《victon imagines》subin - fragile


requested by:

collaboration with:

angst, fluff


note ♡: i recommend u guys read this even if it's kinda long and if you're not a fan of angst stories. and y'all gonna understand why i suddenly made a collab lmao



Today, I had the guts to finally confess to my crush, Yeosang. I wasn't fully sure of it at first, but instead, I strived to do it. I've been secretly sending him crinkles with a letter once a week. I asked this favor to my friends so I would hinder my identity.

I hid with the name "Dana" in my letters.

Since I didn't want to just straight up tell him all my feelings without at least leaving an impression. We barely even talked, but we had small interactions. I met him at the dance team (in which, I terribly sucked at it) and he was the best dancer in the group.

And I had no other choice but confess in text.

The way he rejected was considerate. And there was a reason why.

He already had a girlfriend just a few days ago, and I didn't know. And I still wonder if I did have a chance if I summed up all my courage beforehand.

However, this rejection didn't hurt as much as the other ones did.

My other previous crushes would either ignore me, run away, or spew hurtful words and leave me dumbfounded.

But Yeosang was considerate and knew that it would hurt me. So I could tell that he tried his best to neglect me in the kindest way possible.

"Y/N, are you there?" Seungsik waves his hand in front of my face.

"Huh, what?" I immediately sat up after being lost in my thoughts.

"Is there something wrong? You've been staring blankly for so long. I couldn't help but snap you out of it." He said with a hint of concern.

Seungsik always cared for you whenever you had your downs. Despite him already being in the senior year, he felt like an older brother to you.

"There are just some things bothering me," I replied, feeling uneasy about it.

"Do you want to talk about it with me? If not, it's fine with me too."He asks and smiles.

"I'd rather not talk about it," I sighed afterward.

"How about I treat you something sweet after practice?" He offers.

"Uh, sure. If it's okay with you." My thoughts slowly disappearing in my mind.

A few minutes later, the chorale practice ended. Seungsik and I went to the outdoor cafeteria right in front of the school.

"Here?" I asked.

"Oh, not here. I'm just waiting for someone." I nodded in response.

"Are you willing to wait? It won't take long." He asks, still concerned about me.

"You can stop worrying about me now. I'm already over it." I said and smiled reassurance. He just smiles back.

"Seungsik!" Both of our heads turned as the sliding doors creaked.

"Hi, Subin!" Seungsik waves his hand at him as Subin approached us.

Subin sat beside me so I leaned back a little, knowing that he would be talking to Seungsik.

"Can I ask you a favor?" Subin asks. Seungsik just hummed in response.

"Could you ask Byungchan if we can interview his dad? Since you probably know his dad is a teacher. Anyhow, it's for a project." He explains.

"Yeah sure, no sweat." He replied and left us with a few seconds of awkward silence. Until Seungsik broke the silence.


"Aren't you gonna go?" He directs a question to Subin.

"How about you guys?" He asks back.

"Oh, we're supposed to grab some milk tea," He explains.

"Can I tag along?" "Yeah sure, why not?" Seungsik agrees as we stood up from our seats.

Come to think of it, he's also part of Chorale. We didn't talk much.

Typically, I would be in the background when he would tell jokes to others. And relatively, I would chuckle at them.

Although, this morning, we were sitting right next to each other in the gym during the teacher's day program.

We were making fun of our Chorale instructor because we made masks with his face on it. He was even saying things he would say and I would laugh at his impersonations.

"So what do you want?" Seungsik asks me as I scanned through the menu.

"I'll just have the Wintermelon with Pearls." I had a bit of awkwardness in my tone. Although it wasn't too obvious, I hope.

As we finished ordering, we sat at a small table near the window as we were waiting for our order.

Unconsciously, I was tapping my fingers on my lap as I looked around the room to avoid eye contact.

After a while, we finally got out orders. I stared down as I sipped the drink.

"Hey, are you really okay?" Seungsik pauses their small talk.

I slowly looked up and gave him a small nod before looking back down.

"Is it awkward?" He asks again. I shook my head, still looking down.

"Oh, sorry, should I leave?" Subin asks, slightly standing up from his seat. And I shook my head again.

"Uh, okay," Subin says as he sat back down.


"Oh I have to go, it's getting kind of late," Seungsik says as he stood up going to the door.

"Bye," He waves at the both of us and we wave back. "Take care of yourself, okay?" He asks as I smile back, waving at him one last time before he left.

"You aren't going?" I asked Subin. "Uh, no. I thought of staying a bit longer." He says.

I just hummed in response as I resumed drinking.

The time we were together, it's a whole hour of small talks. Different topics from here and there. But I wasn't uncomfortable at all, and neither did he. We shared the same drink, a few same interests, and a couple of laughs.

"I'll get going now," I put my cup down as I stood up.

"I'll go too," He says as he followed behind me.

I just continued walking until I reached school, and he followed behind me the whole time.

I found my car parked in front. I waved my hand to my dad standing in front of it.

It took him a while to notice me before he waved back and smiled.

I turned around to Subin and said goodbye before leaving.


A few months later, I started noticing Subin a bit more. And I knew him more as well.

Ever since that day we went out together, we got closer. And so, my feelings grew for him as well.

He was funny.



And whenever I get that feeling, I would always tell my friends. Just to have a bit of advice at least.

"He's the one! I could tell." Dayoung, one of my friends said with excitement to her tone.

"I'd admit, with all your stories and the interactions you had, I'd agree with her," Yeoreum says.


"You really think so?" I asked. And both of them just nodded. I smiled to myself at the thought of it. The fact the Yeoreum doesn't even support a lot of my crushes really differentiates him from my past ones.

Maybe he is the one, after all.


"Why did you guys let Y/N hold the cord? That's no way to treat a woman!"

Subin scolded the others as he took the cord from me. Well, I was trying my best not to squeal as I came over to my seat. My senior soprano, Yeonjung smiled over at the look of my face.

"Your blush is bleeding through your concealer, Y/N."

"Unnie! Shh!" I told her, the blush on my face probably worsening. Shit, do I have to retouch my makeup? Why am I so conscious around him?

"Y/N has a crushie!" Naeun teased, ruffling my hair.



I entered the Music Room, seeing that Subin had been playing around with the others wearing a... A Suit?


He laughed around with the other tenors as Minjung pulled me around the corner. "Look at him, Y/N! He's wearing a suit! It's his Character Portrayal today, and he is ravishing!" She exclaimed, squealing along.

I pursed my lips as I looked at him, and seemed to have noticed that I was staring. Subin came up to me with his mouth curved up into a handsome smile. And with a hard British accent, he asked me:

"Would you care to have some chocolate?"

"I- uh- no thank you, I'm a soprano."

Minjung slapped my back, glaring at me to take his offer.

What the fuck can I do?


I wrote a letter to him, a lengthy one. Tomorrow is his birthday, so I had to make it special.

And I'm trying my best not to make my feelings too obvious.

Afterward, I burnt a few sides of the paper to create an effect, which resulted in a burning scent in my room right after.

I wrapped up the letter in an envelope and sealed it with a golden wax seal.

I slouched back at my chair and looked at the letter for a moment and smiled.

I handed him the letter with a hint of shyness. He took it from my hand and smiled.

"Thanks for the love letter," He said as if he was serious.

"It isn't!" I said, defending myself. "Whatever you say," He replied sarcastically before leaving.


"Jiwon, can you come here?" I called out as she looked at my direction. She nodded and went to the empty seat beside me.

Jiwon is our class president. She's really smart and kind, considering the fact that she's also a medalist.

"By any chance, do you know Subin?" I asked her.

"Yeah, we're both in the chess club," She says, and I was quite surprised.

"Really? I didn't know that" I replied, thinking about it.

"This is actually his jacket," She points at the green jacket she was wearing.

"Can I borrow it?" I asked out of excitement.

"Sure, just return it back by lunch." She said and I nodded. We switched jackets then she was about to go back to her seat.

"Wait, can I ask you something?" She asked and I slightly nodded.

"Do you like him?" She asked, making my face flush a bright red.

I slowly nodded and she just smiled, then went back to her seat.

While waiting for the next period teacher, I made the most out of the time while I had his jacket.

I even took a selfie while wearing, and posting it on my Story.


After practice, he decided to come with me to the waiting area.

The walk there was, nerve-wracking yet I still loved it.

As we got there, I almost forgot I was going to be with Dayoung. She waves at me as I just smiled since Subin was still talking to me.

I mouthed 'It's him' to her. But it didn't seem like she understood.

I tilted my head to him and kept saying it. And I felt like he seemed that my actions were odd.

She found it hilarious when I got slightly annoyed while she still doesn't understand it.

And at last, she got my message.

When we got there, Dayoung joined in and waited for our conversation to end. We said our goodbyes to each other and so, he left.

As soon as he left, she squealed loudly, making me shut her up.

"Don't make it obvious," I said with clenched teeth. Then, she stopped.

"What do you think about him?" I raised a question.

She thought about her response then said, "He's not that handsome, but not that ugly as well."

I just nodded, still looking at him as he walked.


As the days went by, we got closer. Some part of me is telling me that he could sense my liking for him. But, I ignored it.

Then one day, he stopped going to practice. It would be awkward to straightforwardly ask him why through text. So I preferred waiting.

Although I was growing impatient and I felt like I was longing for him.

As I waited for him to come back, I thought of planning my confession. But I'm not thinking of doing it just yet.



Minjung and I were in a conversation until she raised a topic.

"You know, Subin has priorities if you'd say." I started to get interested.

"Just last year, his dad died. That's why his family is starting to have a great loss of money. That's why he puts studying first before being in a relationship." My heart dropped.

At that thought, I lost some hope in my heart. And I didn't know how to respond.

"Oh, really? I never knew he'd have this much behind his back." I said, sighing as I looked down on the ground.

We had the time to leave the classroom as soon as we finished eating. So I came along with Dayoung to go to Subin.

She was squealing on the way, which made me more nervous.

As we got there, I spotted Naeun holding her Instax, probably waiting for me.

"Naeun!" I screamed her name as she waved at me.

"So, let's do it?" She asks with a slight smile and I nodded in response.

"Chan! Come here." Naeun said making him come to us.

"I'll take a picture of you guys," I said and Chan agreed.

At my rearview, I spotted Subin coming out from his classroom. Perfect.

"Okay. 3, 2, 1." I counted down as I took the picture. They went to me and got the camera.

"Hey, Subin we're taking pictures. Care to join us?" Chan asks him as he nodded with a smile.

Oh god, that was cute.

Dayoung probably noticed my expression. So she shook me a bit out of excitement.

I widened my eyes at her, signaling her to stop as she backed away.

We stood shoulder to shoulder, my heart almost popping out of my chest.

He jokingly bent backward, teasing my height. I playfully slapped his shoulder in annoyance.

Despite that, he kept doing and I could see some of them trying to hold back their laughter at how cute we were at that point.

"Come on Subin," Naeun says in annoyance and he finally stopped.

How he posed beside me with a 'V' sign was so natural. And he didn't show any signs of awkwardness as well.

So I had the courage to be chill as possible. The camera flashes and I said thanks to Subin.

I took the picture from Naeun and thanked her. Dayoung and I hurriedly went back to the classroom.

On the way, the picture developed and I showed it to her.

"Gosh, you guys are so cute together!" She says, happily reacting over the picture.

I just smiled and kept the picture.

Dayoung and I changed our clothes to get ready for High School Night. We even experimented on each other's clothes and had our final outfits.

We left the restroom and headed outside. And like always, we would walk around, typically at the Acacia Lane.

We spotted people dressed up with different styles of outfits.

"Isn't that Subin? The one with the... Lightsaber?" Dayoung asks as she points out his friend group.

"What is he even gonna do with that?" She asks, weirded out. And so was I.

"I have no idea," I replied in confusion as well.

As we were nearing, Subin suddenly runs up to us, startling both of us.

"Would you like to be diverted to Christianity?" Subin asks, screaming.

My eyes widened at how peculiar that question was. I noticed Dayoung trying her best to hold back her laughter, covering her mouth.

"U-uh, what?" I was speechless.

Why is he my crush again?

"WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE DIVERTED TO CHRISTIANITY?" He asks again, slightly louder. Now holding the two Lightsabers to a cross.

"Uh-" I get cut off as he lays one of the Lightsabers on my right shoulder.

"You have now been diverted to Christianity," He says one last time before Dayoung and I leave, slightly weirded out.

No, extremely weirded out.

Nevertheless, I still like him. I smiled at the thought.

At last, we are finally in the gymnasium and everyone was getting ready. And soon enough, the program started.

Everyone had their own friend groups and we were all sitting on the floor. Subin's friend group was just right across the room.

We expected the event to be somewhat different than what we expected. Turns out, it was just performances by selected students, which didn't meet our expectations.

I kept glancing at him and his group. Sometimes, I see him noticing me too so I would quickly divert my attention back at the stage.

We got bored in the middle of the program so a few of us decided to go downstairs and buy a few foods and drinks.

"I think I should confess now," I told my friends at the sudden idea.

"Are you sure though? And are you ready for it?" Haeyoon asks. I slightly nod, putting down my head and sipped my pink lemonade.

The others reassured me before I actually did it, and I am thankful for that.

So I asked Haeyoon to call Chan. So that Chan can ask Subin to come to where I was.

While I was waiting for him to arrive, I was emotionally and mentally preparing myself so I wouldn't have a sudden breakdown if it ever happens.

After a while which seemed like forever, he finally got here. I saw him approaching me from the corner of my eye, and I pretended not to see.

"Y/N?" He calls out as I immediately raised my head. "Oh, uh, hi," I said, sounding a bit too nervous.

"What is it that you want to tell me?" He asks. I took a deep breath whilst rehearsing the words in my head.

"I like you," I said in a soft yet audible tone.

"What," He said, probably not hearing what I just said.

"I like you," I said one more time, now much louder. Now, I couldn't read his expression.

"I like you, I like you, I like you!" I repeatedly said.

"I, actually knew," He admitted.

"Wait, since when?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Around October," He said.

Something bothered me. I started having an interest in him in September. Which meant he knew I liked him before I knew I like him.

Wow, he's smart enough to figure that out.

"You're not supposed to stay there," A teacher calls us out since we sat somewhere farther from the venue. So we had to walk.

Out of nowhere, he hugged me.

"I can't," He said softly, then pulling away from the hug.

I thought about when people said he had priorities, and I understood. While I was lost in my thoughts, he hugged me one last time.

People around us were squealing and started to ship us, but none of them knew what was really going on.

As we stopped hugging, he held my hand.

"It's not going to be awkward, right?" I asked.

And he said, "No, it won't be."

chorale competition

When we were getting on the van, the seats were thought out thoroughly.

Since they knew I would be loud if I sit with almost anyone in there.

So they put me beside Subin, great.

And for the first time, I managed to shut up for the longest time.

Because they knew I'm awkward with him.

"Looks like you've been quiet the whole ride," Naeun says, raising an eyebrow.

I playfully slap her and continued walking.

after the competition

We didn't get to win, but at least we made it as far as the finals. So we didn't feel that bad.

We went back to the van, still in our original seats.

But now, Subin and I managed to speak to each other.

We talked a lot now and we didn't feel awkward at all.

We even took a selfie together.


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