《victon imagines》sejun and subin - lost in paradise


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Sejun, Subin, and I are going on a road trip since it's been a while ever since we hang out outside of school. Summer just started a week ago so we wanted this to be a remarkable time.

We were blasting loud music, so loud that the people outside could probably hear. Instead of singing the song, we were screaming the lyrics.

While we were having our mini party in the car, the vehicle's speed started slowing down. Our voices softened after noticing it.

Sejun got off the driver's seat to check what was wrong. I rolled down the window to peek as well. "Do we have a flat tire?" I asked Sejun.

"Two, actually," He replied averting his attention to the tires. I went down to take a look. "How in the world could we have two tires flat at the same time?" I asked with a little bit of frustration.

"Hey guys, is it just me, or is that a vulcanizing and car repair shop?" Subin asks through the window as he pointed to a distance. "Oh you're right," I replied.

"It's kind of far though, but I guess we could push this if we do it together," Sejun says with a bit of hope. "Y/N, you drive then Subin and I will push. Okay?" He asks so Subin and I nodded in response.

I went into the driver's seat and rested my hands on the steering wheel. I noticed Sejun rolled up his sleeves from the side mirror.

Damn, why do I find that attractive?

"Y/N, go!" Sejun screamed as I started the car. I drove at 16 mph to keep a slow pace. A few more seconds, they stopped to rest. Then, they resumed once again.

Until 3 minutes or so, we got there successfully. I got down from the car and noticed both of them sweating. Sejun lifted up his collar to wipe off his sweat.

He's too hot to resist, I swear.

"Good job guys!" I tried to distract myself from those thoughts. We high-fived each other for the efforts we did together.

A man walks up to us, specifically the mechanic working at the car repair. "I see your problem here," He said as he puts his hands on his hips. "How long will it take?" Sejun asks.

"Let me take a look at it first," The mechanic said and went to grab some tools. He started inspecting the other parts of the car in case there were other parts broken, especially checking the bottom part.

"It turns out, not only do you have two flat tires, but your suspension is also broken." The man explained as we all looked at each other in shock.

"Hey, you're rich right?" I overheard Subin whispering to Sejun. "Shut it," He replied as he playfully hit his elbow. "Hey, that hurts," Subin said being pouty.

"It'll take around, the end of the day." The man explained so we got more shocked. "Oh no, how are we going to get home at this rate?" I asked.


"There's a beach resort just a few blocks away, in case you're interested," The man smiled at us, giving his suggestion. "I think we could go with that. After all, we'll just have an overnight stay." Subin said and both of us agreed.

"Just come back at least tomorrow morning," The man said as we were leaving.

We walked a few blocks, and as expected we saw the beach resort the mechanic was talking about. It was beautiful and peaceful. All of us looked at it in awe.

"Well, what are we waiting for?" Sejun asked with a bit of enthusiasm. "Let's go!" Subin said and we walked towards the beach.

We then went into the reception area. We booked two rooms so Sejun and Subin would share. Fortunately, we brought enough money to stay in the resort until tomorrow.

I noticed how large and clean the room was so I was astonished. I unpacked my bag which wasn't that much. We never really thought we'd get into this kind of situation. Thankfully, I had a set of clothes with me enough for the stay.

As I finished unpacking, which didn't take long, I went to see how Sejun and Subin were doing. Our rooms were just beside each other so there wasn't any difficulty getting there.

I knocked on the door and someone immediately opened up. "Oh, you're done?" Sejun asks. "Yeah, I didn't even pack much since we didn't know this would happen," I explained.

He just nodded in agreement then stood aside against the door, signaling me to come in.

I plopped on one of their beds, jumping up and down on the bouncy mattress. Subin was just staring at his phone, browsing through social media. "The Wifi here is surprisingly fast," Subin said, still glued to his phone.

Not long after, Sejun sat beside me, jumping up and down with me. "This is my bed now scram," He said in a deep voice and started to jump more vigorously, trying to throw me off.

"Jeez fine," I went down even though he was still jumping crazily. So I ended up slightly hitting my head at the bedside table.

"Ouch," I whimpered in pain. I held the part of my head where it hit. "I'm so sorry, are you okay? I was just kidding a while ago." Sejun said in a concerned tone.

"Do you think I'm okay-" My voice faded as he cupped my face and leaned closer. He turned my face to the side to check the area that got hit.

He brushed away my hair and touched the wound. I hissed in pain. He looked at his finger which had a bit of my blood. "Hold on," Sejun said and went to his bag.

I didn't really pay much attention to what he was saying. The fact that his face was really close and he was cupping my cheeks at the same time. I hope he didn't feel my cheeks burning up.

I always looked up to him as a brother. He was someone that I didn't really see as a lover, but at the moment, everything is different.


I noticed Subin looking at my direction with a blank expression at so I averted my attention to him, raising my eyebrows. Subin noticed so he went back to whatever he was doing.

Sejun went in front of me, holding a bottle and a box of plastic strips. "This might sting a bit," He said as he opened the bottle and started treating my wound.

I hissed in pain, but as he said, it wouldn't hurt that much. His face was really close to mine as he was treating the wound. And finally, he put a plastic strip on it carefully then pulled away.

"There," He said smiling. "I'm sorry again," He smiled sweetly and ruffled my hair messily. I instantly smiled back without noticing.

I feel different again.

"Hey Y/N, you wanna go to the beach?" Subin asked. "Sure, why not?" I replied excitingly. "Hey join me in too!" Sejun said as he ran up to us both.

The beach wasn't that packed with people. "But we don't have swimwear," I said as we arrived. "We don't need it," Sejun said as he removed his shirt and went in the water.

Subin just shrugged and ran to the water like a child. I slowly walked up to them, not wanting my clothes to get wet.

Subin's POV

"Come here!" Sejun and I said as we were motioning Y/N to come in the water. I went back to land and chased her around.

Until some time, I got her and carried her to the water. "Put me down!" She screamed trying to get off my arms. I ignored her and submerged her in the water.

Sejun's POV

I just watched Subin chasing after Y/N, they seemed to be having fun. But there was a part in me that was hating the moment. As if I wanted to be in Subin's place.

Would Y/N even love me?

I tried snapping out of it and just went with the vibe. Subin put her down as she was drenched as well. "Whatever, let's just have fun!" She said as she started splashing water at both of us.

Of course, we fought back and started attacking each other. We seriously looked like children having fun in the water.

After a few minutes, which felt like hours, we left the water from exhaustion. "I'm hungry, let's eat." Y/N said while holding her stomach. "Sure! Let's just dry up first." Subin replied.


After drying off ourselves, went to a small restaurant near the beachside. We took a seat near one of the huge windows so we could see the view.

It was also the perfect time since it was almost sundown. Not only that, but we also ate different kinds of shellfish to satisfy our craving.

"Wait, don't move," Subin turned to Y/N, who was beside him. He wiped off a grain of rice at the corner of her mouth. "Oh, thanks," Y/N thanked him and smiled.

I felt a bit of jealousy in my heart, even at a small act like that. Nevertheless, I kept those thoughts to myself.

We left the restaurant after finishing our food. The three of us sat at the seaside, waiting for the sun to set.

The purplish orange horizon made me feel relaxed. So we watched the sunset beautifully. As beautiful as Y/N. I smiled at that thought.

"Let's go back now guys," Y/N said as she stood up. Subin and I stood up as well, following her.

"Wait, Y/N, can you come with me?" I said, holding Y/N's small hand. "Uh, yes?" She asked, puzzled. "You'll see," I said smiling.

"Oh uh Subin, you can go first," Y/N faced Subin. He smiled and nodded then went back.

This is it. I'll tell her how I've felt all these years. I couldn't count how many times I've failed. And because of those, I have the inspiration to not fail this.

We went to the back of a small bar in a hut. I was excited and nervous at the same time, I just really hope she wouldn't reject me.

"So, what'd you want to tell me?" She asked. I looked down, slightly kicking the sand. "I, uh-" I stopped before continuing. She raised an eyebrow in confusion.

Subin's POV

I hid at the corner of the hut, eavesdropping their conversation. "I, uh-" Sejun says, uneasy. This is really getting suspense.

"I like you Y/N," "But if you don't like me, it's-" Sejun stopped between his words when Y/N suddenly hugged him.

As a friend who's witnessed their friendship for a long time, I am internally screaming at what I'm seeing right now.


Words couldn't express how I could reply to what he's trying to say. I tried my best to match his size but failed. I ended up hugging his torso due to my short figure.

"I love you too," I whispered to him. I let go and smiled at him. He smiled back and I felt like all my worries were gone.

"Let's go, it's getting late," I requested. Sejun just nodded in response. We walked hand-in-hand while swinging them.

"Congratulations to our new couple!" Subin jumps out of nowhere. "GOSH YOU SCARE THE HELL OUT OF ME!" I screamed out of terror.

"Did you see us?" Sejun asked, still questioning what he just did. "Uh, yeah," Subin says, staring at the sandy ground. "You're not mad?" Sejun asks again.

"Why would I? You two look good together-" Subin pauses, smirking at Sejun. "Looks who's jealous," Subin teased Sejun.

"No, I'm not!" Sejun defends himself. "Were you jealous when I carried her to the water, or when we sat together at the restaurant?" Subin says, still smirking.

Sejun loses his smile and looks angrily at Subin. "Come here you little-" Sejun started chasing Subin around.

I watched them fight and smiled.

"I'm thankful for these two men to watch over me," I thought to myself.

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