《victon imagines》hanse - parasite




Recently, there has been an unknown virus spreading. It's turning people into zombie-like creatures.

I've been handing out canned goods and bottled water right after I got out of the laboratory. The other scientists and I have been trying to find out the source of this virus, and it's been days ever since it spread.

We didn't have much time figuring out the cause and cure by the fact that it's wiping out the country rapidly.

I got back in the lab, noticing that everyone had their eyes on me as if they were waiting for my return. I raised a brow knowing there's something suspicious going on.

"We have a task for you," Seungwoo, the leader of our team said, folding his arms. "W-what?" I asked, shaking in fear.

"You have to catch an infected human," I widened my eyes in utter shock. "Why me?" I pushed back my lab coat, resting my hands on my hips. "Don't worry, you won't be alone," He smiled, meanwhile I frowned in despair.

Someone from behind, causing me to jump. Hanse smiles at me."You?!" I half screamed. "What's wrong with me being your partner in crime?" Hanse wiggles his eyebrows at me. I scoffed at his actions.

Hanse always annoys me by pranking me and doing unnecessary jokes. Sometimes, he would take it too far. Though, those were back in the high school days. He changed ever since we graduated. He became more upright and misbehaved less. I wish he always acted like that.

"What do you say?" Seungwoo tilts his head to the side. As a matter of fact, everyone else has done tasks like this. But mine is complicated. I couldn't say it's easier with a partner, and I don't know how to think about it.

"Fine," I sighed in defeat. "That's the spirit!" Hanse gestures his arm enthusiastically."Follow me then," Seungsik led us to a metal door behind the lab.

My eyes widened at what I saw. There were weapons everywhere, literally. The walls were covered with pistols, snipers, and even submachine guns. There were a ton more than I expected so it will take long to enumerate them one by one.

And now I know why they chose me. I knew myself well by knowing weaponry. Hanse was roaming around, hands at the back so he wouldn't touch anything. Seungsik handed us two guns and a pocket knife each.

"Please be careful," Seungsik said, smiling. You knew Seungsik is thoughtful and caring so you loved that side of his."We will," I smiled in reassurance. Hanse and I left the room, pistols, and knives in our pockets and a rifle in hand.

As we walked out, it felt like an action movie scene."So you guys ready?" Seungwoo asks and we nodded with composure. We followed out Seungwoo as he tossed Hanse a key.

As we got in, Hanse started the vehicle and we drove out of the quarantined area.

As we got farther from the protected area, my heart started beating rapidly out of fear.

We got to the plaza and it was empty. The stores were covered in dust and cobwebs. Everything else was trashed on the ground.

I held my gun tighter in case of a sudden event. "Are you scared?" Hanse asks, focused on the road. "No," I monotonously replied. He just smirked at me, still had eyes glued on the road.

"Why'd you stop?" I asked. "We're here," He said as he got down. I didn't see any sign of living, undead rather.


"They don't like noise, they might ambush us," Hanse explained as we were tiptoeing around the enormous building.

As we peeked, there was a small group of them behind the place so we backed up, inhaled, and went in.

We were thinking of abducting them by communication. They can still speak but it would most likely lack in grammar.

And they won't notice you even if you're physically uninfected. The only thing you'll have to remember is to keep the silence.

As I was lost in my thoughts, Hanse was already talking with one of them. I walked fast yet quietly to where they were.

When I got there, the infected nodded sloppily. "Follow us," Hanse then led the man back to the vehicle.

The man looks like he's in his 20's, and he had good looks, honestly. What a waste of looks.

He held an item of white clothing with blood streaks hanging on his arm, but I couldn't tell what it was.

Thankfully, the vehicle isn't built to be loud, which makes clear sense why we used it.

We successfully got back in one piece and went straight to the back of the lab to prevent any noise.

As the 3 of us entered, I put my pointing finger over my lips, gesturing them to be silent. They all got the message and did what I meant.

The man sat down on a nearby chair as his eyes were swelling, green liquid coming out of it.

"Y-you. Me, h-help," The man startled me as he forcibly grabbed my wrist, his veins filled with the green substance. I stared at Hanse, wide-eyed as he did the same.

"Calm down," Hanse whispered to my ear. "Sir, we will if you cooperate with us," Seungwoo says, coming closer. The man stood up, wiping off the liquid rolling on his cheeks.

He put down his white clothing as he came to follow Seungwoo. Before both of them entered, Seungwoo gestured me to come with him and so, I did.

Hanse's POV

I got curious about the white thing he was holding so I waited for them to disappear. As they got in the room. I picked it up and it rolled down.

A lab coat? Does this mean he's a doctor? That's probably why he was so eager to get help.

I rolled back the lab coat to make it look like it wasn't touched and laid it on the chair. I went to the room they went to and excused Seungwoo.

I whispered to him what I just discovered so he quickly nodded. But before I went back, Seungwoo forced me inside so I went silent.

Seungwoo went to Y/N and whispered to her, which was probably the thing I told him just now. She nodded in response.

Seungwoo puts a tray with a pill and a glass of water on it. "This, w-what?" The man asks, pointing while his finger shakes. "Sir, you can trust us. This will take you to sleep. When you wake up, everything will be back to normal." Seungwoo explained.

The man hesitantly took the pill, but slowly did. In less than a minute, he passed out.

Factually, we don't have any idea how to cure him. We needed examples of the substance found in his body, then we could find a way to find a cure.

But we couldn't be so sure. We had to lie for him to believe us and not to harm us. Hopefully, this wouldn't take too long.

We started taking samples of substances from his body. From his blood, saliva, and including the green substance dripping from his eyes just a moment ago.


We ran tests and was taking long since we couldn't figure out what the substances were.

As I was observing the green substance under the microscope, I saw the man at the corner of my eye, slowly getting up. I noticed Y/N panic so she whispered my name from afar.

I walked swiftly to Seungwoo and ask him what to do.


I waited impatiently for at least one of them to come back as I started panicking silently, trying my best not to make noise.

The man finally sat up and I was frozen in place. His eyes were bloodshot and were still dripping with the green liquid. He touched his eye, noticing it was still the same.

And I knew for sure, I'm dead.

He stood up, quickly grabbing my arm, looking at me straight in the eye. "Y-you, cure me. But y-you, not." His eyes were shaking in anger.

At last, Hanse and Seungwoo went back noticing the scene they were witnessing. I closed my eyes as the man was about to bite me, and there was no turning back.

I felt a force push me aback, wrapping around me. I slowly opened my eyes and I shook in fear, not knowing what to do.

Hanse was now right in front of me, the veins on his neck slowly turning green. I sobbed in his arms as he fell on the ground.

"S-save me," Was Hanse's last words before he passed out. I had to wait for a whole hour before he turns into a fully infected being, and I wasn't that ready.

I'd admit, he probably didn't have hatred at me at all. I think it was I who was thinking the other way around. I was so stupid to know.

When he would offer small things, or when he would create jokes about complimenting me, I would just brush it off as if it was just something to annoy me.

I was wrong all this time.

I sobbed in the crook of his neck, while I tried shaking him to bring him back to consciousness. "Please don't," I sobbed even more.

While I was sobbing, Seungwoo forced the injection in the man as he swiftly went back to unconsciousness.

"What do we do?" I asked Seungwoo as I sobbed loudly in front of him, pleading for an answer.

"In this state, I don't think you'll be able to carry on with the experiments. Just rest and we'll do our best." Seungwoo says as he led me out the room.

I sat on a pile of boxes, burying my face in my hands. "I can't," My voice muffled through my hands as I thought of what I just saw.

3 hours later

I stayed on my seat, biting my nails in fear. I got startled and stood up as Seungwoo barged into the room, wide-eyed.

"What happened?" I asked, confused about how to feel about his reaction. "We did it," Seungwoo says, panting. As soon as I heard those words slip out of his mouth, I immediately stood up and went in the room.

When I got in, the man from a while ago that was in a severe condition is now back to normal. He quickly stood up and held my hand with his.

"Thank you so much. I have no idea how to repay you. And, I'm terribly sorry about what happened before." The man says with sincere eyes.

"Oh, it's fine, really. I think you should thank the guy behind me." I said, smiling. I stood aside and showed Seungwoo, scratching the back of his neck. "Uh, thanks," Seungwoo said, still staring at the ground.

"Where's Hanse?" I whispered to him as he motioned his head to a side of the room.

I move aside the thick plastic curtains, revealing Hanse who was resting on a bed. "Is he okay?" I asked, my tone filled with worry. "I hope so," Chan said, sighing afterward.

"What does that mean?!" I half screamed, startling him. "The cure seems to take a while to cure him," He replied. I put my hand over my forehead in fear and frustration.

"And we already discovered what the substance was," He immediately caught my attention, facing him seriously.

"It's called Toxoplasma gondii. It's found in rodents. And infected people that have this have a worse case of Toxoplasmosis, it isn't the usual one. Though the cure we found is a bit doubtful since it has a few side effects." Chan further explained.

"So that's why it's green," I whispered to myself upon realization. "Then why isn't Hanse taking the cure and the man did?" I asked, emphasizing Hanse.

"He has a weaker immune system so he reacts to the parasite easier. So it takes a while for him to get cured." Chan said. I just stared at his body, veins still shaded green.

There was a long silence as we were processing our conversation until something caught both of our attention.

Hanse slowly sat up, even though he looked the same. "Where the hell am I?" He asked as if everything was fine. While Chan and I stood there, shocked.

Hanse raised a brow at us. "B-but, I, w-what?" I asked, too confused to construct a proper sentence.

Chan slowly passed a mirror to him, shock still filling his body. Hanse looked at the mirror and finally grasped the situation. "I fucking scared myself," He said, still inspecting his face.

"What the hell do I do?!" Hanse screeched loudly. "Thank god you're fine," Chan says, sighing in relief. "What do you mean by fine?" They started arguing.

"Your appearance doesn't affect your brain so you're fine now. It's just that your immune system is weak so-" Chan got cut off when I hugged Hanse out of nowhere.

"W-why," Hanse got confused due to my sudden action. I just hugged him tighter, not letting him know how I think about it.

"Could we talk alone?" I asked Chan as I pulled away from Hanse. "Uh, sure," He forced a smile and exited the room.

"I'm sorry," I apologized first. "Why?" He asked, still clueless. "I have been ignorant all this time," I replied, his face expressing confusion.

"I'm sorry that I never noticed how you cared for me. I thought all that you've done for me were just nothing. But now, I see everything. And it's all clear to me." I explained despite his strange appearance.

He stopped all movements and instantly stood up and pecked my cheek. "I'm damn lucky to find a girl like you," He smiled at me as I did the same.

"Do you feel anything bad? Chan explained to me that the cure has side effects." I told him and he just shrugged in response.

"The only side effect I feel is agitation. Agitation from my heart beating for you," He flashed me a cheeky smile and I just laughed.


what the hell did i just write ???

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