《victon imagines》chan and seungsik - part-time lover



He stopped. Ready, aim fire.

You whispered out a 'Yes!' before you put your bow down. All I have to do is to shoot her. As I shot, I accidentally hit a streetlamp pole, instantly going back to my direction like a boomerang.

Oh no.


Okay, I guess I just have to do this, it's simple.

Heo Chan and, wait who now? Heo Chan and Y/F/N. Whoever that guy is, this is going to be interesting.

No way, I was assigned to set their destinies? That's amazing. But i still can't tell her about this, or the fact that I'm something more than a human.

A cupid.

Oh well, I can't refuse it.

end of flashback

And he's coming this way, great. I ran as fast as I can, trying to pull out the arrow that was shot in my chest. "Gosh, why won't this go?" I whispered to myself.

"What the heck? Who-" I was bumped by someone as I realized who i was. "Oh, I'm sorry," Heo Chan said.

If that's his name.

I noticed the arrow sticking out behind him. I internally facepalmed myself witnessing what I've done.

He reached out his hand to help me off the ground so I gave him my hand. He pulled me up and I stood right in front of him.

"I'm sorry. I was in a rush so I have to go." He said as I was brushing the dust off my clothes. "It's fine, just go on your way," I said and smiled. He smiled back and ran to where he was going.

That's weird, normally it would be an immediate approach when two people get shot by the arrows. We just happened to pass by each other.'

"Oh wait!" Someone said behind me. I guess it's him again.

"Haven't I seen you before?" He asked. I tilted my head and looked at him strangely. "I don't believe so," I replied. "Oh well, it was nice meeting you," He said and went away.

But what was nice about bumping into each other? He was probably lost in his thoughts since he was in a hurry.

I shrugged off all thoughts about him and went on my way. It's been a while since we bumped into each other.

Normally, the arrow would disappear and right now, it was still there. Which means, there's still something about to happen between the two of us, hopefully, nothing too risky.


I went to my favorite pizza place and decided to order the same thing. Almost every day actually.

"I'd like to order the smallest size of pepperoni you have," I told the cashier my order. But there was something odd.

I would know something is different in this place for sure. I've been here a lot of times so I would know almost everything and everyone in this place.

Which made me conclude.


"Excuse me? May I ask if you're new here?" I asked while he was taking my order. "Actually, yes. I started yesterday. I guess you're a regular customer here." He smiled, still not having eye contact with me.

He handed me the receipt and a table number. Before I went to take a seat, I noticed something else. "Have we met before?" I followed-up.

He directed his attention to me and thought for a while. "Oh! We bumped into each other yesterday." He reminded. "I wasn't wrong then," I replied

"Sorry for not noticing earlier, I'm really bad at remembering faces," He said, scratching his head. "It's fine, I also do," I said and smiled before leaving.

I tapped on my phone screen while waiting for my order. It took a while, but the wait is worth it.

"Thanks," I said as the waiter was putting down my order. "Hold on, I didn't order this," I told the waiter as I pointed to the cheese sticks.

"Oh, that. It's on the house," The waiter said, smiling. He left, and I noticed Chan waving at me from the counter.

Oh wow, nice one destiny. I awkwardly smiled at him and ate a slice of my pizza.


I got full after eating an additional order of cheese sticks. I wasn't planning on being stuffed on food like this. But I'll appreciate this while it lasts.

Before I left the place, I waved at Chan and left. Despite that happening, the arrow was still there. So things started getting fishy.

And I know for sure I had to do something with it. I just set a destiny with someone I'm not supposed to be with. And it freaks me out.

At least he's handsome. I'm fine with that. Wait, who am I kidding? Focus.

For sure, this was a problem I couldn't simply search up on the internet. So I had to find something out.


It was a Saturday, so Chan wasn't working at the pizza place, and it was a perfect time. I decided to ask him to meet me at the park.

Since my friend goes to the park every day, it was the perfect chance. I sat on top of a building waiting for him to arrive.

As soon as he got there I got ready to shoot it at him. It will be a piece of cake by the fact that there were no people at that part of the park.

I perfectly shot him, so all I had to do was to find my friend. Until something happened. "Y/N! What are you doing there?" Chan screamed from below.

Thankfully, he noticed me just now. "Hold on!" I screamed and went down the building.

I just hope the arrow won't disappear quickly.

"So, what did you want to tell me?" He asked. This wasn't the plan. I didn't have anything to tell him so I had to think of something quickly.


"Do you like pastries?" I asked him, a bit rushed. "Yeah, why?" He replied. "I could treat you to one of my favorite pastry shops!" I said in a much more lively tone. "Why not?" He said clumsily but smiled.

"But can I excuse myself to the restroom, really quickly." I excused myself as if I seriously had to go.

I walked up to my friend from behind a bush. She was resting on a bench in between jogging. I took the chance and successfully shot her.

I went back to where Chan and I were. And apparently, he already left. So I knew that my plan turned out well. I checked the list once again, and their names were cleared.

So their destinies were set successfully.

Damn, she's lucky.


I went back to the pizza place as usual and noticed Chan right away. He waved at me, so I waved back. Little did he know, he magically turned his back at me to be destined with another woman.

I sat at the usual table and thankfully, I don't notice anything out of the ordinary. I silently ate my pizza, enjoying every bite of it.

A part of my back suddenly got hurt, probably an ant bit me. I touched it to feel if it was, but it wasn't ordinarily a bite, it was an arrow of another cupid.

When you get shot by an arrow, it would give you the effects of a normal yet natural way of feeling hurt. Though expect the lesser impact.

I looked behind me, noticing a cupid right behind me, waving back at me. Of course, only other cupids could notice fellow cupids.

And once your destiny is set to the person you are destined to be, you'll lose your abilities being a cupid, turning you to a human. I didn't hate that fact, I was more of being curious of it.

Another arrow passed me hitting... No. Way.

Seungsik gets hit by the arrow, so I noticed immediately. After he was done cleaning the table in front of me, he went to my direction.

"Oh, you're back again!" Seungsik says enthusiastically. "I'm a regular here, remember?" I sarcastically rolled my eyes at his joke. "Haha, of course, I was joking. You seem different today." Seungsik says smiling at you.

"And how?" I asked, even though I knew why he's acting like that. I noticed that the feathers on my wings started falling apart, so I knew right away that the process his happening.

"Oh! Stay here," Seungsik says as if he forgot something. He took a tuna sandwich from the counter and put it down in front of me. "My treat," He smiled, then left.

"Wait!" You said, involuntarily. But you knew it was the arrow's doing. "Thanks," I smiled at him and he smiled back, which made my heart flutter.

For a first move, that was a bit cliché, nevertheless, I liked it. He's been working in this place for a while, and I see how he's noticeably a gentleman.

And now that I noticed it, I couldn't seem to get him off my mind. And this is a side effect. But now that I'm losing my ability as a cupid, I have to get used to this as a natural human relationship.

Feathers started falling on the polished wooden floor. It looked amusing, except for the fact that the outcome is the opposite. I accepted my fate since it wasn't that hard to live with.

3 months later

I held Seungsik's hand, swinging it playfully. We had a short walk in the park since we had nothing else to do, specifically on a Saturday morning.

Without notice, the rain started pouring. We didn't have any idea it could rain at this hour so we didn't have an umbrella with us at that time.

So Seungsik immediately removed his jacket and put it over my head. We ran to the nearest tree to shelter ourselves. I looked up at Seungsik, his eyes covered by his wet dripping hair.

He just smiled at my small figure as I tried removing his jacket off my head until he stopped me. "But we're shaded now," I said. "I should still protect you," He smiled, ear to ear, so I smiled back.

I cuddled his arm, finding warmth. He placed his head on mine. He started brushing the hair on my partially wet shoulders.

After a few minutes, the rain stopped pouring. Seungsik finally removed his jacket off my head and squeezed out the water from the rain.

"I'm sorry," I said, pouting slightly. "About what?" He tilted his head to the side. "That," I simply pointed at the soaked grey jacket.

"Oh, it's fine. As long as you're okay." He started acting cheesy, although I still reacted. I playfully hit his arm at how cheesy he was.

"But seriously though, don't get sick." He said in a serious tone, immediately changing emotions. "Says the one who didn't cover himself," He shot me an angry yet cute face, knowing he wouldn't get mad at me for that.

I squished his cheek at how cute his expression was. "Ow, what was that for?" He said, touching his cheek. "You're just too cute to resist," I cupped both of his cheeks as I smiled widely.

Without warning, he smacked his lips on mine while our faces were inches away. I held the back of his neck, deepening the kiss.

He suddenly let go, stopping me before we did something else. "We're in public," He whispered before pulling away from my face.


omfg i haven't done a not requested imagine in a while ooh i feel so proud idk why ???

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