《victon imagines》byungchan - secret [part 2]




As I was on my phone, I got interrupted by a sudden call that popped out from the upper part of the screen.

It didn't have a caller ID, so I had no idea who it is.

"Hello? Who is this?" I picked up. "Is this Y/N of Asset Management Unit?" A lady says from the other line.

"Uh, yes. Why do you ask?" I ask politely. "This is the CEO's mother. You know me right?" She asks.

I gulped, wondering why she would call me. I knew something was off.

"Well of course Ma'am, everyone does." I try my best to not sound awkward. "Well then, do you have time later this afternoon?" She asked.

And of course, I had to say yes.


I arrived at the cafe where we decided to meet up. And for some reason, my heart started racing.

Like, who wouldn't? I'm meeting my boyfriend's mother, and she doesn't know anything about our relationship.

So I knew I also have to be extremely cautious of what I say. Something might slip out of my mouth, and just the thought scares me.

I saw an extravagantly dressed lady from afar, waving at me. As soon as I noticed, I immediately approached her.

"Hello, Y/N," She greets me with a smile. "Hello, Mrs. Choi," I greet her back, slightly bowing.

"May I ask what you called me for?" I asked politely. "Well, you see-" She gets cut off as someone suddenly barges in the place.

"Wait!" Byungchan runs in quickly. He grabs my wrist making me stand up.

"Let's leave," He whispers at me and got away as quick as possible.

"Choi Byungchan, what do you think you're doing?" His mom stands up furiously.

"The right thing," He boldly answers, quickly pulling me out of the place. We got in his car and drove off.

"Where are we going?" I asked, still confused. And clearly, I wasn't aware of his plan of action.

"You shouldn't have met up with her!" He screams as his driving got aggressive.


"I-I'm sorry. I didn't know what to do," I said, putting my head down. He just sighs and continued driving.

I looked up and noticed the familiar road.

"Are we going to my place?" I asked. "You have to pack up, we're going somewhere far." He says in a serious tone.

"You're saying this to me just now?! Without my permission? What am I supposed to tell my parents?" I got angrier by every sentence.

"Well, you met up with my mother without my permission either." He says in defense.

"And tell them it was an urgent business trip, they'll understand." He says.

"Fine, but why all of a sudden?" I ask. "She know about our relationship." He replies.

"That's it?" I ask, a bit of anger in my tone. "What do you mean?" He stops the car, as soon as we got in front of my place.

"That's the reason why? Now that she knows, then we should tell her. I'm tired of hiding." I said, sighing.

"You don't get it-"

"I do get it! Just because of our social status, we can't be together? That's completely absurd. Would you rather marry someone else you don't know just to keep you and your family's riches?" I released everything that was clouding my mind.

"I- also am tired of hiding. But what do we do with my mom? You know she's going to get in our way, whether we like it or not." He explains.

"I have an idea, just follow my lead," I said, smirking.


Byungchan's POV

"Excuse me, could you call in some reporters today? I would like to hold a conference." I said to my secretary.

"When are you going to hold the conference, sir?"

"Later afternoon, as soon as possible," I said boldly. My secretary just nods and bowed before he left.

the conference

As soon as I entered the room, cameras started flashing. I stepped up on the stage, with nervousness filling up my body. I scanned through the crowd filled with the cameramen and reporters, I glanced at Y/N from across the front.


She slightly nods her head as a 'go' signal.

"Good afternoon everyone, today, I would like to announce something important," I said as a starting note.

"What is the announcement about?" Said one of the reporters.

"I would like to announce something regarding my relationship." Reporters started getting more interested.

"Who is this lucky lady you would like to introduce?" Another reporter asked.

"This lady is no other than, (Y/F/L/N), from the Asset Management Team," I said, without holding back. I averted my attention to her and the cameramen turned their direction to Y/N.

She slowly went up to me as the cameras followed. As she got beside me, she sighed deeply as if she wasn't breathing while she walked.

The reporters started taking more pictures of the two of us.

"I would like to apologize for the sudden call. But thank you, everyone, for coming." I said as my ending words then left with Y/N by my side.


We sat beside each other on the couch, waiting for the news broadcast. Y/N got bored of waiting and laid her head on my shoulder. I ruffled her hair and smiled.

I noticed her eyes slowly closing, so I tapped her shoulder. She immediately stood up, trying to keep herself awake. I just chuckled at her reaction.

A few minutes later, the news came up.

"This afternoon, the well-known young CEO, Choi Byungchan announces through a conference regarding his love life." The reporter said.

Then, it showed the video took this afternoon. After it ended, we looked at each other.

"Do you think it was a good idea?" Y/N asks. "Of course," I smiled then squished her cheek playfully.

As we were playfully fighting each other, my phone started ringing. I read the caller ID, and as I expected, it was my mom.

Y/N noticed it and had a worried look on her face.

"Don't worry, okay?" I reassured her, and she just smiled.

"What now?" I said, making my tone obvious that I didn't care about her opinions anymore. "Why are you asking something you already know, huh?"She says.

"Your opinions don't matter to me anymore. So please leave the two of us alone." I said firmly.

"I know that you know about her background. And I know you're going to talk about our riches. Well, I don't care about that. So if you want me back, let us be." I got more furious after every sentence.

"That's it, Choi Byungchan, you're are not in the position as the CEO. And also, I'm disowning you as my son. So don't bother coming back for me." She says bitterly.

"Why would I bother coming back? You were always the one getting in my way. Y/N was there when you weren't. You want me to marry a rich woman that I don't even love. How could you call yourself human? Even when dad passed away, you didn't bother caring about him. Because you didn't even love him in the first place!" Tears started falling out of anger and sorrow. Then, I ended the call.

I put my phone down on the table and buried my face in my hands. Y/N wraps her arms around me, comforting me.

"That's okay, you did the right thing," She said, patting my back.

1 year later

In a span of 1 year, our lives changed completely. We left our old lives and started anew.

We now lived in a fairly small house, but enough to fit the two of us.

Not just that, but we opened an internet cafè business. And to be honest, it's going pretty well.

I closed up the shop with Y/N and looked at it.

"If we didn't escape from our old, suffocating lives, we couldn't be here right now." I said.

"We may have less than what we had, but as long as you're by my side." I added

"Yeah, and you would've been with another woman." We chuckled at her thought.

After all that, we just sighed, then went back home.

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