not exhausted," I said, seeing her evident eye bags. "Okay fine, I am tired. But I'm not asking you to help me out like this," She says.

"You can't stop me," I said. "Yes I can," She says, coming up to me and attempts to pull me off the seat. She stops for a while and breathes. "Looks like you're exhausted enough to not work," I teasingly said.

"It's unfair, you're just heavy," She says with a sly smirk. My mouth was agape because of her sneaky offense. "How dare you call me like that," I felt my nails dig deep through the chair, but I closed my eyes to calm myself down to retract my nails.

"It was just a joke, don't take it seriously, jeez," She says in response to my actions. "If you say so, I guess I'll go," I replied, standing up from where I was seated and took off my vest.

"You promised let's not try to get in each other's way, so just go," She says, suddenly changing the mood. I was confused, but I was exhausted waiting for nothing all day. "Okay then, bye," I said and left without another word.

Why would she suddenly change like that? Yes, we did agree about that yet I still get bothered. No one is stopping her from being with people, so what is?

While getting lost in my thoughts, a motorcycle coming from afar comes crashing to the curb. Almost in front of me, I was startled so I immediately went up to the man.

"Sir, are you okay?" I bent down and checked on the man. I got no response as he was momentarily closing his eyes. I held his arm which was below his body and felt something damp.

I looked at his arm and it was bleeding non-stop. My eyes widen, feeling my veins as my adrenaline gets triggered. Looking at my hand which was now covered in blood, my pupils turn red.

Some people come to where the man was so I bought that time to flee. I felt like I just murdered the man after fleeing like that. The looks of the people became suspicious but I knew I was innocent.

All I was running away from was the blood.

I ran at an inhumane speed back to my house and immediately washed the blood off my hand as if I was a killer getting rid of the evidence. Breathing heavily, I looked at my face in the mirror until my eyes turn back to normal.

While leaning on the sink, head down, I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I got a message from Y/N, now knowing she unblocked my number.

Hey, why did you run away from the man? Don't take this differently or anything but you look suspicious for the others, it was clearly an accident.

I placed down my phone, thinking of a plausible excuse. In the end, I decided to ignore her message and talk about it the next day.

Maybe I should've taken the night shift. After all, I could even stay up for around 60 straight hours without feeling tired. It must be difficult being a human in this kind of environment.


"You can go now," I told Y/N, trying to wake her up. I've been spending several minutes trying to wake her up from her deep sleep, yet she isn't even budging. I knew it, I should've taken over a bit of her shift yesterday.

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