《victon imagines》byungchan - secret




"You're still busy?" I ask through the phone. "Well, yeah. It's a really important meeting and-" Byungchan gets cut off as I replied.

"It's fine, you don't need to explain. And no, I'm not mad, I understand." I sighed after explaining.

"Thank you so much Y/N, and I'm really sorry." I heard the sincerity in his voice, so I understood. I ended the call.

Byungchan and I have a solid 5-year relationship. I've been enduring the pain of waiting for him. He always has a tight schedule and I always have to keep up with him.

At a young age, he's already a CEO. Considering his father was the former CEO. Things went wrong after he died unexpectedly. That's why Byungchan had to inherit the company this early.

But how about me? I'm just an ordinary fresh graduate, looking for a stable job. But for now, I work at a nearby convenience store so I wouldn't have a huge problem with money.

It wasn't much of a problem until something happened. The pay I was getting, wasn't enough. So I had to find a much more stable job.

Starting with the fact that I barely have any talents and skills. I couldn't find the perfect job with almost anything, so I had to find a new path in life.

I looked at job listings on newspapers, sites on the internet, and walked around town to find people hiring.

In the end, I did find some. But the problem was either I didn't have experience or I wasn't qualified for the job.

I couldn't just sit around at home all day and rot. So I couldn't give up just yet. I heard my phone buzz so I quickly read it. Byungchan texted me.

"Are you available later at 8? I'm free so I thought maybe we could have dinner."

"Of course I'm available. Where do we meet?"

"As always, our favorite place."


Forgot to mention, I have a really rich boyfriend. But how come I'm suffering in terms of money?

Our relationship is a secret.


It all started back in high school. My parents forced me to be tutored since I was failing most of my classes. And apparently, my tutor turned out to be Byungchan.

We didn't know each other well. I just heard his name because he's a top-notch student. Meanwhile, I was one of the lower-tiered students.

I never agreed to be tutored since I never cared about studying anyway. But I had to whether I liked it or not.

As days have gone by, studying was a bit more fun than before. Because of him, my grades improved. Not only that but also myself.

He encouraged me to discover more things. Sometimes when we didn't have much to study about, we would secretly go out together and have fun.

And that's what I love about him. That's where I also started to have feelings for him. My parents nor his parents knew about our relationship.

Why? Because of our status in life.

Since their family is rich, of course, they would want to carry the riches of the family. So their child should marry someone with the same status.

And I'm automatically out of the choices.

Byungchan and I never liked this idea, so we chose to hide this until we could.


I arrived in the restaurant and I smell a mixture of different foods. It was truly familiar to me because Byungchan and I favored this place a lot.

It was close to his house so we frequently went here before, until now.


As I walk in, I see a tall figure waving at me from a distance And I knew for sure that it's Byungchan. I instantly smile at him and approached the table.

"Did you want to say something to me?" I ask out of curiosity. "Not really. It's just that I had so much to do that I didn't have time to be with you. So I wanted to make it up to you while I have time." I see the sincerity in his smile and I knew he whole-heartedly meant it.

"You don't need to apologize. It's not your fault anyway." I said and we both smiled.


As we were eating, my problems started to storm my mind. And Byungchan thought I was problematic by the look on my face.

"Are you okay? It looks like something's bugging you lately." He looked at me worriedly. "Oh, it's just that, uh," I couldn't finish my sentence.

"It's fine, you can trust me about anything." He smiles to comfort me.

"Lately, the pay I get at the convenience store I work at isn't enough. And I've been finding a job lately, but found nothing." I put down my head in despair.

"Then you can work with me," I almost spit out my drink hearing those words from him.

"Seriously? Work with you? We might get caught if we work under the same roof." Different events started clouding my mind.

"Do you want to get your debts paid or suffer from your low wage job?" He asked, and I almost had no choice. "I guess I should give it a try," I said with a wink of hesitation.

"But I still have to undergo a formal process," I said. "Of course. But I'll try my best to get you accepted." He smiles.


We just finished our dinner and had a chat before leaving the restaurant.

"Don't forget your requirements tomorrow, okay?" He reminded and I nodded in response.

As I walked home, the only thing I had in mind was the fact that I'm going to be working with Byungchan.

Another thing I was thinking about is how I'm supposed to make our relationship not obvious at all.

the next day

I entered the enormous building. And everyone around me was extremely busy.

I arrived at the counter and approached the lady.

"Uh, excuse me. I have a job interview with the CEO." I kindly said and smiled.

"Oh, you must be Y/F/N." She said as she read a list of appointments. "Yes, that's me," I replied.

"Please follow me." She stood up and directed us towards the elevator.

As the elevator slowly goes up, my heart beats faster every floor it passes.

As we arrived on the floor, I felt like fainting. Even though I'm just going to talk to Byungchan, it will be more awkward since this is a serious meeting.

The lady stood beside the double-door with a sign that says "Choi Byungchan, CEO".

She knocked on the door and said that I arrived. "Let her in," He replied. The lady opened the door and excused herself.

I bowed politely at him and made my way in. Just bowing at him makes me feel extremely awkward.

"What's with the politeness?" He asks, which alarmed me. "It's a job interview Mr.Choi Byungchan," I said jokingly.

"Right, right," He coughs afterward.


We talked through all the topics discussed. And I think I improved a lot.

"I'm kind of worried about something," I told him. "Hm? What is it?"


"You see, even if you're giving me a huge chance of passing this interview, I might fail in terms of my work ethics when I start working." He suddenly had a serious face.

"And you know me, this isn't the kind of work I expect to have since I lack some skills." I started worrying.

"Don't say that. You may have a point somehow, but I know you can do it." He smiles at me then pokes my cheek playfully.

"Alright, but I'm just doing this for my good. And of course for you." I smile ear-to-ear.

"You can do it, okay?" He softly ruffles my hair so it won't completely be ruined. I nodded shyly and stood up.

"Yes, sir," I humorously said. He just pouted in response.

"I'll be off then," I said while opening the door. He aggressively waves goodbye and I scoffed at his act.

As I closed the door, I exhaled loudly with my heart beating fast.

a week later

As expected, I got accepted into the job. I only had two friends who are Sejun and Subin.

They're only my friends which isn't important. Well, it's not like I'm forced to befriend everyone in the building.

The three of us went to take a coffee break and had a small talk.

"Hey, our CEO is handsome. I wonder if he's in a relationship." Sejun says out of nowhere. I ended up spilling the coffee which messed up my top.

"Are you okay?" Subin asks as my actions made them instantly stand up.

"Yeah, I'm alright," I said as I tried wiping off the stain with the napkin Sejun gave me.

Byungchan's POV

I watched from the distance as I saw Y/N's co-workers, Sejun and Subin. They were helping her after she spilled her coffee.

As she rushed to the comfort room, I went to where the two of them were.

"Why are you slacking off? Get back to work!" I raised my voice at them which startled them. And also avert other people's attention to me.

"What are you all looking at?!" Everyone else got threatened and went back to what they were doing.

That's odd, I usually don't get mad.

Was I jealous? No way.

I had these thoughts while walking back to my office.


I got back from the comfort room and noticed the two of them sitting back to their places.

"What's with the gloomy face? I was just gone and you guys already look sad." I asked them, trying to examine their expressions.

"The CEO scolded us because we were slacking off." Subin pouts. "What? You guys weren't slacking off. You were just cleaning the mess I made that's why our coffee break got a bit longer." I replied.

"Let's just forget about it. The CEO probably hates us now." Sejun sighs.

"Hey, that might affect your job. I'm gonna go tell him." I said with all confidence.

"Are you crazy?! He might get mad at you too, and I'm kinda worried." Subin says, with hopes down.

I ruffle his hair to make him stop his worries. "Don't worry, it will be fine," I said.

"I don't think it's ," Sejun tilts his head. "Yes, it's ," I accentuated the word 'fine'.

I sat back at my chair and got back to what I was doing. I just wanted this day to end.


As I was about to reach the door exiting, I heard my phone buzz. Byungchan texted me.


"Hey, can we meet at my office?"

"Sure, I was just making my way out."


Hm, that's weird. I was about to text him to meet.

I turned back around and went to the elevator to his office.

As I got there, I knocked on his door. "Come in," I hear him from inside. I slowly open the door, Byungchan on his seat with arms folded.

"What did you call me for?" I asked, slowly sitting down in front of him. I was kind of worried by the look on his face.

"I think you know why," He said, not breaking eye contact with me. "Is it because my co-workers and I were 'slacking off'?" I asked.

"You're almost there," Byungchan smirks. "Oh! Because Sejun and Subin were helping me-" I paused. "No, were you jealous?" I asked, smirking.


"What in the world are you saying?" He sits up straight with a face of denial. I just smirked at him as I folded my arms.

"Aw, Byungchan-ie is jealous," I say in a jokingly cute tone. "Fine, I am. So what?" He asked trying his best to keep a straight face.

"Hey, I didn't say it's bad. At least you care." I squished his cheek. He blushed, still looking down.

"Anyway, I have to go home. It's almost dark, and you know my house is a bit far." I said as I stood up.

"Do you want me to drive you home?" He requests. "Uh, nope. Bye!" I said and rushed out of his office before he could say anything.

And I know for sure he wouldn't chase after me. Because people will start noticing something odd between the two of us.

And we might get caught if he gives me a ride and people see me entering his car. So for now, I declined his offer.

I got to the bus right on time and sat down. I sighed at the view I saw through the window. I pictured in my head all the good things that happened to me today.

And for the first day at work, this may not be the best, but it could be the most fun out of any other.

a year later

Recently, I've been much better here. I thought I wouldn't last for even a week, yet I am still here.

I barely managed to keep it up, but pf course I had to ask a bit of help from my coworkers, and even Byungchan.

The day is almost over so I was dreading to go home even if I just sat all day doing paperwork.

I got startled as I heard the door swing open. "Hey guys, do you have any plans tonight?" Byungchan suddenly appears out of nowhere.

Everyone mumbles words like "Not really,", "Not at all,". And in my head, I didn't have any.

"If none, since your unit has been working hard, our stocks got higher! Which means we will be having a team dinner!" As he announced happily, everyone cheered and were excited about it.

"Not only that, but it's all on me! What do you all say?" Byungchan chants. And as expected, everyone got more hyped by it.

And of course, I was excited about it as well. It was a Friday so I thought, why not go. I never went out with the others in a long time.

After work, we walked to a BBQ place, not far from work. We all sat down and ordered different foods and drinks of our choices.

We got our orders, and some quickly dug into their food. "CEO Choi, you're the best!" Sejun stands up from his seat, directing us to clink our glasses. "Cheers!"

Everyone clinked their glasses and drank. "Hey, why are the credits all on me. Isn't this dinner also about you guys? Come on!" We poured each other's glasses and clinked once again.


All of us had a great time together. Although most of us were already drunk. Subin and I were the only ones who were feeling just fine. We only had a few shots, that's why.

"So how are we going to take them home?" I asked, pointing at the others. Subin just scratches his head.

"I know where these two live," He points at Sejun and Seungsik. I nodded in response. "Aye, you're taking home," Subin says as he points at Byungchan.

"Anyway, good luck!" Subin says as he tried picking up the two boys from their seats. I sighed as if I didn't want to do it.

Of course, I didn't want to make anything out of the ordinary.

"Excuse me, should I just drive you home." I tried my best to act polite, as much as possible. "I'm not that drunk! Just go home, it's late." Byungchan chuckles in the end.

"Something's fishy," Subin tilts his head. I was having a panic attack hoping the chuckle didn't feel weird.

"Sir, I think you're drunk. Just let her drive." Subin gets off-topic, thankfully. "Yeah, you're right," Byungchan responds as he tries to stand up, but fails.

After a few moments, Byungchan ended up passing out. I groaned in frustration, trying to figure out how to bring him to his car.

"Can you help me out?" I awkwardly smile at Subin, who is dragging the two boys out of the restaurant. "You're on your own!" He screams and hurriedly drags them out.


It took me long to take him in the car, and I was sweating bullets by the time I got in the driver's seat.

I took his briefcase and took his keys, and of course, I knew where they would be. As soon as I got it, my phone ringed. Subin texted me.

He texted me Byungchan's address in case I didn't know. And of course, I didn't need it at all. I started the engine and drove off.


I got him on the couch since my body didn't have the strength to bring him to his bedroom. Before I left, I decided to make a meal for him so when he wakes up, he would feel a bit better.

Byungchan's POV

I woke up by the light shining through the large window in front of me. I slowly got up since my head hurt so much.

I got up to get some water. But then I found a note on the table.

I made some hangover soup and some grilled meat. I put in the fridge so just heat it in the microwave. Hope you feel better!

- Y/N

I smile at the message and put it down on the table. I went to the fridge and got the things she made. I heated them in the microwave and stood there.

Before it was done, someone knocked on my door. "Byungchan, it's me!" As I heard the voice, I immediately recognized it.

I opened the door and I was right. "Mom! It's been a while since you visited me." I smiled and hugged her.

"Looks like you just woke up, I could smell something is off." She smiles as I covered my mouth in embarrassment.

I stepped aside and lead her inside. "I'm just gonna go to the bathroom," I smiled and quickly went.

My mom isn't the type to visit me often. Mostly she would just tell me something really important in business. Of course, the company is important to her.

She barely looks after me and I kind of hate it. But she is a busy woman so I respect her. Not to mention her short temper, but I tend to keep up.

As I finished washing up, I see her reading the note on the table Y/N left. I'm dead.

"What in the world is this?" She raises the note, and she knew something wasn't right.

"That's just someone who rode me home, I was drunk last night so it's my fault. And I don't know why she did this." I tried my best to make my excuse plausible.

"Why would a girl drive you home?" She questions. "She was the only one left there. And I don't think she wanted to do that." I said almost yelling at her.

"Then how is she speaking so casually in this note?" That's where I got speechless. "That's what I thought, I have to talk to her." She says, about to leave.

I had nothing in defense, and soon, everything might just unfold. And I wasn't ready.


As soon as I finished eating, my phone ringed. Y/N messaged me.

"Your mom told me to meet her,"

I'm dead.

to be continued

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