《victon imagines》seungwoo - cursed to be with you [part 2]


(A/N: If y'all haven't read part 1, you can't (probably) understand this. So you should go check that out first)


Since the time when Y/N invited me to eat outside, we've lost connection. I haven't really been going to the store where she works to ever since. I'm stupid enough to not get her number, and I regret it a lot. So, I decided to go there today.

"Welcome," Someone greeted me. "Where's the staff here who works in the afternoon shift?" I politely asked the man. "Oh, she's sick today. It's because of the bad weather, so she just stayed home. And she asked me to cover for her shift."

She's sick? What if something bad happens to her? I have to protect her.

"By any chance, do you know where she lives?" I asked more curiously "Are you her boyfriend?" He suddenly smiles. "Uh, yes," I started acting out. "Oh, I guess she never told you her address." He said as he started writing something down on a small piece of paper.

"Here you go," He handed me the paper with her address written on it. "Thank you so much," I thanked him, slightly bowing before I left.


"So this is the place," I said as I looked at the small house. It was enough to fit one or two people.

But what am I supposed to say? She might get startled since we haven't seen each other for a solid two weeks.

I stopped my thoughts and immediately rang the doorbell. A sick Y/N came to the door with pajamas and a huge blanket hugging her whole body. "Seungwoo? Why and how did you get here?" She asked, confused.

"I returned to the store and the person covering your shift said you were sick, so I decided to visit you," I said with a smile. "Oh, okay. Come in!" She said while sniffling.

I looked around the house, and it was comfortable enough to be alone. "So, isn't anyone here?" I asked her. "Oh, I live here alone. My parents work far away from here." She explained.

She started to hug her blanket a bit tighter after realizing she was cold. "You should rest."


Seungwoo hugged me from behind and led me to the couch. He carefully put me down and smiled.

Why is he making me feel like this?

"Do you want to eat something? I promise you, I'm good at cooking." He sat in front of me, still smiling. "Uh, soup maybe? I have a few ingredients in the kitchen." I said with your raspy voice. He stood up and started rummaging the tiny kitchen.

A few minutes later, he brought a tray with egg soup and buttered french bread. "Woah, how did you get all these? I never even knew these things were here." I said, puzzled. Nevertheless, I started eating it.

While I was eating, he turned on the television and hung his left arm on my shoulders. He started leaning his head to my other shoulder. "Hey, stop it-" As soon as I looked, he was already sleeping.


I smiled at his sleeping figure as I slowly put his head down on the other side of the couch. I laid my blanket on him and went upstairs to get another one.

He looks so perfect, no, surreal. As if he came out from an anime.


"Seungwoo, save me," She tried screaming with her raspy voice. Her face was pale, her blood was quickly flowing out. Her heartbeat was slowing down.

"Let me go!" I screamed as two hooded men held me, and I had to watch Y/N suffer, she was helpless. "We believe we can't do so," one of the men said.

Tears started rolling out as her eyes beautifully closed. They let me go as I fell on the floor. I felt lifeless.


"No!" I stood up from the couch as I saw Y/N running down the stairs. I started panting hard after that dream. "What happened, are you okay?" Y/N sat beside me as she looked closely to my face.

Why am I feeling like this? I'm not supposed to.

I involuntarily moved my face away from hers. "I'm fine, just a nightmare. And you're supposed to rest." I said as I stood up and laid her down. "I-I have to go, it's getting late. Take care of yourself, okay?" I hurriedly said and went to wear my coat.

"Uh, okay. Thanks!" She quickly said since I was rushing out the door.

Why is this happening to me? It's been almost a decade, centuries rather, since I've felt these kinds of feelings. And I know for sure, she's the one.

3 years later

I've been dating Y/N three years, and we've been on good terms. We had small fights, but it's part of a relationship of course. Ever since I took care of her when she was sick, she actually admitted that she had feelings for me.

And of course, I didn't hesitate to say so as well.

And here we are, a couple.

She already graduated and I recently had a job as a performer at events. From weddings, birthdays and everything else, you name it. Y/N is happy about me having a job, and I'm enjoying it at least, rather than being jobless.

After the event I came from, I decided to buy something special, really special.

"Welcome sir, what would you like?" The lady asked me. I looked around, and everything was shining. Every kind of jewelry was there. From necklaces to bracelets, it was complete.

But only one thing was on my mind. A ring.

I wanted the best one, something she would like. No, something she will love. And I can't let her down.

I scanned the rings in the display glass and I had a bit of a hard time. I reached the end and found something that caught my attention. The lady went near and looked at where I was looking.

"That's a nice choice. Whoever this lucky lady will be, she's certainly lucky." The lady says as she smiles. She took the ring out of the glass display and I started observing it, and I knew it was the one.


"I'll take it," I said as the lady went to the cashier to check out. It had an outrageous price, but it'll be worth it.


I have waited a few more days to get the right timing. And the day finally came.

At a certain part of a park, I reserved it to prepare something special for her. It had a table for the two of us, with beautiful peonies in a vase. Peonies are her favorite flowers. There was also a path of rose petals leading to the place. It was simplistic yet exquisite.

"Y/N, I have to take you somewhere, but you have to close your eyes," I told Y/N while we were at a nearby cafe. "Uh, why?" She asked. "Trust me," I told her, keeping the secret. "Okay then," She replied.

I put a blindfold over her eyes as I held her from behind, leading her to the place. "No peeking okay?" She just chuckled in reply.

When we got to the place, I sighed at the sight before telling her. "You can remove it now," She removed the blindfold and she was amazed by what she saw.

We sat down and we chatted as we ate. I gave her a huge bouquet of peonies. And she was so happy. I could just live with her smile.

And finally, it was time. I reached out my hand to my pocket. I took out the small box. I stood up from my seat and kneeled in front of her.

Of course, she knew what was happening. She covered her mouth in surprise, wide-eyed. "Will you marry me?" I said as I opened the box. "Of course!" She said with excitement in her voice.

I took the ring and inserted it in her ring finger. "It's so pretty!" She looked at the ring with awe. As I stood up, she hugged me, trying to match my height. She's so adorable. I bent down and kissed her on the lips.

"Thank you for everything," Y/N says as she smiles widely.


The Wedding

It's finally the day. At first, I said I'd be taking this relationship for granted. It turns out, I had to learn something to her before I leave this place. I learned how to love, how to appreciate the small things.

And most importantly, how to care for the people around me. My old self never knew all these things. I was careless and disrespectful. That's why I turned out as a sinful human and getting stuck in this curse.

But now, I'll have to break it.

The large doors opened before me, as I see Y/N. Beautifully walking than ever. Through her veil, she wore a huge smile. As she was getting closer, my heart started beating faster and faster.

As she stepped on the stair, something out of the ordinary happened.

Everyone disappeared?

"Y/N? Where are you?" I started screaming her name through the emptiness. There, she laid on the ground, weak and helpless.

I've seen this before. And I have to do something

I started running to her but was stopped by two hooded men. Just like the one I had a nightmare of.

"Not so fast," A voice of a woman echoed from behind. "Who are you?" Y/N asked, still weak. "I think Seungwoo would recognize," The woman said. She turned around to face me, and that rang a bell.

My eyes widened by the sudden realization. "Yes, I am the queen. You're the one who killed our bloodline. And you have to pay for it." The woman explained. I was too confused to process what was happening but immediately replied.

"What do you want? I've lived through this curse for three centuries. Isn't that enough for you?" I questioned. "Han Seungwoo, what in the world are you saying?" Y/N asked out of anger. "I guess he never told you. How dare you keep such secret to the love of your life?" The woman started going to Y/N.

"Don't you dare touch her!" I started getting furious. "You see, your lover over here isn't a human. He's immortal. Well, immortally cursed." She said as she smirked. "W-What are you saying?" She gets threatened.

"He killed too many people in our bloodline in his original life. And by making him immortal, I've made it a curse." She stood between us and faced me. "Would you like to explain?" She devilishly smiled at me.

"Fine, the only way to break this curse was to marry you. I looked for you in a span of three hundred years, and found you in this life." I explained. "You forgot something," The woman added. I raised my eyebrow at her.

"Didn't you take her for granted?"

"That isn't true!" I tried to get off the grasp of the two men but failed. "Are you sure? You don't look like it." She folded her arms dramatically.

"I am! Because she taught me how to love, how to appreciate the small things, and how to care for others. And I've learned my lesson." My last sentence softened. She directed her attention to Y/N. "I don't she believes that,"

"Well, I actually do. It doesn't matter whether he's been here for three hundred years, or if he was like that in his original life. People change. So I want to appreciate how he turned out. I just want to grow old with him and live peacefully. So leave us alone!" Her voice strengthened by every word, and I was proud of that.

Suddenly, everything went back to normal, and we were relieved. She was in front of me as we took out vows.

"You may now kiss the bride," The priest says. Before we do so, we smiled at each other to forget what happened just now.

In my next life, the deities could come back for me. But in this life, I just want to grow old with my Y/N.

And that's everything I need.

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