《victon imagines》sejun - stone cold


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• 1580 words

• published: 01/19/20slight use of foul language



"Hey, nice shoes!" Sejun sarcastically says as he rubs his shoe on mine. The shoes I wore today were white sneakers, and clearly, you would see the dirt.

I just rolled my eyes at them and continued putting my things in my locker.

What always annoyed me was the fact that they always walked horizontally, taking up the entire space of the hallway.

And people wouldn't bother, since they are the 'cool kids', they won't even dare place a finger on them.

I thought they were gone in the distance until someone forcibly pushed away my books from my hands.

There were so many that it echoed through the hallway. Since it was so late, there weren't any people there but the four of us.

I didn't even have to take a moment and think who would've have done it.

I slowly took a book from my locker and glanced annoyingly at them.

"Aren't you guys tired?" I asked angrily, without breaking eye contact.

"Of what?" Hanse asks.

"Don't ask something you already know the answer to." I said.

"Aw, that's cute," Sejun smiles and pushes my shoulder.

With that, I couldn't take it any longer.

"Ugh, I can't even stand to look at your disgusting faces." I looked away, throwing the book at Seungwoo's chest and turned around.

I stopped at my tracks as Hanse pulls me to face him.

"What did you just fucking say?" I felt Hanse's breath brush through my face, giving me chills.

I knew this would happen, and I didn't mind at all. I just wanted them to know a piece of my mind.

He punches me right across the face, instantly making me fall on the ground.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Do whatever you were thinking of!" I screamed at them.

"You're just going to be a waste of time, let's go." Seungwoo stops Hanse as he was about to pounce on me.

Sejun and Hanse got puzzled. Seungwoo just dragged them out and acted as if nothing happened.

"Are you out of your mind?" I heard Hanse from the distance.

Seungwoo, ignores his question and they disappear from my sight.

"Thank god they're gone. Although something's out of the ordinary." I thought to myself.

I just shrugged it off and continued putting my books in the locker.


As I finished, I slammed my locker door and went on my way.

Upon reaching the gate, I felt someone pull me away to the back of the school.

I couldn't get off due to the strong grip of the person. Nor could I recognize who it is, the fact that the face was covered with a black hoodie.

"Who are you?!" I screamed as soon as we got there.

The person removes the hoodie, brushing his hair off with it.

And I'd admit, that was handsome.

"Han Seungwoo? You really must've been out of your mind today." I said.

"Listen, there was a reason why I did that. And it took me a few months to think of doing this." I listened closely to what he was saying.

"Do you know why the three of us were bullying you all along?" He asked

I just shrugged in response.

"Ever since you moved here, I liked you-" I cut him off.

"You- what now?" I widened my eyes.

"Wait, let me finish." He said as he continues explaining.

"Sejun and Hanse thought otherwise. They thought that you looked dumb and everything." He explained further.

"Well, they ain't wrong," I added.

He held my shoulder tightly and I gasped in pain.

"Okay, okay continue," I said, slowly removing his hand on me.

"They thought of bullying you and that's where I thought I would get close to you. I know it may sound dumb, but that's how I wanted to know you." He says, leaving me speechless for a while.

"And how would you expect me to like someone like you? After you ruined most of my year here in school." I said folding my arms.

"Let's go on a date, so you know, we could know each other better, at least." He says shyly.

I didn't see him before being shy, right in front of me. His entire aura changed.

"Ugh, fine. But what if I don't?" I shot the question at him.

"I promise, you will," He says confidently.


We got to a café, not so far from our school. We ordered from the counter then took a seat.


We talked for a while and I slowly got interested. And that thought slightly scared me.

"You know, I never knew you'd actually have a heart for once, telling me all these things about you," I said slouching as I fold my arms.


"Oh, you think so?" He said as he brushes his hair out of awkwardness.

"I guess you have my approval," I said, instantly making him smile.

"Does that mean we're a thing now?" He asks. I nodded in reply.

"Although I have one condition," I said.

"What?" He asks, getting curious.

"Can we keep it a secret?" I asked.

He thought about it for a while, then nodded cutely in response.

2 months later

I was studying in the library for a while so I got tired. I took out my phone to browse my social media for a bit.

I stopped scrolling after I noticed a post, and I couldn't piece it out.



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1 hour ago



I got curious and checked the comments.


did you guys get back together?

mhm 😊

i knew it!


A tear involuntarily dropped from my eye.

I got so mad and immediately direct messaged him.


you sent an attachment

What is this?!

Well, what do you think it is?

So you betrayed me all this time?!

I can't believe you only noticed it just now.

I only used you so I could get back with my ex-girlfriend. And without your help, I wouldn't have done it.

I can't believe you're thanking me instead of apologizing.

Since when would I ever apologize to someone?

I take back everything I said, you can go fuck off with your girlfriend now.


I slammed my phone on my book and cried in my palm.

I wasn't crying because of love, but because of the betrayal that he let me undergo.

He was showing me the side of him that looked innocent, but I was dumb enough to fall for it.

I wasn't being in love with him at all, it was all an illusion.

"You okay?" Someone taps my shoulder, instantly making me wipe off my tears.

"Yeah I'm okay, I was about to leave-" I noticed who it was.

"Sejun? Why are you even here? And why do you care?" I said as I stood up with my books in my arms.

"Wait," he says stopping me. "What?" I asked.

"Can we talk?" He asked, looking a bit uneasy.

"Uh, sure?" I said as I followed him outside.

"I, have something to tell you." He said scratching the back of his neck.

I tilted my head sideways waiting for him to answer.

"I knew about the relationship between you and Seungwoo." He said.

"He told you?! That unbelievable son of a-"

"No, he didn't. In fact, he even stopped being friends with Hanse and I." He explains.

"Were we obvious?" I asked out of curiosity.

He nodded shyly in response.

"So other people knew?" I asked. But now, he disagreed.

"I don't think so. If there were, there would've been few." He replies.

I just nodded after understanding the situation.

"But why were you asking if I was okay? And how did you know I'd be here?" I bombarded him with questions.

"As soon as I saw the post I ran around the school since I knew you'd still be here. And because..." He hesitantly stopped.

"And..?" "And because I like you," My eyes widened at his sudden confession.

"Remember when he told you about how he liked you?"

"Yeah- wait how did you know that too?" I asked getting more confused.

"I was there when he told that to you." He explains and I just nodded.

"Okay, continue"

"That was my story," He explained.

I had a loss of words as I tried to process the story in my head.

"I confessed that to Seungwoo once that he even laughed at it. He probably thought of using that so he could go back to his ex-girlfriend." He explains further.

"That actually does make sense," I replied as I finally understood everything completely.

"So, what do you say?" He asks

"About what- oh! I'll think about it." I said about to leave until he grabs my wrists and pulls me to face him.

"Are you sure you'll have to think about it?" His shyness was now replaced with boldness.

I felt my cheeks heat up and I noticed him smirk as he probably noticed I was blushing.

"W-well, I kinda d-do like you," I stuttered as I didn't know what just slipped through my mouth.

Why do I fall for guys easily? I hate it.

He gives me a quick peck on my cheek and leaves me standing there, empty-minded.

"So... yes?" He turned around quickly, keen enough to notice me smiling from what he did.

"I"ll take that as a yes," He said victoriously and left.


hi guyss!! tysm for 50k reads :0 ily all so much aaaaa ♡

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